To the person talking about Tim and morals? What about his marriage? You need to think before you speak. We are not judging supports, but comparing Tim and David is like Comparing Jesus and Satan! and David being the good one. Get a life you pathetic moron.
Now don't you two see that you're in love with each other? I mean, why can't you face that already? You're running around out there looking for something that's not even there, when everything that you dream of is right here, right here in front of you. Now why can't you two admit that?
(In reference to the 6:30 post) My answer is yes and I believe they are more than capable. However, I am beginning to wonder about you, because sentences are not usually started with the conjunction "but."
Tiny Tim and Big Tracy are running scared people. They called Pleasant Ridge this week demanding that the preacher turn over letters who a member handed out in support of David. Who do they think they are? They think they have the right to tell people what they can read. They tell people that they are not allowed to support David. They neither one have any class.
How can someone who only has a Good Enough Diploma tell the citizens of Burke County what they can read.
Tracy talks about she doesn't want to be on the board and be known for allowing people to read The Kite Runner. Does a christian woman leave her husband and 3 sons. Anyone who has spent any time around Tracy knows that she is Bi-Polar and needs medical attention. That is all she craves, she must be the center of attention regardless of the situation.
The only way this board can save face is to extend David's contract now, not in 2 years. Go ahead Tracy and Tim, tell the people why David is so bad. You will continue to see the support David has. As President Reagan said "You Haven't Seen Anything Yet".
When the people voted you in Tracey they voted for a different woman than you turned out to be. You are a liar for one, an idiot, a whore, and a major thorn in our county's side. You, Tracey are the laughing stock of western North Carolina. We don't want you directing our children. Please resign and take Tim with you, He is also a disgrace. Your feelings are going to get hurt worse if you stay. So suck up your pride and get out, you don't live in the district anyway. GET OUT or you will PAY.
When the board began talking about building the new schools, he asked that the schools not be named after a person. He noted many great individuals who made great contributions in education in Burke County and acknowledged it would be hard to recognize all of them by naming a school for them. He ended by stating that it was not his intention to discredit anyone's contribution to education.
Mr. Armour mentioned July 6 was the first day for filing for the November elections. He asked when individuals came to the Board of Elections if there would be a map for them to look at in order to determine their district. Mr. Martinat responded the Board of Elections has a map and Mr. Aycock had researched minutes that indicated the district map was established back in the early 70's. Mr. Armour inquired if the school board needed to re-affirm the district map. Mr. Martinat did not feel this was necessary. The district map was already established by a prior school board.
Mr. Brandon asked when the board would discuss the residency issue concerning Ms. Norman.
Mr. Martinat asked Mr. Aycock to immediately begin the process of investigating a comment/rumor that stated if students and others did not stop talking about the Billy Anderson issue a board member in the east would have their house burned down. He asked Mr. Aycock to report his findings.
"Anonymous said... to 6:27 KKKK (Knights Klu Klux Klan) Hey! Tracey, We are watching you!!!!!!!!!!!! June 14, 2008 11:06 AM"
Those are the comments of a David Burleson and Buddy Armour supporter. Thank you, 11:06 AM, for just one more affirmation that as a "Buffoon", I am supporting the right people.
I just have to say that I was so impressed with the behavior of all the wonderful folks at Monday's meeting who were there in support of DB and against the Buffoons.
They are truly role models for my children, and they make me proud to be from Burke County.
Two media advisory committees, in addition to Superintendent David Burleson recommended rejecting the Challenge to "The Kite Runner", saying that this book should be part of the curriculum - but ONLY FOR HONOR'S CLASSES!
They had the audacity to recommend BANNING this book from the CP students. I object!
Doesn't anybody care about the CP students' First Amendment rights? Will the ACLU sue on behalf of the students who have lower IQ's? Who can tell me why this is fair?
The logic is that only the brightest of Burke County's youth can handle the following:
Page 77 - “I stopped watching, turned away from the alley. Something warm was running down my wrist. I blinked, saw I was still biting down on my fist, hard enough to draw blood from the knuckles. I realized something else. I was weeping. From just around the corner, I could hear Assef’s quick, rhythmic grunts.”
I think I did read something just like that in the book of Ezekiel, Mr. Wilkinson, you're right! I'm pretty sure I remember reading about the sounds a rapist makes while anally raping a young boy in my Bible study, too.
Page 116 of TKR - “My mind flashed to that winter day six years ago. Me, peering around the corner in the alley. Kamal and Walli holding Hassan down. Assef’s buttock muscles clenching and unclenching, his hips thrusting back and forth. Some hero I had been, fretting about the kite. Sometimes, I too wondered if I was really Baba’s son.”"
And this high class piece of literature...
Page 7 – "He handed his cigarette to the guy next to him, made a circle with the thumb and index finger of one hand. Poked the middle finger of his other hand through the circle. Poked it in and out. In and out. “I know your mother, did you know that? I knew her real good. I took her from behind by that creek over there.” The soldiers laughed. One of them made a squealing sound. I told Hassan to keep walking, keep walking. “What a tight little sugary cunt she had!” the soldier was saying, shaking hands with the others, grinning. "
Please join with me in calling and emailing the ALA, the NCAC and the ACLU to get their help in standing for the rights of ALL students, not just Honors students. Meet me at the Courthouse Square on Monday night at 7:30pm. I'll be the one dressed in an OBAMA '08 T-shirt, smoking a joint. Thank you.
I think I did read something just like that in the book of Ezekiel, Mr. Wilkinson, you're right! I'm pretty sure I remember reading about the sounds a rapist makes while anally raping a young boy in my Bible study, too.
Kite runner is old news. New news is getting rid of tracy and tim. we have them squirming people. keep it up. see how like being done unto as they have done to others.
Biplor: In bipolar disorder, or manic depression, each mood swing is called an “episode.” There are 4 main types of mood episodes that people with bipolar disorder can have:
Depression — Depression is when people with bipolar disorder feel very sad. Sometimes this can go on for a long period of time. They may not even want to get out of bed or eat. They don’t enjoy doing things they used to do. Mania — Mania is the other side of bipolar disorder. Mania may start with a good feeling, almost like a “high.” Or it may make a person feel very irritable and angry. People with mania may do very risky things. Hypomania — Hypomania is a milder form of mania. It can make people feel good. They may think they are getting more things done. But the “feel good” stage can change into mania or depression. Hypomania is different from mania because it doesn’t get in the way of things like work or family. It sometimes is not even noticed as a problem. Mixed mood — This is when feelings of mania and depression go back and forth quickly, sometimes even in the same day.
Increased energy level Less need for sleep Racing thoughts or mind jumps around Easily distracted More talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talking More self-confident than usual Focused on getting things done, but often completing little Risky or unusual activities to the extreme, even if it’s likely bad things will happen
Symptoms of Mania: (Bi polar) One person describes mania this way: "The fast ideas become too fast and there are far too many…overwhelming confusion replaces clarity… Your friends become frightened…everything is now against the grain…you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped."
I am ashamed to let people know that I work in Burke County. The past board could not please everyone and the present board is no different. If the name callers and complainers are so unhappy - why don't you put yourself in the public eye and run for office? I am sure if your past was scrutinized you would have a few skeletons in your closet as well. We are all sinners - I don't know anyone that is perfect.
Tracey, Get Out and take Tim with you. God does not approve of fornication with another while married and lying. My children even know who you are and what you are up to, and they do not respect you as a leader of our board. Quit! before you corrupt our children. God help you and Tim. I am praying that God take Tim and yourself off the board. You are a disgrace to our Schools and county.
This message is to Tracy and Tim. Please tell everyone why you two are so afraid of David. Tell us why you tell everyone that you will not renew his contract in two years.
Why would we not want David leading our county school system. Please give some reasons.
I would like to know if the reasons to remove David could not also be said or pointed to the current board or specifically toward Tim and Tracey. Remember TIM & Tracey, let him without sin cast the first son. Becareful.
I think at this point, for those who really care, it's obvious that these two have made their first grave mistake (legally that is). If this latest stunt they pulled regarding changing the map doesn't get them burnt, then we really have a problem. This is something that could possible be a "fraudulent" act and handled solely by the court system, definitely a legal case. Surely, it will be handled as such! This board has no one specifically to answer to but regardless, they can't take the law into their own "2" hands.
My 11 year old son was at the Board Meeting June 9th, He was there for a special purpose. He was very confused with what was going on and also he noticed the way Ms. Tracey was acting(like an idiot)Yes, he did noticed. Children will judge for them selves what they see. He said he had seen Ms. Tracey at his school before. Tracey he will always remember you as the idiot.
Nothing will happen just like in the billy anderson case.Burleson lied in a criminal investigation.Stick it where the sun dont shine for four years.I challenge you to write in the news herald if feel this strongly about it.
Fire Burleson to get our system straightened out.Also look at Susan Wilson Polpeter.She does everything on company time but schools.When her and David are busy attending social functions when do they have time for our schools?Susan Wilson keep your nose out of Nancy Taylor's rear she can not sace David or you!
Buddy is as big a hypocrite as Tracy and that is a fact! He has pulled schemes since he has been on the board.It is time for him to go and the worst thing for the schools is if big numbers turn out at the polls it usually means change.
It has been 24 hours since the post asking for reasons to fire David as you desire to.
We are still waiting for reasons.
It appears there is no reason not to extend his contract within the next two meetings.
Judgement day is coming for you two untrustworthy individuals.
Tracy please wear something different at the next board meeting. You looked like the chick-fa-laid cow last week. Maybe Tim can give you an employee advance on your next check. I sure you two can settle up later.
He has contract until 2010.Why would the board consider doing something that stupid? Renewing his contract way before time is not fair to another board inthe future or was it to this board in the past by Ray and his monkeys. It makes no good buisness since and why do they need to think about it now? Unless you think they are stupid enough to extend it past their term. No, I say 2010 will be long enough to put up with David Burleson. Start looking Burleson.He knows he will not be here so why worry about it. 2010 will be a new day in BCPS.
I can without a doubt tell you of three. Buddy id gone no matter what people across the county will unite to get his ass gone. He would waist 20 to file plus campaigning with people would hurt whoever Buddy would team up with. In Pat's Snack Bar the other day the conversation among some folks was how to get rid of Tracy and Buddy. By Buddy!
Well, guess what, a lot of things can and more than likely will take place before 2010.
One thing for sure is that Tracey will be out and probably trying to dig herself out of a court case of FRAUD. Tim, will never get re-elected, there's no way! Everyone has seen the real side of those two and their affairs. As for Randall, he should have been gone ten years ago, at what age does a person retire anymore. He is so proud of his little notebooks and papers. Hate to think of what he would do without 'em.
Again, has anyone come up with a single reason to dismiss David? I don't think Burleson is going anywhere. He's here to stay, get used to the idea. Course' most people with any sense are proud to have him as our Superintendent!
The map situation will be taken care of through the court system. This is a case that only they can handle. It is in the works now, whether they know it or not. I suppect they do. You don't just change things on your own to suit yourself. It's against the law! That's why they have laws, to prevent people that don't know any better from doing stuff like this. This could be a bigger issue than even they suppect. We'll wait and see!
I am glad they are in trouble, but just because you say it on here doesnt make it true. Can you give us details of what is actually going on to bust them?
Well it would be nice to know about the so called orginal map that was used to try to oust tracy.Who drew it?No one knows. Also,what will happen with Bryan Grady getting ready to sue Buddy Armour? I was told by a judge Tracy could still sue Ray and the gang for their botched attempts to remove her.She has the attorney to retaliate with.
Tracey can sue anyone she wishes, but she needs to first worry about her problems. She is in over her head, she needs to concentrate on what she will be dealing with. I'm sure her attorney would recommend this to her also.
Tracy can not be removed unless their is enough evidence and the state must remove her.Also, keep in mind the majority will choose her replacement.It is rumored David Burleson is heavy involved in this and trying to have Tracy,Tim and Rob removed one by one.He wants a board he can control.If this should start to unravel as you state then David Burleson will be Terminated effective immediately! David teters upon the lines of direct insubordination against his bosses.In his mind no one will ever touch him.I say terminate him, pay him what he is owed and in about six weeks it will be old news.Caroline Avery and Nancy Taylor wouls switch gears to the new superintendent.
re: 2:21 You have to be out of your mind. First of all, who do you think is gonna remove Tracey....the state....good guess! If David is involved in this, so are all of his supporters behind him. He has done NOTHING to be terminated for. If you were at the last board meeting, you would know that the only one sitting on the board that showed tha showed perfectionism ....was Mr. Burleson. The rest are a bunch of clowns who think they are on a road show. In reference to the map dealing....I'm not sure what this offence carries, but you are talking fraudulency. For this you could be fined, placed in jail (or both) and you certainly would carry this on your record permanantly. Not that Ms. Tracey has a clean record to start with, but this sure would add some color.You need to rethink the chance of David being terminated and worry about the other wagon coming behind.
3:14 If you know so much, why not share what you know with the rest of us.........we don't know.'cause there's nothing TO know. You're all talk.......all the garbage is on the main two and everyone has put it out there.
Funny, everyone says David is the same but doesn't have anything to back it up with. There is nothin'...just a bunch of BIG MOUTHS FULL OF CRAP!
OOPs. LOL I Meant Burleson DOES NOT go around with a wedgy in front and back. Go ahead make fun of my mistake. ANYWAY - look at Tracy and you will see she has a wedgy EVERYWHERE
Can anyone lists Tracy's christian quailties? Parental qualities?Integrity qualities? And how she is not a stumbling block to our community. Just wanting to know if anyone can actually list those. Serioulsy.
This post is to inform posters---7:20 PM, 7:44 PM, and 4:08 AM. Yesterday, on the "View", Michelle Obama wore a very similar outfit. The "CBS Early Show" informed viewers this morning that Michelle purchased her outfit for $150.00 at the "White House/Black Market" boutique. Hip or not, similar black and white outfits are fashionable now.
Has anyone got past Tracy's fat and looked at her hair. She needs to get out of the Hosiery Mill fashion. She's been Boarding socks to long and gravity has took affect on her thighs. TRACEY you look hidious.
Evangelist? Now there is a profession Burleson would make millions at.He already has the used car salesman look and approach.I know he could make a killing.If Susan Polpeter can play the piano they could sing and dance. Man somebody should help Burleson with this.
