From the comments:
Has anybody seen or heard from Tracy Norman lately???
A district court judge on Tuesday placed a temporary restraining order on Burke County Board of Education member and local businessman Tim Buff.
Yeah, that same Tim Buff.
Buff's wife, Charlotte, sought the restraining order at the same time she filed for divorce.
That's D-I-V-O-R-C-E !
He has served on the school board since 2003 and is a past board chairman.
"It's a new day for Burke County Schools."
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 478 of 478Im so glad that Tracy and Rob did not take Mrs.Tilley's bribe/offer to stay at her beach house for free if they would keep David Burleson and resign. How pathetic!
It would take more than the millon David moved without board approval for any intelligent human being to keep him around.
"Holy Shit, they allow you to teach Sunday School and VBS? Did you hit the alter Sunday at church?"
Dearest 5:54PM, please send your credentials/resume to the good folks at Hopewell because I here they're looking for someone to take over Ms. Snow's responsibilites there. You sound like just the person for the job. If you have a copy of Sam Wilkinson's preacher's sermon which included out and out lies about Tracy Norman, that would be helpful in your inteview process. I know they will be interested in talking with you.
Thank you for helping them out!
Your Good Friend
"HOWEVER, there are still some people in this Burke County who care about elected officials abiding by the Open Meetings Law and treating excellent administrators with the respect they deserve. They voted for an end to the corruption, but what they don't realize YET is they just voted in a more corrupt board than we've ever had in the past."
AMEN and Amen. That is worth repeating. WHOEVER POSTED THIS HIT THE NAIL SQUARELY ON THE HEAD. The people who voted for SWAT wanted honest, clean school board members. We are finding out otherwise and frankly, it's disappointing. I got a copy of the Allegations email from a friend of mine, and it's an absolute outrage.
Buddy - we want answers. You owe Mr. Cox AN APOLOGY. I'm not emailig this to you because my daughter works for BCPS and she needs her job. I no longer trust you or the rest of your team. This is sickning.
Those who befriend Tracy pay a price in the end.
ok someone post this email or shut up about it.
lets see the email with who sent it, who got it, and who was copied, and we will decide who needs to apologize to whom
As the great bald headed man once said "put up or shut up" "just let the record reflect sue" "just for clairification purposes". Show us what you've got or shut the hell up you liars.
From: Buddy Armour
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 9:51PM
To: Art Stellar
Cc: Hairfield, Stroup, Thomas, Wilkinson, Sain, Aycock
Subject: Allegations regarding the retrofit of HVAC controls at LMS
Dr. Stellar,
Over the weekend, I was told that the new HVAC controls the BOE approved as part of the Capital Outlay Expenditure approved in February (it could have been March) were installed by Energy Management Systems of Iron Station, NC. That face, in and of inself, isn’t significant. What IS significant is that my source told me that those retrofits were not bid out as competitive bid. When I asked why, I was told that Mr. Cox said that the new-equipment contract from EMS was a SERVICE contract.
Dr. Stellar, that makes no sense to me. SERVICE contracts are awarded to cover recurring maintenance. What EMS was allowed to do was replace all the system controls and possibly more. SERVICE contracts are budgeted as current expense expenditures. This contract, I’m quite certain, was awarded to be paid with Capital Outlay funds approved by the BOE.
Board Policy #6401 states,
“The Purchasing Director shall purchase and supervise the purchasing of all materials, good and supplies for the school system in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes or local board policies in the absence of state law or if the local policy is more stringent than the state law. Recognized professional purchasing practices shall be utilized with each purchase.”
Wouldn’t the proper purchasing practice here have been a competitive bid? My records show that we budgeted “$175K for this job. As we are bound by our ethics and code of conduct policies, I have refrained from asking Crystal for PO’s and contract copies just so you (and Mr. Aycock, if necessary) can investigate this allegation. If bids were not taken, I would like to know why. And the “service contract” arguement (sic) won’t hold much water with me. So I’m asking for a copy of the EMS contractg and the related PO’s. That should tell me if anything other than service was provided.
Dr. Stellar, we have many good and intelligent employees who see a lot yet say very little. They say very little because they either fear retribution or feel nothing will be done. The firs excuse, I can do very little about. But the second excuse is something we all can address.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Buddy Armour
From: Stellar, Art
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:50AM
To: Crystal Cooper; Anthony Cox
Subject: FW: Allegations regarding the retrofit of HVAC controls at LMS
Importance: High
Please provide me with a report.
