"If folks want to wonder about how our school system has been operated. (Pointing his finger at the crowd) Right here is how its been"
-Tim Buff blaming the public for how the school system has been run.
"Look at yourself in the mirror" (wagging her finger or pencil at the crowd)
-Karen Sain
Karen and Tim,
Stupidity is better kept a secret than displayed.
PS Any comments will automatically be emailed to Tim and Karen
PSS Yeah right Karen, your ring is too small.
Hey tim, why doesn't Charlotte come to the meetings in support of you like she used to. Could it be she found out about about you and tracy?
If we weren't the laughing stock of the state yet, I believe we are now. The Fraud 5 needs to look in the mirror and see how their actions are making a mockery of our educational system. They think they are playing a great game of chess with the people, but they don't know the difference between chess and Candyland.
Ms. NOrman and Ms. Sain
Could you please STOP chewing gum at the school board meetings? Our students are not allowed to have gum in school and would be reprimanded if they were chewing gum at events like speech contests and spelling bees. It is rude, it is disrectful and a disgrace.
Well, what do you expect from idiots???? At least, they are not picking thier noses or scratching in obvious places!!!
Good question.. Where is Charlotte?? She and Nancy Gragg used to come to all the board meetings and take notes. Where are they now? Tim and Tracy could used a good notetaker so they will be able to know what they have said in board meetings....
I would pay to see Sam vs. Spineless......Sam would kick his ass.
Karen, no wonder you have always kept your mouth shut in the past. We always thought you were a brainless idiot, but now that you have begun speaking out at the meetings, you have definitely erased all doubt - you are a brainless idiot!!!
Karen Sain's behavior is UNACCEPTABLE - spouting off comments to a teenager!!!! How stupid!!!! Karen I think you have been around Tracy too much - should not have taken that beach trip together this summer!!! Karen, everyone knows that Tracy is one step away from Broughton, but now you are riding on her coat tail. Arguing with a student and making comments about pushing you into the water - HOW STUPID!!! Geesh what are you in 5th grade......oh wait... you are NOT SMARTER THAN A 5th grader....LOL...Karen if you want to see STUPID - look in the mirror!!
Didn't know Karen and Tracy went to the beach together?? I thought only Betty T. asked Tracy to go to the beach this summer... maybe all three of them went together. Imagine that!!!
Did a little quick research on the NC School Board Association. Seems Tim Buff is on the Board of Directors. Allison Schaffer is on staff. She is an attorney that worked with Richard Schwartz at another law firm and also possibly, along with Schwartz, helped Rick Sherrill when he was in Pamlico County. Ms. Schaffer recommended Rick Schwartz to Tracy Norman. Wow - what a tangled web and all for $12,500 per year. The NCSBA website lists as membership benefits training, legal fund assistance, accidental death insurance for school board members, respected leadership, and increased ability to impact students positively. I think we should ask for a refund of our dues for the last few years. Membership in the organization certainly has not helped the majority of the school board members from Burke County and definitely has not helped the students.
Nothing but hate on here and the person in charge is running for school board? Yep, now that is what I call real change. A hate filled web site full of rumors and half truths.
2 p.m. I don't understand your post. Are you saying the person in charge of the school board, Ms. Norman, the board chair, is running for re-election and is full of hate and tells half-truths?
I thought this was Mrs. Thomas's web site or at least she is in charge of it. I may be wrong, if I am please accept my apology.
3:27 this is not Mrs. Thomas' website and she is not charge of it. Thanks for apologizing.
tim and karen look like they are practicing for a synchronized swimming contest.
This is the address to Ms. Thomas website. There was a link from her site to this site.
1:31 that is not Mrs. Thomas' website.
barkburke.com is Thomas' website
Where can I find the Norman for School Board website? Does she have a blog or a facebook page?
I don't think Tracy is smart enought to figure out how to create her own web page.
Mrs. Sain was dressed inappropriately at the school board meeting tonight. I can't wear strapless shirts to school. Why can she wear them to a meeting? It's still a school function isn't it?
Tracy's website is www.morecameltoe.com
I just love to read what Burke County rednecks write about after going to school board meetings. I hope ya'll can stay on your side of the county line and not breed with any people from surrounding counties. If we can keep it contained to one county we will all be better off.LMAO.
@2:14...we've already infiltrated your area and come November we'll be sending you the biggest rednecks of all. Can't wait til Queen T stirs up trouble in your neck of the woods.
Ok, hee hee, David Barnyard. So glad you are easily amused. Is your wife still amused that she's still not getting business for Mountain View Allergist?