This is in response to poster 4:51. Her outfit may be fashionable from the White House/Black Market to wear at the White House, who knows....who cares.....but this is Burke County, NC
Yes and what goes on in Rexanna's office so much that her and Burleson stay tied up behind closed doors?Is East Burke in that bad of shape or is their skullduggery going on? Remember the old country song When we get behind closed doors?
Have you seen for your self there is closed door activities, or is this strictly here say? I am not on either side of the fence, I am just wondering if you actually know the truth or spout off?
i still think it is funny how you all bash tracy but dont have the balls to act on what all of you say. we are all sitting back laughing because we know your "side" is all talk. thats all you people have done. so shoot off at the mouth all you want here because we are in control and you dont have the balls to stand on what you threaten. THAT IS THE TRUTH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? NOTHING BUT GRIPE!
That is my exact point. The Tracy haters run this site, spout off, anonymously and are all talk and the WORST thing you can come up with is to call her an idoit and then NOT speak up who you are. What a great website and public actions. WE ARE STILL INCHARGE.
You know, it really ticks me off that you can get on here and tell everyone how you are calling all the shots. Thatshows how immature you two are (meaning Big Tracey and Tiny Time). You have got guts telling everyone in Burke County (by way of this Blog) that no one can touch you.....that's where you're wrong! BOTH OF YOU!!! You'll find out soon who will be in charge and it ain't gonna be you guys...
how many years have you tride to get Tim and Tracy out? is has never happened and it never will. we are voted in and staying in. there has been talk for years..and that is all it has been... all talk and no action.. drop the bull talk
Date "idiot" was first used: some time in the early 14th century. (references)
Etymology: Idiot \Id"i*ot\, noun. [French expression idiot, from Latin expression idiota an uneducated, ignorant, ill-informed person, Greek, also and originally, private person, not holding public office, from proper, peculiar. See Idiom.]. (Websters 1913)
Specialty Definitions: Idiot Domain Definitions Satire IDIOT, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. The Idiot's activity is not confined to any special field of thought or action, but "pervades and regulates the whole." He has the last word in everything; his decision is unappealable. He sets the fashions and opinion of taste, dictates the limitations of speech and circumscribes conduct with a dead-line. Source: Devil's Dictionary. 19th Century Satire From Eng. idea, and out. One who is just out of ideas. Source: Foolish Dictionary, 1904. Dream Interpretation Idiots in a dream, foretells disagreements and losses. To dream that you are an idiot, you will feel humiliated and downcast over the miscarriage of plans. To see idiotic children, denotes affliction and unhappy changes in life. Source: Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted .... Education A person in whose case there exists mental defectiveness of such a degree that they are unable to guard themselves against common danger. Source: European Union. (references) Literature Idiot meant originally a private person, one not engaged in any public office. Hence Jeremy Taylor says, "Humility is a duty in great ones, as well as in idiots" (private persons). The Greeks have the expressions, "a priest or an idiot" (layman), "a poet or an idiot" (prose-writer). As idiots were not employed in public offices, the term became synonymous with incompetency to fulfil the duties thereof. (Greek, idiotes.) (See Baron.). Source: Brewer's Dictionary. Multilingual Slang Albanian (debil), Bielorussian (pizdabol' ), Catalan (pastanaga, sapastre), Dutch (dombo, lul, oetlul), German (verdammter Schweinehund), Italian (budiùlo, coglione), Norwegian (idiot), Panjabi (bef koof), Polish (piz'dzielec), Quebecois (niaiseuse, niaiseux), Slovak (chuj), Spanish (capullo , cutre , gilipollas, pendejo), Swedish (kronjon), Swiss German (lööli , tubel), Welsh (coc oen). (references) Public Administration Enc. Britt. Source: European Union. (references) Slang Berk, someone who doesn't know shit from shinola. (references) Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Unmeaningness Empty sound, dead letter, vox et praeterea nihil; "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal."
Source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus.
Crosswords: Idiot English words defined with "idiot": Driveler ♦ even ♦ Fon ♦ idiot box, idiot light, idiot savant, Idiotical, Idiotish, imbecility ♦ Nidget ♦ Slabberer, Slaverer. (references)
Specialty definitions using "idiot": @Begin ♦ berk, BFI, bozotic ♦ cup holder ♦ doesn't know shit from shinola ♦ Gellatley ♦ Hercules Secundus ♦ Inspired Idiot ♦ jacko ♦ LONG TONGUED ♦ story. (references)
Non-English Usage: "Idiot" is also a word in the following languages with English translations in parentheses. Albanian (ass, asshole, cretin, dizzy, fool, idiot, idiotic, motherfucker, natural, shitass, shithead), Czech (cretin, idiot), Danish (idiot), French (addled, asinine, ass, asshole, daft, dullard, fathead, fat-head, fatuous, fool, foolish, footless, gaby, gawky, goon, half wit, halfwitted, half-witted, idiot, idiotic, imbecile, loon, lunatic, moron, natural, nonsensical, off his rocker, pointless, rubbishy, silly, soft-headed, softy, soppy, stupid, tomfool, twerp, twit, wooden, wood-headed), German (basket, blockhead, clown, cretin, doofus, drip, goon, idiot, imbecile, ninny, numskull, twit, zombie), Norwegian (idiot), Papiamen (idiotic), Romanian (cretinous, fool, half wit, idiot, idiotic, idiotical, idiotically, lunkhead, mooncalf, mutt, nincompoop, numskull, piffling, senseless, soft, stick, stupid), Serbo-Croatian (idiot), Swedish (cuckoo, dumbbell, dumb-bell, idiot, imbecile, mooncalf, moron, oaf, sap, saphead, Turkey, wet).
Modern Usage: Idiot Domain Usage Screenplays Awwyou know that was the hardest part of having to portray youyou running like an idiot every fifteen minutes. (Mission: Impossible II; writing credit: Bruce Geller; Ronald D. Moore)
Place that idiot scientist under arrest! (Lilo & Stitch; writing credit: Chris Sanders)
A natural fucking idiot. (Snatch.; writing credit: Guy Ritchie)
I don't think you're an idiot at all. I mean, there are elements of the ridiculous about you. Your mother's pretty interesting. (Bridget Jones's Diary; writing credit: Helen Fielding)
I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. (Titanic; writing credit: James Cameron)
Lyrics Cause I'm an idiot, a loser, microphone abuser ("Take A Look Around"; performing artist: Limp Bizkit)
Clever Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. (references; author: Mark Twain)
Make it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot. (references; author: unknown)
When you are arguing with an idiot, make sure the other person isn't doing the same thing. (references; author: unknown)
Movie/TV Titles Un idiot à Paris (1967)
The Idiot (1966)
Idiot (1958)
Price 2d Idiot Weekly (1956)
L' Idiot (1946)
Song Titles Town Idiot, The (performing artist: Kicking Giant)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Commercial Usage: Idiot Domain Title Books The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club (reference)
How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive 19 Ed: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot (reference)
Idiot Letters: One Man's Relentless Assault on Corporate America (reference)
The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club: True Tales from a Magnificent and Clumsy Life [DOWNLOAD: MICROSOFT READER] (reference)
Heart Monitor Training for the Compleat Idiot (reference)
(more book examples)
Theater & Movies Celestial Navigation for the Complete Idiot (reference)
Photon: The Idiot Menace (reference)
(more DVD examples; more video examples)
Music Idiot (reference)
(more classical music examples; more popular music examples)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Image Slideshow: Idiot Computer Images: Idiot
More images... Subject(s): ... boob, tube, idiot, box ...
Photo Album: Idiot Thumbnail Description & Credit Idiot.Credit: National Library of Medicine.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Sounds Captioned with "Idiot". Play Caption Blithering idiot. Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Familiar Quotations: Idiot Author Quotation Anton Chekhov Any idiot can face a crisis, it's the day to day living that wears you out. Horace Mann If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it. John Donne Nature's lay idiot, I taught thee to love. Steven Wright There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot. W. S. Gilbert The idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own. William Blake To generalize is to be an idiot. What is grand is necessarily obscure to weak men. That which can be made explicit to the idiot is not worth my care. William Shakespeare Life? It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury; signifying nothing. Source: compiled by the editor from various references.
Use in Literature: Idiot Title Author Quote Les Miserables Hugo, Victor I do what you wish, that cuts you out of it, idiot.
Something Wicked This Way Comes Ray Bradbury But no, you lie pinned to a deep well-bottom that's burned dry. The moon rolls by to look at you down there, with its idiot face.
Macbeth William Shakespeare Out, out brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references.
Non-Fiction Usage: Idiot Subject Topic Quote Children Russia The label of "imbecile" or idiot, which is assigned by a commission that assesses children with developmental problems at the age of 3 and which signifies "uneducable," almost always is irrevocable, and even the label of "debil"--lightly retarded--follows a person throughout his or her life on official documents, creating barriers to employment and housing after graduation from state institutions. (references)
Lexicography Devil's Dictionary STORY, n. A narrative, commonly untrue. The truth of the stories here following has, however, not been successfully impeached. One evening Mr. Rudolph Block, of New York, found himself seated at dinner alongside Mr. Percival Pollard, the distinguished critic. "Mr. Pollard," said he, "my book, The Biography of a Dead Cow, is published anonymously, but you can hardly be ignorant of its authorship. Yet in reviewing it you speak of it as the work of the Idiot of the Century. Do you think that fair criticism?" "I am very sorry, sir," replied the critic, amiably, "but it did not occur to me that you really might not wish the public to know who wrote it." Mr. W.C. Morrow, who used to live in San Jose, California, was addicted to writing ghost stories which made the reader feel as if a stream of lizards, fresh from the ice, were streaking it up his back and hiding in his hair. San Jose was at that time believed to be haunted by the visible spirit of a noted bandit named Vasquez, who had been hanged there. The town was not very well lighted, and it is putting it mildly to say that San Jose was reluctant to be out o' nights. One particularly dark night two gentlemen were abroad in the loneliest spot within the city limits, talking loudly to keep up their courage, when they came upon Mr. J.J. Owen, a well-known journalist. "Why, Owen," said one, "what brings you here on such a night as this? You told me that this is one of Vasquez' favorite haunts! And you are a believer. Aren't you afraid to be out?" "My dear fellow," the journalist replied with a drear autumnal cadence in his speech, like the moan of a leaf-laden wind, "I am afraid to be in. I have one of Will Morrow's stories in my pocket and I don't dare to go where there is light enough to read it." Rear-Admiral Schley and Representative Charles F. Joy were standing near the Peace Monument, in Washington, discussing the question, Is success a failure? Mr. Joy suddenly broke off in the middle of an eloquent sentence, exclaiming: "Hello! I've heard that band before. Santlemann's, I think." "I don't hear any band," said Schley. "Come to think, I don't either," said Joy; "but I see General Miles coming down the avenue, and that pageant always affects me in the same way as a brass band. One has to scrutinize one's impressions pretty closely, or one will mistake their origin." While the Admiral was digesting this hasty meal of philosophy General Miles passed in review, a spectacle of impressive dignity. When the tail of the seeming procession had passed and the two observers had recovered from the transient blindness caused by its effulgence -- "He seems to be enjoying himself," said the Admiral. "There is nothing," assented Joy, thoughtfully, "that he enjoys one-half so well." The illustrious statesman, Champ Clark, once lived about a mile from the village of Jebigue, in Missouri. One day he rode into town on a favorite mule, and, hitching the beast on the sunny side of a street, in front of a saloon, he went inside in his character of teetotaler, to apprise the barkeeper that wine is a mocker. It was a dreadfully hot day. Pretty soon a neighbor came in and seeing Clark, said: "Champ, it is not right to leave that mule out there in the sun. He'll roast, sure! -- he was smoking as I passed him." "O, he's all right," said Clark, lightly; "he's an inveterate smoker." The neighbor took a lemonade, but shook his head and repeated that it was not right. He was a conspirator. There had been a fire the night before: a stable just around the corner had burned and a number of horses had put on their immortality, among them a young colt, which was roasted to a rich nut-brown. Some of the boys had turned Mr. Clark's mule loose and substituted the mortal part of the colt. Presently another man entered the saloon. "For mercy's sake!" he said, taking it with sugar, "do remove that mule, barkeeper: it smells." "Yes," interposed Clark, "that animal has the best nose in Missouri. But if he doesn't mind, you shouldn't." In the course of human events Mr. Clark went out, and there, apparently, lay the incinerated and shrunken remains of his charger. The boys idd not have any fun out of Mr. Clarke, who looked at the body and, with the non-committal expression to which he owes so much of his political preferment, went away. But walking home late that night he saw his mule standing silent and solemn by the wayside in the misty moonlight. Mentioning the name of Helen Blazes with uncommon emphasis, Mr. Clark took the back track as hard as ever he could hook it, and passed the night in town. General H.H. Wotherspoon, president of the Army War College, has a pet rib-nosed baboon, an animal of uncommon intelligence but imperfectly beautiful. Returning to his apartment one evening, the General was surprised and pained to find Adam (for so the creature is named, the general being a Darwinian) sitting up for him and wearing his master's best uniform coat, epaulettes and all. "You confounded remote ancestor!" thundered the great strategist, "what do you mean by being out of bed after naps? -- and with my coat on!" Adam rose and with a reproachful look got down on all fours in the manner of his kind and, scuffling across the room to a table, returned with a visiting-card: General Barry had called and, judging by an empty champagne bottle and several cigar-stumps, had been hospitably entertained while waiting. The general apologized to his faithful progenitor and retired. The next day he met General Barry, who said: "Spoon, old man, when leaving you last evening I forgot to ask you about those excellent cigars. Where did you get them?" General Wotherspoon did not deign to reply, but walked away. "Pardon me, please," said Barry, moving after him; "I was joking of course. Why, I knew it was not you before I had been in the room fifteen minutes." Source: compiled by the editor from ICON Group International, Inc.; see credits.
Usage Frequency: Idiot "Idiot" is generally used as a noun (singular) -- approximately 94.85% of the time. "Idiot" is used about 601 times out of a sample of 100 million words spoken or written in English. Its rank is based on over 700,000 words used in the English language. Some parts-of-speech are not covered due to the samples used by the British National Corpus. (note: percents less than one-hundredth of one percent have been omitted)
Parts of Speech Percent Usage per 100 Million Words Rank in English Noun (singular) 94.85% 570 11,057 Lexical Verb (base form) 3.82% 23 72,767 Noun (proper) 1.16% 7 133,076 Lexical Verb (infinitive) 0.17% 1 339,140 Total 100.00% 601 N/A
Source: compiled by the editor from several corpora; see credits.