From: Anthony Cox
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 4:42PM
To: Art Stellar
Subject: RE: Allegations regarding the retrofit of HVAC controls at LMS
Attachments: Memo LMS HVAC Repairs.pdf
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Confidential
Dr. Stellar,
Please find attached a report from the Purchasig Officer and myself. Attachments to the report will be sent via separate email due to the file size.
In keeping with Board of Education Policy 2121, Ethics Code of Conduct for School board Members, we have included a statement of the estimate of time taken in the retrieval of the raw materials, requested by Mr. Armour.
Also, as required by Policy 2121, numbered paragraph 15, it is my duty to report to you how Mr. Armour’s action has impacted me personally.
First, in the fourth paragraph of Mr. Armour’s email below, he states that he is “bound by our ethics and code of conduct policies” to refrain from asking the PO’s and contract copies so that you may conduct your investigation (which is attached). Then in the same paragraph he states “So I’m asking for a copy of the EMS contract and the related PO’s.” If he is bound not to ask for it, why did he ask for it anyway? This effort was very time consuming for me and appears to be in conflict with paragraph 10 of the same policy.
Second, the use of the word “allegation” and the suggestion to open a legal investigation on this issue (“Mr. Aycock, if necessary”) is very intimidating to me. Moreover, 8 of the last 9 sentences in his email seem to be accusing me of misconduct or worse. Stating that the “service contract argument won’t hold much water with [him]” is prejudicial on my response before I have even made it. Generalizing in the final paragraph regarding “retribution” does not mask the fact that, given it is MY named called out in the “Allegation”, it is being implied that I am using fear in managing my employees. I do not. In fact, I am the employee who fears retribution in this case, and before I have even had a chance to explain away the rumor.
I have no intention of seeking out who made this allegation/rumor against me and my staff. That is not within MY code of ethics as a Professional Engineer, as a warranted member of the Federal Acquisition Professional Community, as a Commander in the United States Navy, and as an ordained Deacon in the Baptist Faith. Since the Board members have not engaged in conversation with me since being installed last December, please assure them for me that I have always served the citizens of Burke County with the utmost regard and compassion for our students, and I will continue to serve you and them professionally at your pleasure.
Tony Cox
Anthony J. Cox, P.E.
Assistant Superintendnet for
Auxilary Services and Construction
Burke County Public Schools
May 26, 2010
To: Art Stellar, Superintendent
From: Anthony J. Cox, Assistant Superintendent
Crystal S. Cooper, CNP Director
Subject: HVAC Repairs and Improvements, Liberty Middle Schools 2009
In response to Mr. Buddy Armour’s email of 24 May 2010, “ALLEGATIONS REGARDING THE RETROFIT OF HVAC CONTROLS AT LMS”, please find our explanation below which shows full compliance with all regulations in the subject procurement and project. For the record, this project is 15 months old and all work ahs been complete in the field for some months.
The rumor that Mr. Armour is basing his allegation on, that the subject project was service contract, is false. I (Anthony J. Cox) never made that statement to anyone.
As discussed with the Board of Education’s Facilities Committee on 30 January 2009, and approved by the Board of Education 16 February 2009, the main contract in this project was awarded as a sole source negotiated procurement for construction work, with some services included in the scope. The contract, as documented in the award transmittal letter attached, was executed in accordance with North Carolina GS 143-131, 143-129 (as amended by Session Law 2007-446), and was executed with the approval of the Board of Education. This transmittal letter and a copy of the signed contract was further copied to the Chairman of the Facilities Committee, the Chairperson of the Board of Education, and the Superintendent, among others.
Further, this procurement was made in full compliance with local purchasing policy in effect at that time, and even complies with the Policy #6401 cited by Mr. Armour which was enacted April 15, 2010. As required by the BCPS Purchasing Policy Manual (rev 2004), Section IV Paragraph II.F., a memorandum of justification and approval dated 30 January 2009 documented the sole source procurement method as the choice for this project (herein excerpted):
Etc. etc. etc.
Per established ethics policies, we report that the research, response and preparation of this report and other raw materials required 1.8 total man-days and at a cost of $515.0
Signed by…
Crystal S. Cooper
Purchasing Director
Anthony J. Cox, P.E., APC
Assistant Superintendent for
Auxiliary Services and Construction
Award Transmittal letter (email) dtd 27 Feb 2009
Contract btwn BCPS and Energy Management Systems dtd 27 Feb 2009
Purchase Order # 57928, dtd 29 April 2009
Dr. Stellar’s assistant sends this information to the board attorney and 6 board members (Buff doesn’t use email) and Dr. Stellar says, “… The public competitive bid process sure seems to have been handled as it should be done. …. Again, the public bid opening today seems to make the allegation moot as this was competitively bid out.”
