Norman Family Court Tour.
Tracy Norman
Failure to secure passenger under 16
Expired Tag
Blake Norman
Operating a vehicle with a license.
Operating a vehicle without insurance.
Carrying a concealed gun
Open container of Alcohol
Driving Left of Center
Blake Norman
Possession of Marijuana
Interesting fact:
Wow, Glen, where you been? Thanks for posting that classic photo. I noticed they're both smiling. Wonder why...
Because Tim just left Charlotte and is now an item with Tracy.
At least that is what I am hearing.
About those charges... Young Blake actually has TWO counts of carrying a concealed gun, and Ms. Norman not only let her tag expire, but she went three more weeks without obeying the law and got NAILED again!
Now here's where a courageous person needs to place a letter with the Newsless Herald: Ms. Norman's close personal friend is Judge John Mull. In fact she and her "boss" specifically asked for him to assist with the big swearing-in. He is scheduled to hear the charges against her son. The Assistant DA is NOT going to ask the judge to remove himself from the case.
This is not right. These are serious charges. Ms. Norman and her offspring do not deserve a favor any more than the next person. TWO counts of carrying a concealed gun! Not one, but TWO! John Mull should sit this one out!
So, will anyone speak out?
Every one show up and support our board member in court Feb 20th!
No more than the circus Burleson put on and got away with, should tracy be worried besides they caught her son.If david had done the investigation he would get the chair. But when it is the upper class no problem he will cover it up.
David is safe. Lets look at the felony charges for having a video camera hidden in a public bathroom. Check your laws people. Then copying it is a felony, besides the fact you show to it others (felony) and then on top of that its a felony to have tim and tracy get a student to set it up for them. Boy that makes you think dont it.
There will be a demand for answers at the public meeting in Valdese. Get ready TIM and GED Tracy. The Truth Will Come OUT. I can not believe they are setting themselves up. Crash and burn!
I am interested in how "open" this open forum will be. I am sure Tim and Tracey will control the openess to his spin doctor style.
Guess who didn't show to the meeting! You guessed it. How come as Chair persons they didn't attend. That must mean they care about the community, and want to serve. Lets GET RID OF THEM.
Why dont you file charges against the kids who videotaped the lockerroom theft? If it was a felony why not file charges? Sounds like Buddy Armour Bullshit to me.He should file charges.
Because for you and your "team" ... they are not goign to charge those kids because some "leaders" may have had those kids set it up. Then a "friend" of a "leaders" "son" over heard the tape at "her" house. She would then also face felony charges. We need to protect this leader and leave her on the board dont we? Is she going to remove the bible from school too, since there is rape and insist stories in there?
Again file charges if tracy done something illegal remove her. Burleson remove him anyone involved should be in federal court.Charge the kids I want the truth. No, Hugh Blackwell and Sam Aycock knew the only way to keep everything from coming out was to have a conditinal resignation from billy. It would protect everything. Buddy Armour was involved deeply from behind the seens in this episode and he knows what went on and if it went to court all would come out. Charge the kids where a judge can unseal it all.We want to know and all guilty party's should pay the piper.
There is a private investigation going on now against norman. just hold your horses. And from what i hear some people getting tracy tim affair pixs as well. Hopefully they will post them here. All of us students cant stand those two. They have screwed all our school and we the students know it! Mrs. Norman,why dont you have your kids in our schools? Cause they would get kicked out for drugs. So step down and stop ruining our (good teens) life at school. You stink!
any update on the pics? Both of these idiots are an embarrasement to the school system
Check out the UNLIMITED SALARIES the new director of technology is 1. receiving, 2. proposing for 2 more additional staff people.
If Tim, Tracy, and Rob were SUCH PROPONENTS for cutting Scott Smith's HUGE salary - check out what these folks are making. It takes 3 people to replace one. And check out what Tracy Norman's tight pants . . . . . hmmmmmmmmm, maybe Angie could give her some of her HUGE salary so she can buy some pants that fit! Tracy - GET A LIFE!!!!!! Folks talk about you all the time - - - - - :) and it isn't good!
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