Expressions: Idiot Expressions using "idiot": a dithering idiot ♦ arch idiot ♦ blithering idiot ♦ blundering idiot ♦ congenital idiot ♦ he is a regular idiot ♦ idiot box ♦ idiot card ♦ idiot light ♦ idiot savant ♦ play the village idiot ♦ prize idiot ♦ silly idiot ♦ thundering idiot ♦ village idiot. Additional references.
Hyphenated Usage Beginning with "idiot": idiot-proof, idiot-proofing.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Frequency of Internet Keywords: Idiot The following statistics estimate the number of searches per day across the major English-language search engines as identified by various trade publications. Hyperlinks lead to commercial use of the expression at
Expression Frequency per Day idiot 1,088 boyfriend idiot 155 idiot delight 129 idiot guide 107 idiot test 77 village idiot 41 bush idiot 41 idiot savant 30 idiot savants 21 hollywood idiot 20 Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Japanese Kanji 莫迦 (folly, fool, trivial matter), 関抜け (blockhead, dunce, stupidity), 阿房 (fool, simpleton), 阿呆 (fool, simpleton), 馬鹿 (folly, fool, trivial matter), 頢馬 (dope, fool), 頢痴気 (dimwit, dope, fool, numbskull), 白痴 (idiocy), 痴人 (dunce, fool), 痴れ者 (dunce, fool), 破家 (folly, fool, trivial matter), 惚け (Alzheimer's, assumed innocence, feigned ignorance, fool, out of it from, space case, touched in the head from), 呆け (Alzheimer's, fool, out of it from, space case, touched in the head from). (various references)
Japanese Katakana しれもの (dunce, fool), まぬけ (blockhead, dunce, stupidity), ぼけ (Alzheimer's, fool, Japanese quince, out of it from, space case, touched in the head from), ばか (folly, fool, trivial matter), あほう (fool, simpleton), はくち (anchorage, berth, idiocy), とアま (dope, fool), とアちき (dimwit, dope, fool, numbskull), ちじア (acquaintance, dunce, fool, friend). (various references)
Korean 백치 (idiotic, Idiotical). (various references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various translation references.
Ancestral Language Translations: Idiot Language Period Translations Sumerian 3100 BCE-2500 BCE hu-ru. (various references)
Greek 700 BCE-300 CE idiotes. (various references)
Latin 500 BCE-Modern idiota. (various references)
Old French 900-1400 idiote. (various references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references.
Bible Trace: Idiot Language Date Source 1 Corinthians Chapter 14, Verse 24 Greek (transliterated) 250 BC Septuagint Ean de panteV profhteuwsin eiselqh de tiV apistoV h idiwthV elegcetai upo pantwn anakrinetai upo pantwn Latin 405 Vulgate Si autem omnes prophetent intret autem quis infidelis vel idiota convincitur ab omnibus diiudicatur ab omnibus Middle English 1395 Wyclif But if alle men prophecien, if ony vnfeithful man or idiot entre, he is conuyct of alle, he is wiseli demyd of alle. Renaissance English 1526 Tyndale But and yf all prophesy and ther come in one that beleveth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of all men and is iudged of every man: Jacobean English 1611 King James But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: Victorian English 1833 Webster But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced by all, he is judged by all: Basic English 1964 Ogden But if all are teaching as prophets, and a man without faith or knowledge comes in, he is tested by all, he is judged by all; Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Matched Bible Translations: Idiot Language 1 Corinthians Chapter 14, Verse 24 Bulgarian Защото един след друг всички можете да пророкувате, за да се поучават всички и всички да се насърчават; Cebuano Apan kon ang tagsatagsa magahimog profesiya, ug unya mosulod ang usa ka tawo nga dili magtotoo o Walayp alamag, kini siya pagahukman sa tanan, siya pagasudyaan sa tanan, Chinese 若 都 作 先 知 講 遢 、 偶 然 有 不 信 的 、 或 是 不 通 方 言 的 人 進 來 、 就 被 眾 人 勸 醧 、 被 眾 人 審 明 . Croatian Ako pak svi prorokuju, a uðe koji nevjernik ili neupuæen, sve ga prekorava, sve ga osuðuje. Danish Men dersom alle profetere, og der kommer nogen vantro eller uindviet ind, da overbevises han af alle, han bedømmes af alle, Dutch Maar indien zij allen profeteerden, en een ongelovige of ongeleerde inkwame, die wordt van allen overtuigd, en hij wordt van allen geoordeeld. Finnish Mutta jos kaikki profetoisivat ja joku uskosta tai opetuksesta osaton tulisi sisään, niin kaikki paljastaisivat hänet ja kaikki langettaisivat hänestä tuomion, French Mais si tous prophétisent, et qu`il survienne quelque non-croyant ou un homme du peuple, il est convaincu par tous, il est jugé par tous, German So sie aber alle weissagen und käme dann ein Ungläubiger oder Laie hinein, der würde von ihnen allen gestraft und von allen gerichtet; Haitian Creole Men, si tout moun ap bay mesaj ki soti nan Bondye, lè sa a yon moun ki pa kwè, osinon yon moun deyò, si l' vin rive, sa la tande a va fè l' wè aklè se nan peche l'ap viv. Tou sa l'ap tande a pral jije li. Hungarian De ha mindnyájan prófétálnak és bemegy egy hitetlen, vagy avatatlan, az mindenektõl megfeddetik, mindenektõl megítéltetik, Indonesian-Bahasa Sehari-hari Tetapi kalau Saudara semuanya menyampaikan berita dari Allah, lalu datang seorang yang bukan Kristen atau seorang luar, maka hal-hal yang diberitakan oleh Saudara semuanya akan menunjukkan dosa-dosa orang itu dan membuat ia sadar akan dosa-dosanya. Indonesian-Terjemahan Lama Tetapi jikalau sekaliannya sedang bernubuat, lalu masuk seorang yang tiada beriman atau tiada berkarunia itu, maka orang itu akan ditempelak oleh sekaliannya, dan dikira-kirakan oleh sekaliannya itu, Italian Se invece tutti profetassero e sopraggiungesse qualche non credente o un non iniziato, verrebbe convinto del suo errore da tutti, giudicato da tutti; Korean 그 러 나 다 예 언 을 하 면 믿 지 아 니 하 늢 자 뢤 이 나 무 식 한 자 뢤 이 뢤 어 와 서 모 뢠 사 람 에 게 책 망 을 뢤 으 며 모 뢠 사 람 에 게 판 단 을 받 고 Latvian Bet ja, visiem pravietojot, ienâktu neticîgais vai nepratçjs, un visi viòu pârliecinâtu, visi viòu pârbaudîtu, Maori Tena ka poropiti katoa, a ka tapoko mai tetahi tangata whakaponokore, kuware ranei, ka mau tona he i te katoa, ka whakawakia e te katoa; Modern Greek Αλλ' εαν παντες προφητευωσιν, εισελθη δε τις απιστος η ιδιωτης, ελεγχεται υπο παντων, ανακρινεται υπο παντων, Norwegian Men om alle taler profetisk, og det så kommer inn en vantro eller en ukyndig, så refses han av alle og dømmes av alle, Portuguese Mas, se todos profetizarem, e algum incrédulo ou indouto entrar, por todos é convencido, por todos é julgado; Rumanian Dar dacq toyi proorocesc, wi intrq vreun necredincios sau vreunul fqrq daruri, el este kncredinyat de toyi, este judecat de toyi. Russian оП ЛПЗТБ ЧУЕ РТПТПЮЕУФЧХАФ, Й ЧПКТЕФ ЛФП ОЕЧЕТХАЭЙК ЙМЙ ОЕЪОБАЭЙК, ФП ПО ЧУЕНЙ ПЧМЙЮБЕФУС, ЧУЕНЙ УХТЙФУС. Shuar Tura Yus-Chicham étserkurminkia nékachusha tura Yus-shuarchasha nui wayanka Ashí Tárumna nujai ni tunaarin iimias Enentáimturtatui. Spanish Pero si todos profetizan, y entra algún no creyente o indocto, por todos será convencido, por todos será examinado, Swahili Lakini, wote wakiwa wanautangaza ujumbe wa Mungu, akija mtu wa kawaida au asiyeamini, yote atakayosikia yatamhakikishia ubaya wake mwenyewe; yote atakayosikia yatamhukumu. Swedish Om åter alla profeterade, och så någon som icke trodde, eller som vore olärd komme ditin, då skulle denne känna sig avslöjad av alla och av alla utrannsakad. Thai แต่ถ้าทุกคนพยากรย์ คนที่ไม่เชื่อหรือคนที่รู้ไม่ถึงเข้ามา ทุกคนก็จะทำให้เขารู้สำนึก และทำให้เขาพิจารยาใจของตนเอง Ukrainian Коли ж усі пророкують, а ввійде якийсь невіруючий чи сторонній, то всі докоряють йому, усі судять його, Uma Aga ane hawe'ea-ni mpohowa' lolita Alata'ala pai' mesua' hadua tauna to bela-i to Kristen ba to ko'ia-i mpo'incai Lolita Alata'ala, kampo'epe-na napa omea to ni'uli', monoto-mi hi rala nono-na kamojeko' -na. Hewa ria hi rala nono-na to mpo'uli': "To hi aku' -mi tetu-e mai!" Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Derivations & Misspellings: Idiot Derivations Words beginning with "idiot": idiotic, idiotical, idiotically, idiotism, idiotisms, idiots. (additional references)
Misspellings "Idiot" is suggested in spellcheckers for the following: adeot, dijot, diot, edio, ediot, Fidatov, Hidipo, ibio, ideog, idi, idict, idie, idiod, idioit, idiol, idion, idiop, Idiota, idiott, Idit, idlot, idoit, idoity, idot, idriart, Ijo, irio, ition, Liddiat, midfoot, odio, Oudinot, sidcot, Tiviot. (additional references)
Source: compiled by the editor, based on several corpora (additional references).
Rhyming with "Idiot" # of Phoneme Matches Pronunciation Word(s) rhyming with "idiot" (pronounced i"dēut) 4 -d ē u t immediate, intermediate, remediate. 3 -ē u t appropriate, associate, baccalaureate, chariot, Cheviot, compatriot, inappropriate, lariat, laureate, opiate, patriot, proletariat, secretariat, soviet. Source: compiled by the editor (additional references); see credits.
Anagrams: Idiot Scrabble® Enable2K-Verified Anagrams Words within the letters "d-i-i-o-t" -1 letter: doit.
-2 letters: dit, dot, tod.
-3 letters: do, id, it, od, ti, to.
Words containing the letters "d-i-i-o-t" +1 letter: idiots.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark. All intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the U.S.A and Canada by Hasbro Inc., and throughout the rest of the world by J.W. Spear & Sons Limited of Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, a subsidiary of Mattel Inc. Mattel and Spear are not affiliated with Hasbro.
American Sign Language (origins from 1620-1817 in Italy and, especially, France) (references)
Semaphore (1791, in France) (references)
Braille (1829, in France) (references)
Morse Code (1836) (references) .. -.. .. --- -
Dancing Men (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1903) (references)
Binary Code (1918-1938, probably earlier) (references) 01001001 01100100 01101001 01101111 01110100 HTML Code (1990) (references) I d i o t ISO 10646 (1991-1993) (references) 0049 0064 0069 006F 0074 British Sign Language (Fingerspelling, BSL; 1992, British Deaf Association Dictionary of British Sign Language) (references)
Modern Literature: Idiot Genre Short Stories The Little Idiot by The SS2K The Idiot Gravedigger by jin9
The Idiot Crew Of Gondola 49 Episode 1 by PsychoKain Thought Provoking Material from an Idiot by Invader DOOM
The Trials and Tribulations of an Idiot by singe aliene Working For An Idiot by Lavender Rose
Long Stories Heroshima and Bob the Idiot by moomoo22 Four Half Idiot Maroons On Uh Island by B.E.N
The quest of an idiot by Shinoda Bennington=me Interview With An Idiot by xforgottenfaithx
Source: selected by the editor.
Art Gallery: Idiot (Links lead to external sources)Professional Photos (more examples)
"... men, unwinding, idiot, box, boob ..."
"... woman, unwinding, idiot, box, boob ..."
Public Art: Stickers (more examples)
"A Villiage in Texas Is Missing its Idiot"
"Make It Idiot Proof and Someone Will Make a Better Idiot"
"Your Kid May Be An Honor Student But You're Still An Idiot"
"Your child may be an honor student but you drive like an idiot"
Public Art: Buttons (more examples)
"Village Idiot"
"I'm With This Idiot"
"I'm sorry my fault I forget you were an idiot"
Public Art: Keychains (more examples)
"I'm With This Idiot"
Source: selected by the editor, with permission from various art references and poster references.
Proper Noun and Trade Name Usage: IDIOT
Book Titles: Idiot Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot ~ AL FRANKEN Date: 12 January, 1999 Publisher: Dell Price: $11.20
(more examples)
Music Titles: Idiot American Idiot ~ Green Day Release Date: 21 September, 2004 Label: Warner Brothers Price: $13.49 Idiot ~ Iggy Pop Release Date: 29 June, 1992 Label: Virgin Records Price: $10.99 Idiot Road ~ The Arrogant Worms Release Date: 18 December, 2001 Label: Arrogant Worms Price: $16.98 Out of Our Idiot ~ Elvis Costello, Attractions Release Date: 01 January, 1992 Label: Demon Records UK Price: $24.99 The Idiot King ~ Attention Deficit Release Date: 22 May, 2001 Label: Magna Carta Price: $16.98
(more examples)
Video Titles: Idiot Shaolin Idiot Release Date: 09 November, 2004 Studio: Ventura Distribution Price: $4.99 Photon - The Idiot Adventures Release Date: 07 November, 2000 Studio: CENTRAL PARK MEDIA Price: $39.99 The Idiot Release Date: 15 July, 2003 Price: $23.84 Idiot Box Release Date: 26 March, 2002 Studio: Fox Lorber Price: $9.98 Photon: The Idiot Adventures Release Date: 27 January, 2004 Studio: Central Park Media C Price: $17.99 Une Ravissante Idiote (A Ravishing Idiot) Release Date: 26 November, 2002 Studio: Vanguard Cinema Price: $26.96
(more examples)
Recording Artists: Idiot DickNity ~ SLICK IDIOT Release Date: 20 March, 2001 Price: $15.99 Undertow ~ Blind Idiot God Release Date: 07 November, 1994 Label: Enemy Price: $13.98 Redickulous ~ Slick Idiot Release Date: 21 October, 2003 Label: Underground Inc Price: $13.99 Cyclotron ~ Blind Idiot God Release Date: 14 October, 2002 Label: Avant Price: $29.49 Blind Idiot God ~ Blind Idiot God Release Date: 14 May, 1991 Label: Sst Records Price: $14.98 E5-770, My Mother's Name ~ Lucie Idiot Label: AR Price: $24.98
(more examples)
Web Search Results: Idiot
Idiot (Back to Top) Definition Synonyms Crosswords Usage: Modern Usage: Commercial Images: Slideshow Images: Photo Album Sounds Quotations: Familiar Quotations: Fiction Quotations: Non-fiction Usage Frequency Expressions Expressions: Internet Translations: Modern Translations: Ancient Bible Trace Derivations Rhymes Anagrams Orthography BibliographyINDEX
1. Definition 2. Synonyms 3. Crosswords 4. Usage: Modern 5. Usage: Commercial 6. Images: Slideshow 7. Images: Photo Album 8. Sounds 9. Quotations: Familiar 10. Quotations: Fiction 11. Quotations: Non-fiction 12. Usage Frequency 13. Expressions 14. Expressions: Internet 15. Translations: Modern 16. Translations: Ancient 17. Bible Trace 18. Derivations 19. Rhymes 20. Anagrams 21. Orthography 22. Bibliography
Webster's Online Dictionary with Multilingual Thesaurus Translation Tip: Double-click on any word on this page to get the definition. Use it on non-English words to get the English translation.