Stroup wants an “honest and direct answer to this potential improper action” and thanks the Board Chair for bringing the rumor to their attention.
Stroup asked for copies of the contract, purchase orders, and bid documents.
Dr. Stellar sent an explanation of the timing on the bid process to the board attorney and 6 board members (Buff doesn’t use email) and said, “two separate schools, two different fiscal years, similar HVAC systems with similar problems and both situations were handled appropriately. The original HVAC problems go back to 2006 when there was a fix attempted which did not work.”
Thomas asks a question of Dr. Stellar and two board members (not all 6).
Stellar asks her if the last communiqué explains the situation.
Armour asks another question of Dr. Stellar and two board members (not all 6).
I see that Angie Blalock is one of Susan Stroup's Facebook friends, so she must have shown her how to keep those who are NOT her
Facebook friends from seeing her Wall. Oh - but we already took screen prints of the negative comments she made against Tony Cox. And, if the board members continue to post derogatory comments about administrators using Facebook, those who they think are their friends simply print it and save screen prints, then it's sent to SACS. Guess we're shutting down the UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT of publicly complaining about school employees overnight.
Yes, please blame the messengers rather than the unprofessional dolts you elected. That makes perfect sense to us. (Aycock has got to be slapping them upside the head for being so idiotic, don't you know?)
§ 115C‑287.1. Method of employment of principals, assistant principals, supervisors, and directors.
"If the local board decides not to offer the school administrator a new, renewed, or extended school administrator's contract, the local board shall notify the school administrator of its decision by June 1 of the final year of the contract. A decision not to offer the school administrator a new, renewed, or extended contract may be for any cause that is not arbitrary, capricious, DISCRIMINATORY, PERSONAL, OR POLITICAL. The local board's decision not to offer the school administrator a new, renewed, or extended school administrator's contract is subject to judicial review in accordance with Article 4 of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes."
Hmmmmm - how many times has it been documented when SWAT has publicly gone after Mr. Cox?
Hmmmmmmmm - LIVEANDLEARN is Susan Stroup. Her comments on MNH are quite revealing. Do you really thing you're posting anonymously?
Does STATE LAW mean anything to you people AT ALL?
So that's it?
9:08pm, please tell us how a Board Chair should go about accusing an administrator of breaking state law based on a rumor he heard as well as accusing him of managing his employees by fear and intimidation. You'll need to read the Board Policy manual first, and think from a professional managers' perspective, but I think you can probably do that.
While you're working on that, think about the $515 it costs to refute the rumor. That should make the SMART really happy - how much copy paper would $515 purchase? That stuff is like Gold, man.
And who is : Anna Deal, Henry Perrou, F.Carswell, JV777, Jos.A.Banks, Great Scott, Joe The Plumber, great scott, etc. etc. etc.?
Do you enjoy being a facebook stalker?
Is Karen as stupid as she sounds?
9:15PM, Carol Snow?!! Do I win a prize?
9:20pm, I'm not sure if you're talking to me or not, but I know I enjoy being a Facebook stalker. But I can't speak for anyone else. My friends also enjoy printing/saving Sam's and Susan's Facebook faux paus.
It's sort of like fishing, in a way, except you don't have to sit out in the hot sun.
Does Snow and Norman wear the same size panties?
Barbara, it's not JV777. It was JVV777. Double V.
You see, JV777, the one who normally posted early in the morning (must work nights?) is the one who accused the Snow's of somehow being related to convicted child molestor, Leo, don't you remember?
JV777 is one of OUR guys - a SWAT supporter. WE'RE the ones who accuse people of crap like that. Now do you got it?
You love to get mud on everyone, don't you?
Where is the moderator? Start a new thread!
"Does Snow and Norman wear the same size panties?"
Were you educated in Burke County? Please tell me you weren't.
Time out from all the anonymous hatred, backstabbing and mud slinging and let's talk grammar just for a second, ok? I'm sorry, 9:35pm, I respect and voted for Armour, et al, but I can not let this go by.
Singular = 1. Plural = more than one. Ok so far?
"Snow and Norman" - now would that be Singular, or would that be Plural?
Right! Snow and Norman are TWO people, so that's plural.
Ok, so should we use the singular tense "does" or the plural tense "do"?
Right! It's DO!