I have been hearing a rumor about Mrs.McFarlin having an ongoing affair with a couple of teachers over at Patton.Does any body know anything about this?? Could this have been one of the reasons she was moved from Patton??
She doesn't kiss & tell.
I have been hearing a rumor about JK Adkins leaving his wife. I also hear she found out about an affair he had been having with shanda.Does any one have any sources about this??
Please tell all folks.
I hear Trash's butt is getting bigger. Wonder how Tiny likes those big rump roasts.
I heard Tim Buff was riding around listening to baby got back.
On a side note; a lot of BCPS emps are wanting to cancel some of their insurances (dental, vision, life, etc) since the 6% pay cuts were made mandatory in July. They simply can't afford them.
Looks like they might have to hire an attorney to get it done, since the enrollments were finalized (June 5th) long before the mandatory pay cuts took affect.
Welcome to the world of private industry. We have been cutting back since Oct of 2008 and my pay was cut 20%.
The Deadweight is GONE.
Slick Rick is KING.
This site is DEAD!
that's all ya got ?
who gives a crap about November NOW?
HELLO, the damage has been done.
So what? Vote'em all out. It will be years before we recover from this mess.
Is there a positive reason to continue reading this blog? Has any measurable good actually come from it; or was the intent measurable good?
The purpose of this blog was to give voices to those who really wanted to voice thier oppinions, with out reprisal. To give people a way to vent frustrations. It has served it's purpose well. Rick is not King, November will bring more discussions and this blog needs to stay alive.
1:50 PM
Rick IS King.
Where is the info on the affair between JK Adkins and Shanda McFarlin? Are these rumors true??
that's all you poor people have...
so, so very sad
This is not a rumor. It is a fact.Jk's wife found over 2000 text messages between him and Shanda.Some of those were as late as 3 in the morning. She put in the court document that he had not been showing any love and affection to her and had been acting strange for a while. He then left her not too long after the baby was born. Shanda better hope a lawsuit is not filed.
So how many principals in Burke County have had affairs???? TOO many!!
REF: "So how many principals in Burke County have had affairs???? TOO many!!"
since the David Burleson thing is dead...y'all might as well talk about something...
how many board members have sniffed trashie panties?
all about the children, isn't it 3:11 PM ?
Way to go Randy Sain. Guess your nephew taught you how to use that recorder?
Hi folks,I want to clarify something I did today at our meeting and allay any fears you may have. I brought my digital recorder into the meeting to record it. I had no idea of the tenor or focus of the questioning and brought it merely to have a record in case anything we said was misconstrued (in other words - CYA). I turned it on as quickly as I sat down. It was recording when the moderator started telling us the responsibilities of the review comm. and that everything said was to be anonymous and in strictest confidence. At that point, I stopped recording. It had recorded for 3:02 before I cut it off and none of the questions they asked were recorded. In retrospect, I should have put it back in my pocket after cutting it off but I just didn’t think about it. I have already erased the recording. I apologize if my action kept anyone from speaking their mind. That was certainly NOT my intent.
Randy Sain, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, Delilah, Benedict Arnold, Tokyo Rose, Take your pick of those who sold their souls to the devil and betrayed those who trusted them.
Come on-does anybody believe that bs story sain is trying to spout off? I figure he got his taping instructions from tracy-she couldn't get it right either. Do these people have ANY morals? If he doesn't get reprimanded for this, who will? Waht a bunch of losers.
Wow can you believe that husband sain is as stupid as wife sain? This entire mess started over Karen's nephew making that naked video of boys at East Burke. Then the poor white trash family got mad because they were told the video was illegal. Now ole uncle randy tried his hand at illegal taping. Has Randy been on dumb crooks before?
DPI should launch an immediate investigation into Sain's conduct today. He should appear before the Ethics Committee to answer for his serious violation of a confidential investigation by esteemed SACS officials. Obviously, he was trying to rat out his fellow principals so his wife and her friends could retaliate against them. He could lose his license and not be able to work anywhere in North Carolina. How foolish. And for a fast sinking ship of fools. No, they capsized today!
BCPS Headline News:
Brittain/Sain Family illegal taping incident, December 2006:
Sain nephew sets up illegal video recorder in EB boys locker room, captures BB coach going through lockers and naked teenage boys, too??
BB coach says he was looking for stolen $, but admits to using poor judgement in not having a witness.