NEW!: Add this trick to your own web pages. Click here to find out how.
WE should be removing this board. Tracy posted the boycott. Why would a Buffoon hater boycott a web site hating on the Buffons who trash talked hastings? this web site has nothing to do with hastings and everything to do with removing the current board.
If I were Tracy I would have to leave town, I don't think I could even go to the supermarket and not think that everyone I pass was thinking about all of these comments on this blog. I would have to move far away................hmmmmmmmm.... wonder if she thinks about this??????
I do not believe that people are being this disrespectful at a time like this.Trust me half the citizens do not know about this blog nor will they look at it.The elderly pretty much do not use the internet.So, to say everyone is talking about this blog is farfetched.I venture to say maybe about 500 people look at it or even know about it.I will wait til after the Hastings funeral but I have some comments that will put some people in there respectful places soon.
you overestimated this blog's viewing number by about 490 in my opinion. maybe ten people get on here to spew their venom. counting us, that's about eight more.
If you are so good, then call my name.It want bother me this blog's on it's last leg anyway.David Burleson will soon be gone and you people will have nothing to cry about.
Tracie has a history of failure. She failed as a home school teacher; a mother; a wife; a volutneer as various places around town; she failed as a personal trainer at straights; she has been a total jerk and embarassment as a board member. She will continue to fail in her efforts to fire David Burleson, she will fail in her efforts to alter the county maps; the list will continue. She is a two-faced person who is Bi-Polar and unable to complete anything longterm. Oh yeah she will fail in trying to tell Burke County citizens what they are allowed to read.
To the blogger asking if Tracy thought of moving: What could she do anywhere else. She has a sugar daddy for as long as she obeys him. She will soon turn on him as well and we will be rid of them both.
True! She will also fail as a mistress. Anyone who rejects their own flesh and blood (namely their own children) cannot remain in any relationship for very long. But don't need people on the school board with this kind of reputation. And as for the number of readers on this blog.......they are far more than 10. People, lots of people read this blog daily (Including Tracey)!!!
Question 1 Why did Buddy vote on a map he did not look at at the board meeting and refused to even take home with him that night? Question 2 Did he know what he was doing where he could come back and bring it up as an issue where he could somehow make his self look like a advocate for education and stand only on principle which would be a change from where he has been over the years? Question 3 Is he that dumb, and yes he is dumb but did he vote on it because htat is what he has done for years and not researched the facts.
I belive he knew ahead of time what he was doing.He thinks he can rally the troops to vote for him in Nov 09. Buddy it will not happen. Buddy try all you can to have tracy removed it will not happen.Go to John Ervin and ask him what kind of tricks he can pull from his bag.When the Board hires a new attorney you and Burleson and Brackett will calm your heels.Trust me Buddy you are demented!
Get your head out of the sand...this has nothin' to do with Buddy. What Tracey did was illegal and is left for the attorney to handle in court. That WILL happen...just a matter of time. Don't fret Buddy, you did't do anything! We know who is to blame for the wrongdoing.
Buddy fret! You are not out of the woods yet.Wait til you see what is coming around the bend.Will David keep his job? Buddy you can tell yourself you are okay because you are stupid enough to believe it.This Board will move with lightning speed now!Richard Avery Caroline Avery and John Ervin and Nancy Taylor those people need to hold your hand and david's buddy.You will soon need their comfort.
People....the map issue is not why or who voted for it, IT IS WHY DID TRACEY BUFF think she could get away with it? You seem to think that is is the responsibility of the other board members to keep an eye on everything she does, that's impossible, she sneaky, so not trust-worthy that you can't know what she is up to at anytime. SHE is the blame for the changing of the map and needs to be held accountable.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 345 of 345Tim is CHAIRMAN of the Board of Education.
He's very deserving (or, face it, he wouldn't be in the position)and a credit to our school system.
To the person talking about Tim and morals? What about his marriage? You need to think before you speak. We are not judging supports, but comparing Tim and David is like Comparing Jesus and Satan! and David being the good one. Get a life you pathetic moron.
Are we talking about a woman or a Mother. A good, decent Mother doesn't leave her children.
burke county must be full of evil people to have elected such a crass bunch of board members.
Karen has enough morals for the entire group. Mr. Hairfield can control my budget anyday.
Buddy needs to do what Buddy does best.
Now don't you two see that you're in love with each other? I mean, why can't you face that already? You're running around out there looking for something that's not even there, when everything that you dream of is right here, right here in front of you. Now why can't you two admit that?
But are they masters of their domain ?
ref: "but comparing Tim and David is like Comparing Jesus and Satan! and David being the good one"
that's YOUR opinion, & we all know what those are like.
(In reference to the 6:30 post) My answer is yes and I believe they are more than capable. However, I am beginning to wonder about you, because sentences are not usually started with the conjunction "but."
TIM AND TRACY SUPPORTS - PLEASE GO TO YOUR OWN BLOG. Like everything else, you and the buffoons have to invaded everyone elses business.
however ?
(In reference to the 7:07 post)
Yes, thankfully I do, because when I graduated from East Burke they handed me a diploma.
Tiny Tim and Big Tracy are running scared people. They called Pleasant Ridge this week demanding that the preacher turn over letters who a member handed out in support of David.
Who do they think they are?
They think they have the right to tell people what they can read.
They tell people that they are not allowed to support David.
They neither one have any class.
How can someone who only has a Good Enough Diploma tell the citizens of Burke County what they can read.
Tracy talks about she doesn't want to be on the board and be known for allowing people to read The Kite Runner.
Does a christian woman leave her husband and 3 sons.
Anyone who has spent any time around Tracy knows that she is Bi-Polar and needs medical attention. That is all she craves, she must be the center of attention regardless of the situation.
The only way this board can save face is to extend David's contract now, not in 2 years.
Go ahead Tracy and Tim, tell the people why David is so bad.
You will continue to see the support David has. As President Reagan said "You Haven't Seen Anything Yet".
TO 5:55
TO 5:55
to June 13, 2008 5:39 PM
"and David being the good one"
so, are you calling burke county's sheriff a liar???
When the people voted you in Tracey they voted for a different woman than you turned out to be. You are a liar for one, an idiot, a whore, and a major thorn in our county's side. You, Tracey are the laughing stock of western North Carolina. We don't want you directing our children. Please resign and take Tim with you, He is also a disgrace. Your feelings are going to get hurt worse if you stay. So suck up your pride and get out, you don't live in the district anyway. GET OUT or you will PAY.
to 6:17
Are you an atheist? Or agnostic?
The bad thing about humility is that once you think you have attained it, you have just lost it.
When the board began talking about building the new schools, he asked that the schools not be named after a person. He noted many great individuals who made great contributions in education in Burke County and acknowledged it would be hard to recognize all of them by naming a school for them. He ended by stating that it was not his intention to discredit anyone's contribution to education.
Mr. Armour mentioned July 6 was the first day for filing for the November elections. He asked when individuals came to the Board of Elections if there would be a map for them to look at in order to determine their district. Mr. Martinat responded the Board of Elections has a map and Mr. Aycock had researched minutes that indicated the district map was established back in the early 70's. Mr. Armour inquired if the school board needed to re-affirm the district map. Mr. Martinat did not feel this was necessary. The district map was already established by a prior school board.
Mr. Brandon asked when the board would discuss the residency issue concerning Ms. Norman.
Mr. Martinat asked Mr. Aycock to immediately begin the process of investigating a comment/rumor that stated if students and others did not stop talking about the Billy Anderson issue a board member in the east would have their house burned down. He asked Mr. Aycock to report his findings.
to 6:27 KKKK (Knights Klu Klux Klan) Hey! Tracey, We are watching you!!!!!!!!!!!!
You better hope Tracey don't find out who you are. She will hunt you down.
Tracey only hunts TURKEYS!
"Anonymous said...
to 6:27 KKKK (Knights Klu Klux Klan) Hey! Tracey, We are watching you!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 14, 2008 11:06 AM"
Those are the comments of a David Burleson and Buddy Armour supporter. Thank you, 11:06 AM, for just one more affirmation that as a "Buffoon", I am supporting the right people.
I just have to say that I was so impressed with the behavior of all the wonderful folks at Monday's meeting who were there in support of DB and against the Buffoons.
They are truly role models for my children, and they make me proud to be from Burke County.
Two media advisory committees, in addition to Superintendent David Burleson recommended rejecting the Challenge to "The Kite Runner", saying that this book should be part of the curriculum - but ONLY FOR HONOR'S CLASSES!
They had the audacity to recommend BANNING this book from the CP students. I object!
Doesn't anybody care about the CP students' First Amendment rights? Will the ACLU sue on behalf of the students who have lower IQ's? Who can tell me why this is fair?
The logic is that only the brightest of Burke County's youth can handle the following:
Page 77 -
“I stopped watching, turned away from the alley. Something warm was running down my wrist. I blinked, saw I was still biting down on my fist, hard enough to draw blood from the knuckles. I realized something else. I was weeping. From just around the corner, I could hear Assef’s quick, rhythmic grunts.”
I think I did read something just like that in the book of Ezekiel, Mr. Wilkinson, you're right! I'm pretty sure I remember reading about the sounds a rapist makes while anally raping a young boy in my Bible study, too.
Page 116 of TKR -
“My mind flashed to that winter day six years ago. Me, peering around the corner in the alley. Kamal and Walli holding Hassan down. Assef’s buttock muscles clenching and unclenching, his hips thrusting back and forth. Some hero I had been, fretting about the kite. Sometimes, I too wondered if I was really Baba’s son.”"
And this high class piece of literature...
Page 7 –
"He handed his cigarette to the guy next to him, made a circle with the thumb and index finger of one hand. Poked the middle finger of his other hand through the circle. Poked it in and out. In and out. “I know your mother, did you know that? I knew her real good. I took her from behind by that creek over there.”
The soldiers laughed. One of them made a squealing sound. I told Hassan to keep walking, keep walking.
“What a tight little sugary cunt she had!” the soldier was saying, shaking hands with the others, grinning. "
Please join with me in calling and emailing the ALA, the NCAC and the ACLU to get their help in standing for the rights of ALL students, not just Honors students. Meet me at the Courthouse Square on Monday night at 7:30pm. I'll be the one dressed in an OBAMA '08 T-shirt, smoking a joint. Thank you.
I think I did read something just like that in the book of Ezekiel, Mr. Wilkinson, you're right! I'm pretty sure I remember reading about the sounds a rapist makes while anally raping a young boy in my Bible study, too.
Kite runner is old news. New news is getting rid of tracy and tim. we have them squirming people. keep it up. see how like being done unto as they have done to others.
The last two bloggers is the same bi polar person - talking to themselves - in cirles. Could it be that it is Tracy?
In bipolar disorder, or manic depression, each mood swing is called an “episode.” There are 4 main types of mood episodes that people with bipolar disorder can have:
Depression — Depression is when people with bipolar disorder feel very sad. Sometimes this can go on for a long period of time. They may not even want to get out of bed or eat. They don’t enjoy doing things they used to do.
Mania — Mania is the other side of bipolar disorder. Mania may start with a good feeling, almost like a “high.” Or it may make a person feel very irritable and angry. People with mania may do very risky things.
Hypomania — Hypomania is a milder form of mania. It can make people feel good. They may think they are getting more things done. But the “feel good” stage can change into mania or depression. Hypomania is different from mania because it doesn’t get in the way of things like work or family. It sometimes is not even noticed as a problem.
Mixed mood — This is when feelings of mania and depression go back and forth quickly, sometimes even in the same day.
Wow, sounds like mrs tracy buff. How many "episodes" did she have monday night. I think about 8.
Why don't you be man or woman enough to stop harrassing her and leave her alone!
Hey Tim, you pussy.
Because SHE is an idiot. She is wasting my kids time and our money. What a joke this board is.
7:18 You should be ashamed of the way you are talking. God is not pleased with such as that.
Symptoms of mania include:
Increased energy level
Less need for sleep
Racing thoughts or mind jumps around
Easily distracted
More talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talking
More self-confident than usual
Focused on getting things done, but often completing little
Risky or unusual activities to the extreme, even if it’s likely bad things will happen
Symptoms of Mania: (Bi polar)
One person describes mania this way:
"The fast ideas become too fast and there are far too many…overwhelming confusion replaces clarity… Your friends become frightened…everything is now against the grain…you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped."
Wow! Who ever keeps posting definitions, you are proving our point against tracy. The more I read, the more I realize she has a problem.
Tracy does not have the problem. YOU DO !
I am ashamed to let people know that I work in Burke County. The past board could not please everyone and the present board is no different. If the name callers and complainers are so unhappy - why don't you put yourself in the public eye and run for office? I am sure if your past was scrutinized you would have a few skeletons in your closet as well. We are all sinners - I don't know anyone that is perfect.
I believe in you Tracy.
I believe in you Tracey....said Tim
Who cares?
We should petition the board to extend David's contract now, not in two years.
No, lets petition them to get rid of Burleson.
What planet are you from, you idiot.
Tracey, Get Out and take Tim with you. God does not approve of fornication with another while married and lying. My children even know who you are and what you are up to, and they do not respect you as a leader of our board. Quit! before you corrupt our children. God help you and Tim. I am praying that God take Tim and yourself off the board. You are a disgrace to our Schools and county.
If you were such a good parent, your children would be looking to you for their morales and values instead of Tracey.
Ouch, I think a glass house was just shattered !
Actually Tracy's husband and three sons look pretty happy without her.
This message is to Tracy and Tim. Please tell everyone why you two are so afraid of David. Tell us why you tell everyone that you will not renew his contract in two years.
Why would we not want David leading our county school system.
Please give some reasons.
We're waiting............
I would like to know if the reasons to remove David could not also be said or pointed to the current board or specifically toward Tim and Tracey. Remember TIM & Tracey, let him without sin cast the first son. Becareful.
I think at this point, for those who really care, it's obvious that these two have made their first grave mistake (legally that is). If this latest stunt they pulled regarding changing the map doesn't get them burnt, then we really have a problem. This is something that could possible be a "fraudulent" act and handled solely by the court system, definitely a legal case. Surely, it will be handled as such! This board has no one specifically to answer to but regardless, they can't take the law into their own
"2" hands.
REF: "If this latest stunt they pulled regarding changing the map doesn't get them burnt, then we really have a problem."
My 11 year old son was at the Board Meeting June 9th, He was there for a special purpose. He was very confused with what was going on and also he noticed the way Ms. Tracey was acting(like an idiot)Yes, he did noticed. Children will judge for them selves what they see. He said he had seen Ms. Tracey at his school before. Tracey he will always remember you as the idiot.
Nothing will happen just like in the billy anderson case.Burleson lied in a criminal investigation.Stick it where the sun dont shine for four years.I challenge you to write in the news herald if feel this strongly about it.
Fire Burleson to get our system straightened out.Also look at Susan Wilson Polpeter.She does everything on company time but schools.When her and David are busy attending social functions when do they have time for our schools?Susan Wilson keep your nose out of Nancy Taylor's rear she can not sace David or you!
People want blood thats all this board is about.
Buddy is as big a hypocrite as Tracy and that is a fact! He has pulled schemes since he has been on the board.It is time for him to go and the worst thing for the schools is if big numbers turn out at the polls it usually means change.
Buddy must This would be a fitting website.
REF: "Nothing will happen just like in the billy anderson case"
OK Tiny Tim and Big Tracy:
It has been 24 hours since the post asking for reasons to fire David as you desire to.
We are still waiting for reasons.
It appears there is no reason not to extend his contract within the next two meetings.
Judgement day is coming for you two untrustworthy individuals.
Tracy please wear something different at the next board meeting. You looked like the chick-fa-laid cow last week. Maybe Tim can give you an employee advance on your next check. I sure you two can settle up later.
He has contract until 2010.Why would the board consider doing something that stupid? Renewing his contract way before time is not fair to another board inthe future or was it to this board in the past by Ray and his monkeys. It makes no good buisness since and why do they need to think about it now? Unless you think they are stupid enough to extend it past their term. No, I say 2010 will be long enough to put up with David Burleson. Start looking Burleson.He knows he will not be here so why worry about it. 2010 will be a new day in BCPS.
I know of at least 1 board member who will be gone before 2010. Guess Who.
I can without a doubt tell you of three. Buddy id gone no matter what people across the county will unite to get his ass gone. He would waist 20 to file plus campaigning with people would hurt whoever Buddy would team up with. In Pat's Snack Bar the other day the conversation among some folks was how to get rid of Tracy and Buddy. By Buddy!
Im hoping David and Randall are also gone before 2010!
Tracey Norman will be gone also. She will have a county law suit against her. Fraud charges are in the works.
We are still waiting for reasons not to renew David's contract.
Looks like Tracy forgot to teach about ethics during her home schooling days.
Well I guess she would need to have some before she could teach them.
Well, guess what, a lot of things can and more than likely will take place before 2010.
One thing for sure is that Tracey will be out and probably trying to dig herself out of a court case of FRAUD. Tim, will never get re-elected, there's no way! Everyone has seen the real side of those two and their affairs. As for Randall, he should have been gone ten years ago, at what age does a person retire anymore. He is so proud of his little notebooks and papers. Hate to think of what he would do without 'em.
Again, has anyone come up with a single reason to dismiss David? I don't think Burleson is going anywhere. He's here to stay, get used to the idea. Course' most people with any sense are proud to have him as our Superintendent!
Love that outfit, girl!
A cow had to die for Tracy to wear her outfit last week.
It really did look like the chic-fa-layed mascot.
Actually, she probadly got the outfit at Macy's. She doesn't teach class...she models it !
There could be obstruction of justice charges against Burleson and Lowman. 7 years is the time to file something on a criminal act.
"obstruction of justice charges"
And nothing happens about the map.Maybe Buddy finally being put in Broughton but that is it.
The map situation will be taken care of through the court system. This is a case that only they can handle. It is in the works now, whether they know it or not. I suppect they do. You don't just change things on your own to suit yourself. It's against the law! That's why they have laws, to prevent people that don't know any better from doing stuff like this. This could be a bigger issue than even they suppect. We'll wait and see!
I am glad they are in trouble, but just because you say it on here doesnt make it true. Can you give us details of what is actually going on to bust them?
Well it would be nice to know about the so called orginal map that was used to try to oust tracy.Who drew it?No one knows. Also,what will happen with Bryan Grady getting ready to sue Buddy Armour? I was told by a judge Tracy could still sue Ray and the gang for their botched attempts to remove her.She has the attorney to retaliate with.
so what is going down?
Tracey can sue anyone she wishes, but she needs to first worry about her problems. She is in over her head, she needs to concentrate on what she will be dealing with. I'm sure her attorney would recommend this to her also.
Tracy can not be removed unless their is enough evidence and the state must remove her.Also, keep in mind the majority will choose her replacement.It is rumored David Burleson is heavy involved in this and trying to have Tracy,Tim and Rob removed one by one.He wants a board he can control.If this should start to unravel as you state then David Burleson will be Terminated effective immediately! David teters upon the lines of direct insubordination against his bosses.In his mind no one will ever touch him.I say terminate him, pay him what he is owed and in about six weeks it will be old news.Caroline Avery and Nancy Taylor wouls switch gears to the new superintendent.
re: 2:21 You have to be out of your mind. First of all, who do you think is gonna remove Tracey....the state....good guess! If David is involved in this, so are all of his supporters behind him. He has done NOTHING to be terminated for. If you were at the last board meeting, you would know that the only one sitting on the board that showed tha showed perfectionism ....was Mr. Burleson. The rest are a bunch of clowns who think they are on a road show.
In reference to the map dealing....I'm not sure what this offence carries, but you are talking fraudulency. For this you could be fined, placed in jail (or both) and you certainly would carry this on your record permanantly. Not that Ms. Tracey has a clean record to start with, but this sure would add some color.You need to rethink the chance of David being terminated and worry about the other wagon coming behind.
He is no different from anyone! He will be in the same boat! Trust me I know!
3:14 If you know so much, why not share what you know with the rest of us.........we don't know.'cause there's nothing TO know. You're all talk.......all the garbage is on the main two and everyone has put it out there.
Funny, everyone says David is the same but doesn't have anything to back it up with.
There is nothin'...just a bunch of BIG MOUTHS FULL OF CRAP!
You shall soon see, paitence my lad, paitience!
REF; "Trust me I know!"
I will let the ship soon sink itself!
Let 'er sink......, then we'll see who's left standing and it won't be Tiny Tim & Big Tracey. Those two will go down first for sure.
re: 6:15
any one know tracys current weight?
Who weighs more than Burleson? Let him or her speak first!
Burleson does go around with a wedgy in the front and back!
OOPs. LOL I Meant Burleson DOES NOT go around with a wedgy in front and back. Go ahead make fun of my mistake. ANYWAY - look at Tracy and you will see she has a wedgy EVERYWHERE
Can anyone lists Tracy's christian quailties? Parental qualities?Integrity qualities? And how she is not a stumbling block to our community. Just wanting to know if anyone can actually list those. Serioulsy.
This post is to inform posters---7:20 PM, 7:44 PM, and 4:08 AM. Yesterday, on the "View", Michelle Obama wore a very similar outfit. The "CBS Early Show" informed viewers this morning that Michelle purchased her outfit for $150.00 at the "White House/Black Market" boutique. Hip or not, similar black and white outfits are fashionable now.
Burleson is overweight as well.You cant have your cake and eat it too!
Has anyone got past Tracy's fat and looked at her hair. She needs to get out of the Hosiery Mill fashion. She's been Boarding socks to long and gravity has took affect on her thighs. TRACEY you look hidious.
Would you enlighten us and explain your def. of "Hosiery Mill Fashion?"
White Trash Tv Evangelist hair!
"Hosiery mill fashion" just means, Tracey's fashion is OUT dated bad.
Evangelist? Now there is a profession Burleson would make millions at.He already has the used car salesman look and approach.I know he could make a killing.If Susan Polpeter can play the piano they could sing and dance. Man somebody should help Burleson with this.
This is in response to poster 4:51.
Her outfit may be fashionable from the White House/Black Market to wear at the White House, who knows....who cares.....but this is Burke County, NC
How does Tracy afford to shop at Macy's on a salvage store bag girl pay?
Maybe she is earning a little more in the back office of the salvage store.
Since she is doing so well she should share and help toward her 3 children's expenses.
Remember - It is all about the children....That is what she says right?
Yes and what goes on in Rexanna's office so much that her and Burleson stay tied up behind closed doors?Is East Burke in that bad of shape or is their skullduggery going on? Remember the old country song When we get behind closed doors?
Have you seen for your self there is closed door activities, or is this strictly here say? I am not on either side of the fence, I am just wondering if you actually know the truth or spout off?
i still think it is funny how you all bash tracy but dont have the balls to act on what all of you say. we are all sitting back laughing because we know your "side" is all talk. thats all you people have done. so shoot off at the mouth all you want here because we are in control and you dont have the balls to stand on what you threaten. THAT IS THE TRUTH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? NOTHING BUT GRIPE!
REF: "I am just wondering if you actually know the truth or spout off?"
That is my exact point. The Tracy haters run this site, spout off, anonymously and are all talk and the WORST thing you can come up with is to call her an idoit and then NOT speak up who you are. What a great website and public actions. WE ARE STILL INCHARGE.
You know, it really ticks me off that you can get on here and tell everyone how you are calling all the shots. Thatshows how immature you two are (meaning Big Tracey and Tiny Time). You have got guts telling everyone in Burke County (by way of this Blog) that no one can touch you.....that's where you're wrong! BOTH OF YOU!!! You'll find out soon who will be in charge and it ain't gonna be you guys...
ref: June 21, 2008 4:00 PM
you are WRONG...again
ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha
how many years have you tride to get Tim and Tracy out? is has never happened and it never will. we are voted in and staying in. there has been talk for years..and that is all it has been... all talk and no action.. drop the bull talk
Is 4:00 and 7:30 the same person? They sure do write simluar and have typos simular. Bipolar?
Definition: Idiot
1. A person of subnormal intelligence.
Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
Date "idiot" was first used: some time in the early 14th century. (references)
Etymology: Idiot \Id"i*ot\, noun. [French expression idiot, from Latin expression idiota an uneducated, ignorant, ill-informed person, Greek, also and originally, private person, not holding public office, from proper, peculiar. See Idiom.]. (Websters 1913)
Specialty Definitions: Idiot
Domain Definitions
Satire IDIOT, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. The Idiot's activity is not confined to any special field of thought or action, but "pervades and regulates the whole." He has the last word in everything; his decision is unappealable. He sets the fashions and opinion of taste, dictates the limitations of speech and circumscribes conduct with a dead-line. Source: Devil's Dictionary.
19th Century Satire From Eng. idea, and out. One who is just out of ideas. Source: Foolish Dictionary, 1904.
Dream Interpretation Idiots in a dream, foretells disagreements and losses.
To dream that you are an idiot, you will feel humiliated and downcast over the miscarriage of plans.
To see idiotic children, denotes affliction and unhappy changes in life. Source: Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted ....
Education A person in whose case there exists mental defectiveness of such a degree that they are unable to guard themselves against common danger. Source: European Union. (references)
Literature Idiot meant originally a private person, one not engaged in any public office. Hence Jeremy Taylor says, "Humility is a duty in great ones, as well as in idiots" (private persons). The Greeks have the expressions, "a priest or an idiot" (layman), "a poet or an idiot" (prose-writer). As idiots were not employed in public offices, the term became synonymous with incompetency to fulfil the duties thereof. (Greek, idiotes.) (See Baron.). Source: Brewer's Dictionary.
Multilingual Slang Albanian (debil), Bielorussian (pizdabol' ), Catalan (pastanaga, sapastre), Dutch (dombo, lul, oetlul), German (verdammter Schweinehund), Italian (budiùlo, coglione), Norwegian (idiot), Panjabi (bef koof), Polish (piz'dzielec), Quebecois (niaiseuse, niaiseux), Slovak (chuj), Spanish (capullo , cutre , gilipollas, pendejo), Swedish (kronjon), Swiss German (lööli , tubel), Welsh (coc oen). (references)
Public Administration Enc. Britt. Source: European Union. (references)
Slang Berk, someone who doesn't know shit from shinola. (references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Synonyms: Idiot
Synonyms: changeling (n), cretin (n), half-wit (n), imbecile (n), moron (n), retard (n). (additional references)
Synonyms within Context: Idiot
Context Synonyms within Context (source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus).
Absence or want of Intellect Moron, imbecile, idiot; fool; dumb animal; vegetable, brain-dead.
Fool Noun: fool, idiot, tomfool, wiseacre, simpleton, witling, dizzard, donkey, ass; ninny, ninnyhammer; chowderhead, chucklehead; dolt, booby, Tom Noddy, looby, hoddy-doddy, noddy, nonny, noodle, nizy, owl; goose, goosecap; imbecile; gaby; radoteur, nincompoop, badaud, zany; trifler, babbler; pretty fellow; natural, niais.
Ignoramus Moron, imbecile, idiot; fool, jerk, nincompoop, asshole.
Madman Idiot.
Unmeaningness Empty sound, dead letter, vox et praeterea nihil; "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal."
Source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus.