Consequences: Coach resigns from job following uproar from Sain nephew's family and friends. T. Norman secretly tapes closed board session for family, is investigated, tampers with evidence/witnesses and escapes. Sain aunt wins seat on BOE in next election. Sain Aunt teams with TN, TB, RH, DB to "get" all administrators (Anderson, Demiter, Smith, Pollpeter, Brackett, Burleson). They succeed. Hire outsiders at much hiher salaries and RS who is widely quoted as saying, "I will come back and get that little fat man" (referring to DB) Dastardly deeds are reeked on Burke County children, employees, and taxpayers by the current Foul board.
Brittain/Sain Family illegal taping incident, August 2009:
Randy Sain, current principal of East Burke Middle School admits to illegally recording a meeting with fellow principals (to entrap them)with SACS officials who are here to investigate the Foul board members.
Consequences need to be: R. Sain is demoted to teaching spanish at the alternative schools, K. Sain resigns, T. Norman resigns, T. Buff resigns, R. Hairfield resigns, J. Aulgur resigns, Swartz, Jones fired. Sherrill retires, Terrell retires. Burke County celebrates! SACS is satisfied. Commissioners restore 6900 funds. All lawsuits dropped. One by one the new carpetbagger administrators are sent packing back to where they came from. Are replaced by current BCPS employees who deserve the promotions. Those who have been riffed are called back to replace those promoted. Jobs are saved right here in Burke County. Classified employees return to full salary. The nightmare is over and we move forward.
love it, dreams can come true, can't they? we are overdue here in ole burke.
What's this about Mabel Lowman and Libby Cooper??? Someone please explain, are they friends of Tracy Norman??? How could they afford to ruin their political careers and well paid positions by hanging out with her??? Surely it ain't so??? I thought Tracy was a republican??? Are they not democrats???
Is Chip Cooper related to Libby Cooper?
Sounds like Ms. Norman came unwound tonight at the Board of Commissioners meeting. First she made loud, derogatory remarks to a member of the audience. Then after the meeting she confronted two commissioners.
I thought we might see a more kind and gentle Norman as she begins her campaign to keep her seat on the BOE. Guess I was wrong.
PS Yeah right Karen, your ring is too small.
if jk's wife really did find text messages between the two and they were on their blackberrys, it is public knowledge, tell her to get a lawyer and get copies of messages. Post them in the paper!
messages between two on their PERSONAL blackberrys would not be public knowledge, you IDIOT!
Well Ernest Stroup the all knowing educator husband of Mrs.Stroup, writes a letter in today's paper.
Ernest is your fifth wife running to bring back David Burleson and crew? Is she and the other cohorts running with her going to come up with a policy which does not allow people in the public to discuss employee's at board meetings? You know what I am getting at Ernest,dont you? Yep,remember the lice fiasco at Hudson Middle School in the early 90's? I bet you remember worse than that dont you? You must because we sure do.
I think the Caldwell County board came up with that policy to protect you,where it would go through the Superintendent's red tape and be watered down before the board heard it. Ernest do you or your present wife have the guts to tell Burke County why you sought refuge in Burke? We are waiting!
The Adkins-McFarlin rumor is true.His Wife filled a court document at the courthouse asking for custody of the house and child support.Why would he be texting her at 3:00 in the morning? I just wonder if this court led to him losing his job.
Jk got caught up in a bad situation. Mrs.McFarlin should also have shown restraint. There were rumor's of the Zimmerman kid who got the Freedom baseball job being with Shanda a lot as well.
After reviewing the issue's one must ask,Did David Burleson know about this? It is known he covered up another affair in the system and the two individuals were able to continue together until Mr.Sherrill took over and move the one of the people to another school. I think there were many reasons Mr.Burleson was let go,this could be small in comparsion to other issue's he has avoided or not done his job on.
Susan Stroup is not what everyone thinks she is.Better look at her past as an educator.It is not as great as one may think. Ernest in fact was worse than Andy Anderson in Caldwell County. Do the research it is there!
One of the most known affairs was when Terry Rogers started teaching at Freedom. He was having an affair with his oldest Child's baby sitter, who later became his wife.Rumors are as well that Wayne Fletcher messed around with girls when he was head coach at East Burke.
Well,people knew about Terry,and I do not believe that about Wayne Fletcher, but the Stroup affair made the front page of the paper in Caldwell County. So there are rumour's and things that can be proven.Ernest Stroup and then Susan V Mackey,or Mackie was on the front page.Deal with it!
I know because I live in Caldwell County.
Susan Stroup had an affair? It can not be the one running for the Board of Education. I know this woman and do not believe you are talking about the same person.