Crosswords: Idiot
English words defined with "idiot": Driveler ♦ even ♦ Fon ♦ idiot box, idiot light, idiot savant, Idiotical, Idiotish, imbecility ♦ Nidget ♦ Slabberer, Slaverer. (references)
Specialty definitions using "idiot": @Begin ♦ berk, BFI, bozotic ♦ cup holder ♦ doesn't know shit from shinola ♦ Gellatley ♦ Hercules Secundus ♦ Inspired Idiot ♦ jacko ♦ LONG TONGUED ♦ story. (references)
Etymologies containing "idiot": foolhardy ♦ idiocy, Idioticon, Idiotism. (references)
Non-English Usage: "Idiot" is also a word in the following languages with English translations in parentheses.
Albanian (ass, asshole, cretin, dizzy, fool, idiot, idiotic, motherfucker, natural, shitass, shithead), Czech (cretin, idiot), Danish (idiot), French (addled, asinine, ass, asshole, daft, dullard, fathead, fat-head, fatuous, fool, foolish, footless, gaby, gawky, goon, half wit, halfwitted, half-witted, idiot, idiotic, imbecile, loon, lunatic, moron, natural, nonsensical, off his rocker, pointless, rubbishy, silly, soft-headed, softy, soppy, stupid, tomfool, twerp, twit, wooden, wood-headed), German (basket, blockhead, clown, cretin, doofus, drip, goon, idiot, imbecile, ninny, numskull, twit, zombie), Norwegian (idiot), Papiamen (idiotic), Romanian (cretinous, fool, half wit, idiot, idiotic, idiotical, idiotically, lunkhead, mooncalf, mutt, nincompoop, numskull, piffling, senseless, soft, stick, stupid), Serbo-Croatian (idiot), Swedish (cuckoo, dumbbell, dumb-bell, idiot, imbecile, mooncalf, moron, oaf, sap, saphead, Turkey, wet).
Modern Usage: Idiot
Domain Usage
Screenplays Awwyou know that was the hardest part of having to portray youyou running like an idiot every fifteen minutes. (Mission: Impossible II; writing credit: Bruce Geller; Ronald D. Moore)
Place that idiot scientist under arrest! (Lilo & Stitch; writing credit: Chris Sanders)
A natural fucking idiot. (Snatch.; writing credit: Guy Ritchie)
I don't think you're an idiot at all. I mean, there are elements of the ridiculous about you. Your mother's pretty interesting. (Bridget Jones's Diary; writing credit: Helen Fielding)
I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. (Titanic; writing credit: James Cameron)
Lyrics Cause I'm an idiot, a loser, microphone abuser ("Take A Look Around"; performing artist: Limp Bizkit)
Clever Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. (references; author: Mark Twain)
Make it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot. (references; author: unknown)
When you are arguing with an idiot, make sure the other person isn't doing the same thing. (references; author: unknown)
Movie/TV Titles Un idiot à Paris (1967)
The Idiot (1966)
Idiot (1958)
Price 2d Idiot Weekly (1956)
L' Idiot (1946)
Song Titles Town Idiot, The (performing artist: Kicking Giant)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Commercial Usage: Idiot
Domain Title
Books The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club (reference)
How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive 19 Ed: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot (reference)
Idiot Letters: One Man's Relentless Assault on Corporate America (reference)
The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club: True Tales from a Magnificent and Clumsy Life [DOWNLOAD: MICROSOFT READER] (reference)
Heart Monitor Training for the Compleat Idiot (reference)
(more book examples)
Theater & Movies Celestial Navigation for the Complete Idiot (reference)
Photon: The Idiot Menace (reference)
(more DVD examples; more video examples)
Music Idiot (reference)
(more classical music examples; more popular music examples)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Image Slideshow: Idiot
Computer Images:
More images...
Subject(s): ... boob, tube, idiot, box ...
Photo Album: Idiot
Thumbnail Description & Credit
Idiot.Credit: National Library of Medicine.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Sounds Captioned with "Idiot".
Play Caption
Blithering idiot.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Familiar Quotations: Idiot
Author Quotation
Anton Chekhov Any idiot can face a crisis, it's the day to day living that wears you out.
Horace Mann If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it.
John Donne Nature's lay idiot, I taught thee to love.
Steven Wright There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.
W. S. Gilbert The idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own.
William Blake To generalize is to be an idiot.
What is grand is necessarily obscure to weak men. That which can be made explicit to the idiot is not worth my care.
William Shakespeare Life? It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury; signifying nothing.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references.
Use in Literature: Idiot
Title Author Quote
Les Miserables Hugo, Victor I do what you wish, that cuts you out of it, idiot.
Something Wicked This Way Comes Ray Bradbury But no, you lie pinned to a deep well-bottom that's burned dry. The moon rolls by to look at you down there, with its idiot face.
Macbeth William Shakespeare Out, out brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references.
Non-Fiction Usage: Idiot
Subject Topic Quote
Children Russia The label of "imbecile" or idiot, which is assigned by a commission that assesses children with developmental problems at the age of 3 and which signifies "uneducable," almost always is irrevocable, and even the label of "debil"--lightly retarded--follows a person throughout his or her life on official documents, creating barriers to employment and housing after graduation from state institutions. (references)
Lexicography Devil's Dictionary STORY, n. A narrative, commonly untrue. The truth of the stories here following has, however, not been successfully impeached. One evening Mr. Rudolph Block, of New York, found himself seated at dinner alongside Mr. Percival Pollard, the distinguished critic. "Mr. Pollard," said he, "my book, The Biography of a Dead Cow, is published anonymously, but you can hardly be ignorant of its authorship. Yet in reviewing it you speak of it as the work of the Idiot of the Century. Do you think that fair criticism?" "I am very sorry, sir," replied the critic, amiably, "but it did not occur to me that you really might not wish the public to know who wrote it." Mr. W.C. Morrow, who used to live in San Jose, California, was addicted to writing ghost stories which made the reader feel as if a stream of lizards, fresh from the ice, were streaking it up his back and hiding in his hair. San Jose was at that time believed to be haunted by the visible spirit of a noted bandit named Vasquez, who had been hanged there. The town was not very well lighted, and it is putting it mildly to say that San Jose was reluctant to be out o' nights. One particularly dark night two gentlemen were abroad in the loneliest spot within the city limits, talking loudly to keep up their courage, when they came upon Mr. J.J. Owen, a well-known journalist. "Why, Owen," said one, "what brings you here on such a night as this? You told me that this is one of Vasquez' favorite haunts! And you are a believer. Aren't you afraid to be out?" "My dear fellow," the journalist replied with a drear autumnal cadence in his speech, like the moan of a leaf-laden wind, "I am afraid to be in. I have one of Will Morrow's stories in my pocket and I don't dare to go where there is light enough to read it." Rear-Admiral Schley and Representative Charles F. Joy were standing near the Peace Monument, in Washington, discussing the question, Is success a failure? Mr. Joy suddenly broke off in the middle of an eloquent sentence, exclaiming: "Hello! I've heard that band before. Santlemann's, I think." "I don't hear any band," said Schley. "Come to think, I don't either," said Joy; "but I see General Miles coming down the avenue, and that pageant always affects me in the same way as a brass band. One has to scrutinize one's impressions pretty closely, or one will mistake their origin." While the Admiral was digesting this hasty meal of philosophy General Miles passed in review, a spectacle of impressive dignity. When the tail of the seeming procession had passed and the two observers had recovered from the transient blindness caused by its effulgence -- "He seems to be enjoying himself," said the Admiral. "There is nothing," assented Joy, thoughtfully, "that he enjoys one-half so well." The illustrious statesman, Champ Clark, once lived about a mile from the village of Jebigue, in Missouri. One day he rode into town on a favorite mule, and, hitching the beast on the sunny side of a street, in front of a saloon, he went inside in his character of teetotaler, to apprise the barkeeper that wine is a mocker. It was a dreadfully hot day. Pretty soon a neighbor came in and seeing Clark, said: "Champ, it is not right to leave that mule out there in the sun. He'll roast, sure! -- he was smoking as I passed him." "O, he's all right," said Clark, lightly; "he's an inveterate smoker." The neighbor took a lemonade, but shook his head and repeated that it was not right. He was a conspirator. There had been a fire the night before: a stable just around the corner had burned and a number of horses had put on their immortality, among them a young colt, which was roasted to a rich nut-brown. Some of the boys had turned Mr. Clark's mule loose and substituted the mortal part of the colt. Presently another man entered the saloon. "For mercy's sake!" he said, taking it with sugar, "do remove that mule, barkeeper: it smells." "Yes," interposed Clark, "that animal has the best nose in Missouri. But if he doesn't mind, you shouldn't." In the course of human events Mr. Clark went out, and there, apparently, lay the incinerated and shrunken remains of his charger. The boys idd not have any fun out of Mr. Clarke, who looked at the body and, with the non-committal expression to which he owes so much of his political preferment, went away. But walking home late that night he saw his mule standing silent and solemn by the wayside in the misty moonlight. Mentioning the name of Helen Blazes with uncommon emphasis, Mr. Clark took the back track as hard as ever he could hook it, and passed the night in town. General H.H. Wotherspoon, president of the Army War College, has a pet rib-nosed baboon, an animal of uncommon intelligence but imperfectly beautiful. Returning to his apartment one evening, the General was surprised and pained to find Adam (for so the creature is named, the general being a Darwinian) sitting up for him and wearing his master's best uniform coat, epaulettes and all. "You confounded remote ancestor!" thundered the great strategist, "what do you mean by being out of bed after naps? -- and with my coat on!" Adam rose and with a reproachful look got down on all fours in the manner of his kind and, scuffling across the room to a table, returned with a visiting-card: General Barry had called and, judging by an empty champagne bottle and several cigar-stumps, had been hospitably entertained while waiting. The general apologized to his faithful progenitor and retired. The next day he met General Barry, who said: "Spoon, old man, when leaving you last evening I forgot to ask you about those excellent cigars. Where did you get them?" General Wotherspoon did not deign to reply, but walked away. "Pardon me, please," said Barry, moving after him; "I was joking of course. Why, I knew it was not you before I had been in the room fifteen minutes."
Source: compiled by the editor from ICON Group International, Inc.; see credits.
Usage Frequency: Idiot
"Idiot" is generally used as a noun (singular) -- approximately 94.85% of the time. "Idiot" is used about 601 times out of a sample of 100 million words spoken or written in English. Its rank is based on over 700,000 words used in the English language. Some parts-of-speech are not covered due to the samples used by the British National Corpus. (note: percents less than one-hundredth of one percent have been omitted)
Parts of Speech Percent Usage per
100 Million Words Rank in English
Noun (singular) 94.85% 570 11,057
Lexical Verb (base form) 3.82% 23 72,767
Noun (proper) 1.16% 7 133,076
Lexical Verb (infinitive) 0.17% 1 339,140
Total 100.00% 601 N/A
Source: compiled by the editor from several corpora; see credits.
Expressions: Idiot
Expressions using "idiot": a dithering idiot ♦ arch idiot ♦ blithering idiot ♦ blundering idiot ♦ congenital idiot ♦ he is a regular idiot ♦ idiot box ♦ idiot card ♦ idiot light ♦ idiot savant ♦ play the village idiot ♦ prize idiot ♦ silly idiot ♦ thundering idiot ♦ village idiot. Additional references.
Hyphenated Usage
Beginning with "idiot": idiot-proof, idiot-proofing.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Frequency of Internet Keywords: Idiot
The following statistics estimate the number of searches per day across the major English-language search engines as identified by various trade publications. Hyperlinks lead to commercial use of the expression at
Expression Frequency
per Day
idiot 1,088
boyfriend idiot 155
idiot delight 129
idiot guide 107
idiot test 77
village idiot 41
bush idiot 41
idiot savant 30
idiot savants 21
hollywood idiot 20
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Modern Translations: Idiot
Language Translations for "idiot"; alternative meanings/domain in parentheses.
Albanian idiot (ass, asshole, cretin, dizzy, fool, idiotic, motherfucker, natural, shitass, shithead), tarallak (buzzard, dull, dull fellow, simpleton, stupid), hajvan (animal, beast, donkey, dope, imp, jackass, jay, moron, mutt, noodle), budalla (anserine, anserous, asinine, ass, blunderhead, booby, brainless, cabbage-head, chuckle-head, clod, cloddish, clod-poll, cockeyed, daft, dense, Dick, dim witted, dimwit, dumb, dumbbell, fathead, fool, gaby, gaga, goof, goofy, goon, Goosey, gowk, half wit, idle-headed, imbecile, jobbernowl, jolterhead, josser, juggins, loon, mindless, moke, muff, mutton head, mutton-headed, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, ninny-hammer, nitwit, noddy, noodle, numskull, nut, owl, pin head, pumpkin-head, sheep's head, silly, slow witted, softhead, soft-headed, softy, spoony, stupid, tomfool, tom-noddy, witless). (various references)
Arabic المغفل (boob, booby, daw, dullard, dunce, dunderhead, dupe, featherbrain, gaby, gander, gawk, jackass, lout, lunkhead, moron, mug, mugful, mutt, nincompoop, ninny, noodle, numskull, simpleton, sucker, zany), المعتوه (bedlamite, boob, booby, daft, natural), الأحمق (blockhead, goof, numskull, oaf, soft, stupid, zany), الأبله (blockhead, booby, cake, cloddish, dolt, goof, goon, half wit, moron, natural). (various references)
Bulgarian идиот (driveller, half wit, jerk, mooncalf). (various references)
Chinese 蠢货, 白癡 , 白痴 (idiocy), 笨蛋 (fool). (various references)
Czech idiot (cretin), pitomec (bonehead, chump, clown, dope, imbecile, jackass, ninny, nitwit, twit), hlupák (ass, blockhead, booby, chump, dolt, dotterel, dottrel, dunce, dupe, fool, gaby, half wit, ignoramus, jobbernowl, leather-head, loggerhead, pudding-head, sap-head, simpleton, thick-head, tomfool), blbec (imbecile, jackass, jerk, nitwit, tit). (various references)
Danish idiot, tosse. (various references)
Dutch idioot (idiotic). (various references)
Esperanto idioto. (various references)
Farsi ساده (Bald, Bare, Downright, Explicit, Homespun, Inexpensive, Plain, Positive, Simple, Slick, Unaadorned, Unaffected, Unassuming, Unceremonious, Unmeaning, Untutored), سبک مغز (Harebrained, Imbecile, Silly), خرف (Senile, Wacky), ادم سفیه واحمق . (various references)
Finnish idiootti, houkka (dupe, fool), hölmö (fool, simpleton). (various references)
French idiot (idiotic). (various references)
Frisian idioat (idiotic). (various references)
German Idiot (basket, blockhead, clown, cretin, doofus, drip, goon, imbecile, ninny, numskull, twit, zombie), dummkopf (ass, blockhead, bonehead, booby, chump, dimwit, dullard, dunce, fool, goose, half wit, imbecile, jackass, loggerhead, meathead, nit, nitwit, pinhead, thick, thickhead, thick-head). (various references)
Greek ηλίθιοσ (booby, clot, cretin, dopey, dull, dumb, fool, gawky, goofy, goon, idiotic, imbecile, mooncalf, moronic, nitwit, poky, sap-head, sheepish, sottish, stupid, thick), ανόητοσ (blithering, daft, fatuous, fool, foolish, goofy, inane, inept, insensate, insipient, knighterrantry, ninny, nitwit, nonsensical, sappy, senseless, silly, slap happy, unwise, witless). (various references)
Hebrew שוטע (barmy, brainless, daft, dolt, dupe, fool, imbecile, noodle, oaf, sappy, silly, stupid), איעיוט. (various references)
Hungarian idióta (moron). (various references)
Indonesian bodoh (dull, dumb, fool, hare-brained, obtuse, wooden-headed). (various references)
Italian idiota (fook, fool, idiotic, mooncalf, moron, stupid, twerp). (various references)
Japanese Kanji 莫迦 (folly, fool, trivial matter), 関抜け (blockhead, dunce, stupidity), 阿房 (fool, simpleton), 阿呆 (fool, simpleton), 馬鹿 (folly, fool, trivial matter), 頢馬 (dope, fool), 頢痴気 (dimwit, dope, fool, numbskull), 白痴 (idiocy), 痴人 (dunce, fool), 痴れ者 (dunce, fool), 破家 (folly, fool, trivial matter), 惚け (Alzheimer's, assumed innocence, feigned ignorance, fool, out of it from, space case, touched in the head from), 呆け (Alzheimer's, fool, out of it from, space case, touched in the head from). (various references)
Japanese Katakana しれもの (dunce, fool), まぬけ (blockhead, dunce, stupidity), ぼけ (Alzheimer's, fool, Japanese quince, out of it from, space case, touched in the head from), ばか (folly, fool, trivial matter), あほう (fool, simpleton), はくち (anchorage, berth, idiocy), とアま (dope, fool), とアちき (dimwit, dope, fool, numbskull), ちじア (acquaintance, dunce, fool, friend). (various references)
Korean 백치 (idiotic, Idiotical). (various references)
Manx thoot (boob, bumpkin, cry baby, lubber, namby-pamby, oaf, simpleton), moal-hushtagh (fool, half-witted, idiotic, imbecile), meecheeayllagh (absurd, half-witted, imbecile, mad, nonsensical, silly, simple, unadvised), lag-hushtagh (ignorant, retarded person, weak in head, weak-minded), bolvane (simpleton, stupid person), bleb (dupe, fool). (various references)
Norwegian idiot. (various references)
Pig Latin idiotay.(various references)
Portuguese imbecil (addled, anile, ass, asshole, barmy, dull, dune, fauces, feather brain, feathering, foolish, goon, gowk, half-witted, idiotic, imbecile, jackboot, loggerhead, morose, nitwit, nitwitted, oaf, oak, pumpkin-head, stupe, stupid, twerp, underwit, witless). (various references)
Romanian imbecil (fool, half-witted, idiotic, idiotical, imbecile, moron, nincompoop, soft-headed, witless, wooden-headed), idiot (cretinous, fool, half wit, idiotic, idiotical, idiotically, lunkhead, mooncalf, mutt, nincompoop, numskull, piffling, senseless, soft, stick, stupid), tâmpit (addle, addle-brained, asshole, awfully, blunt, brain-hampered, chucklehead, clod, crass, daft, dense, dim, donkey, Dotty, duffer, dull, dumb, dumb bell, fiddling, fool, imbecile, jay, lubber-head, lunkhead, motherfucker, mutt, piffling, pillock, sap, shitass, squarehead, stupid, sucker), prost (ass, bad, badly, beef-witted, blinkard, blockhead, blunt, booby, calf, cheap, clumsy, cock eyed, common, dead, dolt, doltish, donkey, dull, dullard, dumb, dunce, dunderhead, flat, fool, foolish, good for nothing, goof, goon, goose, Goosey, gull, harmful, idiotish, inhospitable, lousy, lubber-head, miserable, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, nitwitted, noddy, noodle, numskull, numskulled, oaf, oafish, pin head, poor, poorly, silly, simple, simpleton, snipe, soft, soft-headed, sorry, spoony, stupid, thoughtless, unfavorable, unfavourable, wretched, zombie), cretin (cretan, cretin, imbecile, mooncalf, Patsi). (various references)
Russian идиот (clot, driveller, jerk, mooncalf, moron, pillock, plonker, prat, wanker). (various references)
Serbo-Croatian idiotski (idiotic), idiot. (various references)
Spanish idiota (asinine, berk, boy, fool, half-witted, idiotic, moron, mutton-headed, ridiculous, stupid, stupid person). (various references)
Swedish idiot (cuckoo, dumbbell, dumb-bell, imbecile, mooncalf, moron, oaf, sap, saphead, Turkey, wet), fåne (fool, prat). (various references)
Thai คนโง่เง่า (คำหยาบ). (various references)
Turkish salak (country bumpkin, crazy, cretin, dimwitted, dolt, doltish, dope, dopey, fool, gullible, jerky, ninny, obtuse, silly, stupid, sucker), geri zekâlı (feeble minded, imbecile, mentally retarded, moron, subnormal), aptal (bird brained, birdbrain, booby, cretin, cuckoo, daft, Dotty, drag, dumb, dumb bell, dummy, dunce, fathead, fat-head, fat-headed, fatuous, feeble minded, fool, foolish, gaga, goofy, gormless, half wit, half-witted, harebrained, idiotic, inane, innocent, lummox, oafish, silly, simp, softhead, softy, stupid, thickheaded, tomfool, twerp, twit), allahlik, ahmak (addled, ass, blockhead, boob, bumpkin, cabbagehead, chucklehead, chumpish, clot, country bumpkin, crass, cretin, deadly dull, dimwitted, dolt, doltish, dreary, dullish, dumb bell, dunderhead, dunderheaded, fathead, fool, foolish, gander, gawk, gawky, goat, goof, goose, greenhorn, Gubbins, half wit, half-witted, hayseed, jackass, jerk, josser, kookaburra, light in the head, loon, lummox, lump, muggins, mutt, mutton head, noddy, numskull, prune, pudding-head, sap, saphead, sappy, schlepper, simp, soft, stupid, twerp). (various references)
Ukranian ідіот (cretin, moron, natural, omadhaun), недоумкуватий (ament, anile, batchy, changeling, crack-brained, crackpot, cracky, crazy, cretinous, daft, doddery, feeble minded, foolish, half wit, imbecile, moron, weak-minded). (various references)
Vietnamese thằng ngốc (mooncalf, tomfool, tomnoddy). (various references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various translation references.
Ancestral Language Translations: Idiot
Language Period Translations
Sumerian 3100 BCE-2500 BCE hu-ru. (various references)
Greek 700 BCE-300 CE idiotes. (various references)
Latin 500 BCE-Modern idiota. (various references)
Old French 900-1400 idiote. (various references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references.
Bible Trace: Idiot
Language Date Source 1 Corinthians Chapter 14, Verse 24
Greek (transliterated) 250 BC Septuagint Ean de panteV profhteuwsin eiselqh de tiV apistoV h idiwthV elegcetai upo pantwn anakrinetai upo pantwn
Latin 405 Vulgate Si autem omnes prophetent intret autem quis infidelis vel idiota convincitur ab omnibus diiudicatur ab omnibus
Middle English 1395 Wyclif But if alle men prophecien, if ony vnfeithful man or idiot entre, he is conuyct of alle, he is wiseli demyd of alle.
Renaissance English 1526 Tyndale But and yf all prophesy and ther come in one that beleveth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of all men and is iudged of every man:
Jacobean English 1611 King James But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
Victorian English 1833 Webster But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced by all, he is judged by all:
Basic English 1964 Ogden But if all are teaching as prophets, and a man without faith or knowledge comes in, he is tested by all, he is judged by all;
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Matched Bible Translations: Idiot
Language 1 Corinthians Chapter 14, Verse 24
Bulgarian Защото един след друг всички можете да пророкувате, за да се поучават всички и всички да се насърчават;
Cebuano Apan kon ang tagsatagsa magahimog profesiya, ug unya mosulod ang usa ka tawo nga dili magtotoo o Walayp alamag, kini siya pagahukman sa tanan, siya pagasudyaan sa tanan,
Chinese 若 都 作 先 知 講 遢 、 偶 然 有 不 信 的 、 或 是 不 通 方 言 的 人 進 來 、 就 被 眾 人 勸 醧 、 被 眾 人 審 明 .
Croatian Ako pak svi prorokuju, a uðe koji nevjernik ili neupuæen, sve ga prekorava, sve ga osuðuje.
Danish Men dersom alle profetere, og der kommer nogen vantro eller uindviet ind, da overbevises han af alle, han bedømmes af alle,
Dutch Maar indien zij allen profeteerden, en een ongelovige of ongeleerde inkwame, die wordt van allen overtuigd, en hij wordt van allen geoordeeld.
Finnish Mutta jos kaikki profetoisivat ja joku uskosta tai opetuksesta osaton tulisi sisään, niin kaikki paljastaisivat hänet ja kaikki langettaisivat hänestä tuomion,
French Mais si tous prophétisent, et qu`il survienne quelque non-croyant ou un homme du peuple, il est convaincu par tous, il est jugé par tous,
German So sie aber alle weissagen und käme dann ein Ungläubiger oder Laie hinein, der würde von ihnen allen gestraft und von allen gerichtet;
Haitian Creole Men, si tout moun ap bay mesaj ki soti nan Bondye, lè sa a yon moun ki pa kwè, osinon yon moun deyò, si l' vin rive, sa la tande a va fè l' wè aklè se nan peche l'ap viv. Tou sa l'ap tande a pral jije li.
Hungarian De ha mindnyájan prófétálnak és bemegy egy hitetlen, vagy avatatlan, az mindenektõl megfeddetik, mindenektõl megítéltetik,
Indonesian-Bahasa Sehari-hari Tetapi kalau Saudara semuanya menyampaikan berita dari Allah, lalu datang seorang yang bukan Kristen atau seorang luar, maka hal-hal yang diberitakan oleh Saudara semuanya akan menunjukkan dosa-dosa orang itu dan membuat ia sadar akan dosa-dosanya.
Indonesian-Terjemahan Lama Tetapi jikalau sekaliannya sedang bernubuat, lalu masuk seorang yang tiada beriman atau tiada berkarunia itu, maka orang itu akan ditempelak oleh sekaliannya, dan dikira-kirakan oleh sekaliannya itu,
Italian Se invece tutti profetassero e sopraggiungesse qualche non credente o un non iniziato, verrebbe convinto del suo errore da tutti, giudicato da tutti;
Korean 그 러 나 다 예 언 을 하 면 믿 지 아 니 하 늢 자 뢤 이 나 무 식 한 자 뢤 이 뢤 어 와 서 모 뢠 사 람 에 게 책 망 을 뢤 으 며 모 뢠 사 람 에 게 판 단 을 받 고
Latvian Bet ja, visiem pravietojot, ienâktu neticîgais vai nepratçjs, un visi viòu pârliecinâtu, visi viòu pârbaudîtu,
Maori Tena ka poropiti katoa, a ka tapoko mai tetahi tangata whakaponokore, kuware ranei, ka mau tona he i te katoa, ka whakawakia e te katoa;
Modern Greek Αλλ' εαν παντες προφητευωσιν, εισελθη δε τις απιστος η ιδιωτης, ελεγχεται υπο παντων, ανακρινεται υπο παντων,
Norwegian Men om alle taler profetisk, og det så kommer inn en vantro eller en ukyndig, så refses han av alle og dømmes av alle,
Portuguese Mas, se todos profetizarem, e algum incrédulo ou indouto entrar, por todos é convencido, por todos é julgado;
Rumanian Dar dacq toyi proorocesc, wi intrq vreun necredincios sau vreunul fqrq daruri, el este kncredinyat de toyi, este judecat de toyi.
Shuar Tura Yus-Chicham étserkurminkia nékachusha tura Yus-shuarchasha nui wayanka Ashí Tárumna nujai ni tunaarin iimias Enentáimturtatui.
Spanish Pero si todos profetizan, y entra algún no creyente o indocto, por todos será convencido, por todos será examinado,
Swahili Lakini, wote wakiwa wanautangaza ujumbe wa Mungu, akija mtu wa kawaida au asiyeamini, yote atakayosikia yatamhakikishia ubaya wake mwenyewe; yote atakayosikia yatamhukumu.
Swedish Om åter alla profeterade, och så någon som icke trodde, eller som vore olärd komme ditin, då skulle denne känna sig avslöjad av alla och av alla utrannsakad.
Thai แต่ถ้าทุกคนพยากรย์ คนที่ไม่เชื่อหรือคนที่รู้ไม่ถึงเข้ามา ทุกคนก็จะทำให้เขารู้สำนึก และทำให้เขาพิจารยาใจของตนเอง
Ukrainian Коли ж усі пророкують, а ввійде якийсь невіруючий чи сторонній, то всі докоряють йому, усі судять його,
Uma Aga ane hawe'ea-ni mpohowa' lolita Alata'ala pai' mesua' hadua tauna to bela-i to Kristen ba to ko'ia-i mpo'incai Lolita Alata'ala, kampo'epe-na napa omea to ni'uli', monoto-mi hi rala nono-na kamojeko' -na. Hewa ria hi rala nono-na to mpo'uli': "To hi aku' -mi tetu-e mai!"
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Derivations & Misspellings: Idiot
Words beginning with "idiot": idiotic, idiotical, idiotically, idiotism, idiotisms, idiots. (additional references)
"Idiot" is suggested in spellcheckers for the following: adeot, dijot, diot, edio, ediot, Fidatov, Hidipo, ibio, ideog, idi, idict, idie, idiod, idioit, idiol, idion, idiop, Idiota, idiott, Idit, idlot, idoit, idoity, idot, idriart, Ijo, irio, ition, Liddiat, midfoot, odio, Oudinot, sidcot, Tiviot. (additional references)
Source: compiled by the editor, based on several corpora (additional references).