Be sure you have facts before using your hash slinging inuendo.
She is a loving devoted mother and now retired educator doing what is right for our children.
I think there was something in David's file regarding Tim and Tracy's affair. That was missing as well wasn't it Tracy?
Your coaches in Burke County don't have nothing on our coaches in McDowell County, when it comes to courtin' the players!!!
Ever hear of Mike Silver?
Well well well the Buff/Norman rumor mill is at it again. They keep trying to discredit people with mudslinging and innuendo. Let's investigate Tim and Traceygate. What about those out of town trips for BOE business the taxpayers funded? Where is Tracy really living right now? Could it be in the central district?
You can go to the court house and get a document of Jk's wife filing for custody.I am not with Tim or Tracy and I have seen the papers.Jk left his wife on June 23, 11 days after the birth of their son.
ref: Jk left his wife on June 23, 11 days after the birth of their son.
To whom it may concern,
If anyone would like to check my credentials as teacher, coach, or principal, please contact Kenneth Roberts, Herb Stevens, or Ronald Beane who were my principals and superintendent while I was employed by Caldwell County Schools. As far as Susan and I are concerned, we have been happily married for 17 years. My only regret is that I didn't meet her sooner. I thank God every day for bringing her into my life. My wife is above reproach. I fully expected this kind of "mud slinging" from the current board majority. We both decided that her running for the school board was more immportant than any "dirt" you think you have dug up. We have a son who is a student in Burke County Schools and we want him to graduate from an accredited high school. Susan cares about the children and employees. If anyone would like to have a first hand account of any of the "dirt" written on this anonymous blog, please call me at 828-391-3977. I would be glad to clear up these untrue rumors and tell you the truth. Anonymous, tell everyone your name and give us your number.
P.S. Lice? Gee, I never knew I made the front page of the paper. I hate I missed it.
Charlotte caught Timmy fucking ole Trash lady red handed. Timmy can not see the grandkids. He also combs his hair over to cover his head. It gets real red when he is mad. I bet it will be red next Monday night.
ol' wilkerson made him turn red at a meeting a few weeks ago.
"call the vote madaam chair"
Principals in Burke County do not have affairs.
Tell that to Jk Adkins' wife.Why else would he be texting Shanda at three in the morning.
maybe they are just "friends"
Ernest you got caught.Quit lying and stand up and be a man as Sam Wilkinson says! You know you were involved in an affair with then Susan V. Mackey. She has been married 3 times,you 5. The dirt as you call it made the paper.What else is there to say? Admitting the truth will help you and Susan.Hiding will not make it go away.
1:30 p.m. stop living in the past. Mr. Stroup said he has been married to Susan for 17 years!! The voters in this county are living in the present and looking to the future. A future that does not include the current majority of the BOE.
So, 1:30 PM, does this mean Tracy's affair and lurid lifestyle are OK? Ernest and Susan have been married for 17 years. You have your divorce. Are you and Tim waiting on his divorce?
If you are planning to play the fidelity card here, does that mean that your two best buds at the Central Office are fair game? How far do you want to take it? Can we agree that Norman boys' behaviors are a deep reflection on their mother? Just what are your limits and rules here?
I'll tell ya, let's revisit the EBHS locker room event. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind now about a board member playing a taped closed session to a third party? Apparently your ilk have been giving lessons.
So we'll play. Bring it on.
Maybe Tim Buff will act like a man and admit his relationship with Tracy.
Tim & Tracy do not, have not, & will not have a personal relationship.
They are members of the Burke County Board of Education, voted into office by us.
Sick, & tired, (or should I say "SEEEEECK & tired) of the lies.
3:05, I can't decide if you are being sarcastic?
A lot of people wondered about Randy Sain and tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Guess his true colors came shinig through this week.
Let's not forget Tricky's affair - Rick Sherrill was caught in a comprimising position in his office when he was Principal at East Burke with BT!!! & Now's he acting superintendent! Tim & Tracy have been going at it for years. Tim and Tracy were caught in the woods when Tim took her Turkey hunting. I bet Tim got a turkey on right. And another thing ... Tracy tried to have an affair with the finance officer, but he wasn't having it, no way, no how & good for him! She even bought him Chocolate for Wine Lovers box. She wanted him to supply the wine, she the chocolates. LOL!!! She even went suggesting at meetings that she and he were having an affair. Tracy just thought spilling out these ideas was so cute. If she wasn't the laughing stock of the office now, she was then. I don't think any one on board should be soliticting school personnel for dating or other physical endeavors!!!