Rhyming with "Idiot"
# of Phoneme Matches Pronunciation Word(s) rhyming with "idiot" (pronounced i"dēut)
4 -d ē u t immediate, intermediate, remediate.
3 -ē u t appropriate, associate, baccalaureate, chariot, Cheviot, compatriot, inappropriate, lariat, laureate, opiate, patriot, proletariat, secretariat, soviet.
Source: compiled by the editor (additional references); see credits.
Anagrams: Idiot
Scrabble® Enable2K-Verified Anagrams
Words within the letters "d-i-i-o-t"
-1 letter: doit.
-2 letters: dit, dot, tod.
-3 letters: do, id, it, od, ti, to.
Words containing the letters "d-i-i-o-t"
+1 letter: idiots.
+2 letters: diction, dinitro, diorite, dithiol, edition, histoid, idiotic, lithoid, poditic, tolidin, trioxid.
+3 letters: acidotic, actinoid, addition, audition, diatomic, diatonic, dichotic, dicrotic, dictions, dilation, dilution, dioptric, diorites, dioritic, disjoint, dittoing, docility, editions, epidotic, hidrotic, ideation, idiolect, idiotism, idoneity, indictor, iodating, iodation, iodinate, isthmoid, midpoint, notified, oddities, oribatid, otitides, retinoid, sedition, sistroid, solidity, tolidine, tolidins, toluidin, trichoid, trioxide, trioxids, triploid, tripodic, utilidor.
+4 letters: actinoids, addiction, additions, adiposity, apodictic, auditions, auditoria, coediting, condition, corticoid, coxitides, dacoities, dakoities, deltoidei, dentition, depiction, detrition, deviation, diabolist, dialogist, diastolic, diatomite, diazotize, dicrotism, dictation, dictional, digestion, digitonin, digitoxin, dilations, dilutions, diplontic, direction, discomfit, disjoints, disorient, dizygotic, doleritic, dolomitic, editorial, erudition, floridity, fortified, granitoid, hideosity, hidrotics, ideations, idioblast, idiolects, idiomatic, idiotical, idiotisms, incondite, indention, indicator, indiction, indictors, indigotin, induction, introfied, iodations, iodinated, iodinates, mediation, midpoints, morbidity, mortified, nautiloid, ommatidia, optimised, optimized, oribatids, outpitied, outriding, oxidating, oxidation, oxidative, perdition, peridotic, podiatric, quotidian, radiation, reedition, rendition, retinoids, seditions, seditious, sodomitic, solicited, stolidity, tolidines, toluidine, toluidins, torpidity, torridity, torrified, tortricid, tradition, trioxides, triploids, triploidy, tripodies, tyrocidin, utilidors, vitrioled.
+5 letters: abdication, addictions, additional, admiration, admonition, ambitioned, antibodies, antidoting, antidromic, antimonide, apodeictic, auditioned, auditories, auditorily, auditorium, bimodality, carotinoid, chondritic, clitorides, clostridia, coatimundi, coincident, conditions, cordiality, cordierite, corticoids, decimation, dedication, definition, demolition, dentitions, deorbiting, depictions, depilation, depositing, deposition, derivation, detoxified, detoxifies, detritions, deviations, diabolists, diagnostic, dialogists, diatomites, diazotized, diazotizes, dicrotisms, dictations, dictionary, digestions, digitonins, digitoxins, dilatation, dilatorily, diminution, diplomatic, directions, disappoint, discomfits, discretion, disjointed, disorients, dispiteous, disporting, disrooting, disruption, dissection, dissention, dissociate, distension, distention, distichous, distorting, distortion, distrainor, divagation, divination, divinatory, docilities, dolomitize, dominating, domination, dominative, dominatrix, dosimetric, dubitation, editorials, editorship, endobiotic, endolithic, epileptoid, epitomised, epitomized, ergodicity, eroticized, eruditions, expedition, fastidious, gadolinite, gothicized, hedonistic, ideational, ideologist, idioblasts, idiolectal, idiopathic, idolatries, idoneities, indagation, indentions, indexation, indication, indicators, indicatory, indictions, indigotins, indocility, inductions, induration, inordinate, intaglioed, inundation, iodinating, iodination, ironfisted, irradiator, latifundio, lepidolite, liquidator, mediations, medication, mediocrity, meditation, midsection, midstories, mispointed, modalities, munitioned, nationwide, nautiloids, nodalities, nodosities, officiated, ommatidial, ommatidium, ordination, originated, osteitides, outbidding, outchiding, outdriving, outfinding, outguiding, outwinding, ovaritides, oviposited, oxidations, parasitoid, parodistic, perditions, peridotite, petitioned, pinpointed, podiatries, podiatrist, poeticized, politicked, positioned, prediction, prismatoid, prohibited, quotidians, radiations, radiolytic, reeditions, renditions, renotified, routinized, siderolite, sodalities, solicitude, solidarist, solidarity, solidities, sovietized, staminodia, tailorbird, tendonitis, theodicies, toluidines, tortricids, traditions, tyrocidine, tyrocidins, validation, victimhood, vindicator, vitriolled.
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
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Alternative Orthography: Idiot
Hexadecimal (or equivalents, 770AD-1900s) (references)
49 64 69 6F 74
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519; backwards) (references)
American Sign Language (origins from 1620-1817 in Italy and, especially, France) (references)
Semaphore (1791, in France) (references)
Braille (1829, in France) (references)
Morse Code (1836) (references)
.. -.. .. --- -
Dancing Men (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1903) (references)
Binary Code (1918-1938, probably earlier) (references)
01001001 01100100 01101001 01101111 01110100
HTML Code (1990) (references)
I d i o t
ISO 10646 (1991-1993) (references)
0049 0064 0069 006F 0074
British Sign Language (Fingerspelling, BSL; 1992, British Deaf Association Dictionary of British Sign Language) (references)
Encryption (beginner's substitution cypher): (references)
Modern Literature: Idiot
Short Stories
The Little Idiot by The SS2K
The Idiot Gravedigger by jin9
The Idiot Crew Of Gondola 49 Episode 1 by PsychoKain
Thought Provoking Material from an Idiot by Invader DOOM
The Trials and Tribulations of an Idiot by singe aliene
Working For An Idiot by Lavender Rose
Long Stories
Heroshima and Bob the Idiot by moomoo22
Four Half Idiot Maroons On Uh Island by B.E.N
The quest of an idiot by Shinoda Bennington=me
Interview With An Idiot by xforgottenfaithx
Source: selected by the editor.
Art Gallery: Idiot
(Links lead to external sources)Professional Photos (more examples)
"... men, unwinding, idiot, box, boob ..."
"... woman, unwinding, idiot, box, boob ..."
Public Art: Stickers (more examples)
"A Villiage in Texas Is Missing its Idiot"
"Make It Idiot Proof and Someone Will Make a Better Idiot"
"Your Kid May Be An Honor Student But You're Still An Idiot"
"Your child may be an honor student but you drive like an idiot"
Public Art: Buttons (more examples)
"Village Idiot"
"I'm With This Idiot"
"I'm sorry my fault I forget you were an idiot"
Public Art: Keychains (more examples)
"I'm With This Idiot"
Source: selected by the editor, with permission from various art references and poster references.
Proper Noun and Trade Name Usage: IDIOT
Book Titles: Idiot
Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot ~ AL FRANKEN
Date: 12 January, 1999
Publisher: Dell
Price: $11.20
(more examples)
Music Titles: Idiot
American Idiot ~ Green Day
Release Date: 21 September, 2004
Label: Warner Brothers
Price: $13.49
Idiot ~ Iggy Pop
Release Date: 29 June, 1992
Label: Virgin Records
Price: $10.99
Idiot Road ~ The Arrogant Worms
Release Date: 18 December, 2001
Label: Arrogant Worms
Price: $16.98
Out of Our Idiot ~ Elvis Costello, Attractions
Release Date: 01 January, 1992
Label: Demon Records UK
Price: $24.99
The Idiot King ~ Attention Deficit
Release Date: 22 May, 2001
Label: Magna Carta
Price: $16.98
(more examples)
Video Titles: Idiot
Shaolin Idiot
Release Date: 09 November, 2004
Studio: Ventura Distribution
Price: $4.99
Photon - The Idiot Adventures
Release Date: 07 November, 2000
Price: $39.99
The Idiot
Release Date: 15 July, 2003
Price: $23.84
Idiot Box
Release Date: 26 March, 2002
Studio: Fox Lorber
Price: $9.98
Photon: The Idiot Adventures
Release Date: 27 January, 2004
Studio: Central Park Media C
Price: $17.99
Une Ravissante Idiote (A Ravishing Idiot)
Release Date: 26 November, 2002
Studio: Vanguard Cinema
Price: $26.96
(more examples)
Recording Artists: Idiot
Release Date: 20 March, 2001
Price: $15.99
Undertow ~ Blind Idiot God
Release Date: 07 November, 1994
Label: Enemy
Price: $13.98
Redickulous ~ Slick Idiot
Release Date: 21 October, 2003
Label: Underground Inc
Price: $13.99
Cyclotron ~ Blind Idiot God
Release Date: 14 October, 2002
Label: Avant
Price: $29.49
Blind Idiot God ~ Blind Idiot God
Release Date: 14 May, 1991
Label: Sst Records
Price: $14.98
E5-770, My Mother's Name ~ Lucie Idiot
Label: AR
Price: $24.98
(more examples)
Web Search Results: Idiot
Idiot (Back to Top) Definition Synonyms Crosswords Usage: Modern Usage: Commercial Images: Slideshow Images: Photo Album Sounds Quotations: Familiar Quotations: Fiction Quotations: Non-fiction Usage Frequency Expressions Expressions: Internet Translations: Modern Translations: Ancient Bible Trace Derivations Rhymes Anagrams Orthography BibliographyINDEX
1. Definition
2. Synonyms
3. Crosswords
4. Usage: Modern 5. Usage: Commercial
6. Images: Slideshow
7. Images: Photo Album
8. Sounds 9. Quotations: Familiar
10. Quotations: Fiction
11. Quotations: Non-fiction
12. Usage Frequency 13. Expressions
14. Expressions: Internet
15. Translations: Modern
16. Translations: Ancient 17. Bible Trace
18. Derivations
19. Rhymes
20. Anagrams 21. Orthography
22. Bibliography
Webster's Online Dictionary
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idiot - add to the list...poster June 22, 2008 11:50 AM
this site is being boycotted in respect of mr. hastings.
WE should be removing this board. Tracy posted the boycott. Why would a Buffoon hater boycott a web site hating on the Buffons who trash talked hastings? this web site has nothing to do with hastings and everything to do with removing the current board.
This would indicate one of the reasons she is an IDIOT
If I were Tracy I would have to leave town, I don't think I could even go to the supermarket and not think that everyone I pass was thinking about all of these comments on this blog. I would have to move far away................hmmmmmmmm....
wonder if she thinks about this??????
TO: 5:43 PM
why don't you move far away from here? hmmmmmm...
I'm not going anywhere. Period.
I do not believe that people are being this disrespectful at a time like this.Trust me half the citizens do not know about this blog nor will they look at it.The elderly pretty much do not use the internet.So, to say everyone is talking about this blog is farfetched.I venture to say maybe about 500 people look at it or even know about it.I will wait til after the Hastings funeral but I have some comments that will put some people in there respectful places soon.
blow it out your nose.
you overestimated this blog's viewing number by about 490 in my opinion.
maybe ten people get on here to spew their venom.
counting us, that's about eight more.
If you are so good, then call my name.It want bother me this blog's on it's last leg anyway.David Burleson will soon be gone and you people will have nothing to cry about.
What an idiot......keep dreaming....
Why does Tracy keep focusing on David Burleson...she really needs to worry about her ilegally changing maps? Right Tracey?
Tracie has a history of failure. She failed as a home school teacher; a mother; a wife; a volutneer as various places around town; she failed as a personal trainer at straights; she has been a total jerk and embarassment as a board member. She will continue to fail in her efforts to fire David Burleson, she will fail in her efforts to alter the county maps; the list will continue. She is a two-faced person who is Bi-Polar and unable to complete anything longterm. Oh yeah she will fail in trying to tell Burke County citizens what they are allowed to read.
To the blogger asking if Tracy thought of moving: What could she do anywhere else. She has a sugar daddy for as long as she obeys him. She will soon turn on him as well and we will be rid of them both.
REF: "and we will be rid of them both"
True! She will also fail as a mistress. Anyone who rejects their own flesh and blood (namely their own children) cannot remain in any relationship for very long.
But don't need people on the school board with this kind of reputation. And as for the number of readers on this blog.......they are far more than 10. People, lots of people read this blog daily (Including Tracey)!!!
easy now...
Question 1 Why did Buddy vote on a map he did not look at at the board meeting and refused to even take home with him that night?
Question 2 Did he know what he was doing where he could come back and bring it up as an issue where he could somehow make his self look like a advocate for education and stand only on principle which would be a change from where he has been over the years?
Question 3 Is he that dumb, and yes he is dumb but did he vote on it because htat is what he has done for years and not researched the facts.
I belive he knew ahead of time what he was doing.He thinks he can rally the troops to vote for him in Nov 09. Buddy it will not happen. Buddy try all you can to have tracy removed it will not happen.Go to John Ervin and ask him what kind of tricks he can pull from his bag.When the Board hires a new attorney you and Burleson and Brackett will calm your heels.Trust me Buddy you are demented!
Get your head out of the sand...this has nothin' to do with Buddy. What Tracey did was illegal and is left for the attorney to handle in court. That WILL happen...just a matter of time. Don't fret Buddy, you did't do anything! We know who is to blame for the wrongdoing.
Buddy fret! You are not out of the woods yet.Wait til you see what is coming around the bend.Will David keep his job? Buddy you can tell yourself you are okay because you are stupid enough to believe it.This Board will move with lightning speed now!Richard Avery Caroline Avery and John Ervin and Nancy Taylor those people need to hold your hand and david's buddy.You will soon need their comfort.
so i'm demented huh ???
People....the map issue is not why or who voted for it, IT IS WHY DID TRACEY BUFF think she could get away with it? You seem to think that is is the responsibility of the other board members to keep an eye on everything she does, that's impossible, she sneaky, so not trust-worthy that you can't know what she is up to at anytime. SHE is the blame for the changing of the map and needs to be held accountable.
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