Does anyone know if Lunger Hairfield was with Keith Lawson, the school finance officer, the night of July 31 when Lawson was cited for DWI by a highway patrolman? Rumor has it they were out drinking a little Mad Dog while cruising for women to pick up.
Not sure. However, Keith Lawson was arrested for DWI several years ago as well. It's at least 2nd offense.
Yes Shanda had an affair with JK Adkins and everyone at Patton High knows it. Funny that they would get rid of Shanda for having an affair and move Tim Davis and Rob Ford to Patton. Irony at its best.
I am a Patton teacher so let me set the record straight. Shanda asked to be moved because the high school job was too much for her right now. She has personal issues that have nothing to do with her love life. I wish her well. As far as Tim Davis and Rob Ford goes, we are thrilled to have them. They are both very nice men who act professionally and treat the teachers with respect. JK's marital situation is nobody's business. He is a nice man too who has bent over backwards to help kids. Leave all these folks alone, please. I'm tired of the constant rumors about my coworkers, when there's not a shred of truth.
Really 9:18? I'm guessing you were in the "in."
No, 9:38, I was not in the "in". Trust me, I just kept out of her way. I just think it's unfair to talk about people's personal lives on a public forum. Regardless of how someone feels about someone else, don't you think it's wrong to anonymously slaughter them? That is cowardly.
TO 9:18 & 11:43
when you & you co-workers cease to be paid with public monies, then, & only then, will your personal lives be your own business. Until then, fair game.
Just stating Ernest and Susan are not the proffessional's we thought,are they? Ernest come clean where the sos crowd will be able to use the Tim and Tracy crap.Unless you are afraid the real truth will not set you free?
And I hate to tell you this, but Robbie Ford is notorious for his affairs. He has had at least 6 while he was at Freedom. I know of one who is at Patton. He's respectful to women if they have a cute rear end.
Who is the Patton teacher? She deserves to be outted also.
Why does she need to be outted ??
Any female teachers besides Shanda been involved with a little hanky-panky on the side?
Her husband is a nice guy or I would. She's hurt him enough. He left her butt.
"don't you think it's wrong to anonymously slaughter them" ?
Not when the people we are discussing place themselves in positions as role models for the children. Especially a coach who was the speaker for a school awards ceremony, who in his speech discusses the importance of honor and integrity. True or not, the appearance of such an inappropriate relationship ruins the example they should be setting.
Also to note, you posted anonymously as well.
Tracy - Please run on your record. If you are proud of your record, defend your positions and be proud of what you done. If you have a record that's worth highlighting accomplishments then you should be seen as a viable candidate. So, how about it Tracy? Tell us why you should be reelected based on your and your's majorities accomplishments. If you're proud of your record you'll stand by it and run your reelection campaign with honor.
Is Tracy even campaigning? Has she been seen at the Burke County Fair this week? When she ran the first time she was at the fair every night. Has anyone seen Tracy?
Tracy was spotted recently at a car lot with her kids. They were tyring to trade her in for the new "Cash for Clunkers". Unfortunately for her family, the federal regulations do not grant 'Cash' for camel toes, and the mgp stands for Miles Per Gallon, not men per gap.
They were also denied because they tried to pass her off as a Passenger Car, but the dealer estimate leaned toward Large Light-Duty Trucks given the size of her tailgate and the 6500-7500lbs weight range.
She was very violent and immediately called the attorney in Raleigh to file suit against the dealer.
Tiny Tim was furious over the actions of her family and immediately pointed fingers at the dealer. He was also instructed by God to throw outdated dented cans at them and offered her family $45 and out of date yogurt as a payment.
No Tracy will not be at the fair in the exhibit hall this year. They had to reclassify her and she is now in the stables. You will see her with the tag of GED08, equal to her General Education Deploma (no Tracy it doesn't stand for Geterdone) and eigth grade education. She is easy to spot, she is the cow with the biggest ass.
Thank you 4:06 P.M. I know exactly who you are talking about now. She and her husband recently split, if you're talking about who I think. This information would lower the general public's opinion of her quite a bit, wouldn't it?
Does anyone know who the new principal of Heritage Is? What happened to Randy Insain?
Any one know how many applications were received for the superint. position? Wasn't the deadline Aug. 3rd?
Does anybody know anything?
Principal for Heritage has not been named. I heard they were waiting to get approval from the school board at Monday's meeting. Funny how they had so many special called meetings in July for nonsense but have to wait for the regular meeting to roll around to name a principal with 8 days before teachers report to work. Seems like business as usual with their priorities.
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