Now do you hear how much better this sounds to our ears?
DO Snow and Norman wear the same size panties?
The answer to that would be.... yes. And it's about 3 sizes smaller than Lingerfelt and Tilley. Because -- this really matters to the education in Burke County. Thank you for bringing up the subject. :)
Oh - if you wanted to use a little pun and say something like "Does the pair of them wear the same size panties", you should use the singular tense "DOES" because when talking about a pair, a group, a trio, a committee... we do use the singular when talking about a set of people.
I know, it gets confusing, but we can get it if we work together. Just google "do does grammar" or visit this site for more practice.
Enjoy! SWAT Rocks!
5:02 - CAROL - You're behavior is disgusting. You come clean and then continue to attack. I sincerely hope you get sued for your harrassment.
You're full of BS- Nothing was documented in the News Herald about Mrs.Stroup, because there's nothing to document. Mrs. Stroup is a wonderful person & this is just more evidence of your smear campaign.
No open meeting laws have been violated by SWAT. I don't give a you know what about your take on things.
I sincerely hope your family is getting counseling for your craziness. And clean up your STINKY house.
OMG Nothing but Carol's BS. There's no allegations only the one the witch has created.
If this blog were put into a magazine, it would be a sister to National Enquirer
Here are a few tips for the Chairman.
Study Robert's Rules of Order and Parlimentary Procedure.
You have been on the board long enough to ace it, yet you seem to know none of it.
Enforce order at meetings.
Your praise team needs to pipe down!
Refrain from allowing attacks on private citizens by speakers.
Susy Tilley and the like need to act with a little decency.
Tell Sam Wilkinson and Susan Stroup the election is over.
We do not need the Shakespeare dramatizations or campaign rally war rituals.
Speak to people you can not stand even if it kills you!
Not speaking to employee's since December or snubbing those whom you are not politically aligned with is not what SACS CASI wants!
If I think of more things to work on, I will post them.
Desperate words by snowfat... losing control... it's awesome... the more she writes the crazier everyone realizes she is...
Why do you people worry about what Carol or James or whoever has to say? I think just leaving it alone, and working on SACS Advanced Standards will help in the long run. Too much bitterness on this blog!
Oh, come on. What was her name before Stroup? Where did she teach before coming to BCPS? Why would the scandal be reported on in the Morganton News Herald if it didn't happen in this county? Do you really think Susan wants you asking all these questions -- you might just stumble upon the answers. Talk about your glass houses. It's hard to fathom she had the nerve to take part in the smear campaign against Buff/Norman and Terrell/Sherrill. Nothing amazes me anymore about the audacity of the politically corrupt machine of BCPS. Nothing.
Someone is going to sue her for "harrassment"? Now that is interesting. Would that be the entire BCPS system, or the board as a whole, or certain administrators or teachers or who?
I saw online where it says "The victim may file a petition for a "stay away" (restraining) order, intended to prevent contact by the offensive party." Perhaps that's what they should do... file a restraining order against a parent. I'm not sure what AdvancED would think about that, but I'm sure you could explain the situation to them.
The definition of "losing control" was displayed for us by Ms. Susy Tilley at the board meeting last Thursday. I fully expect the SWAT team to get a more professional group of spokespeople to address the board on Wednesday. Sorry, Susy - but it ain't workin' for us, darlin'. Thanks for all the help in the past, but, well, anyway....
In order to work on SACS, I need to go to Texas too.
10:08pm - here's one to add to your list.
If you ask your Board Attorney a question, would you mind asking him to step over to the microphone so the public (who happen to be paying dearly for his legal advice) can hear what the man has to say?
And... snowfat. That's a good one! LingerfeltFat, TilleyFat, NormanFat, DavidBurlesonFat, BethBurlesonFat, WelkerFat... those are good, too. Because, we are all adults on here, right?
I heard it is a private citizen with deep pockets, very deep pockets.
10:35, do tell!
The sad thing is that some of you think you have everyone all figured out and that you can fit everyone into your neat little molds ("us" and "them"). You make assumptions about people who are not even associated with this whole ordeal in the least. What a great Christian example you are to the world! Your tongue is forked and you speak from both sides of your mouth. Your hypocrisy makes me want to vomit!
Cool! Which private citizen has she been harrassing?
Oh - have you gone to bed, or did you figure out she hasn't been harrassing a private citizen. Dang it. That would have made GREAT news in the MNH.
Since Stellar knew Cox was so sensitive to criticism, Stellar should not have forwarded Armour's inquiry on to Cox. All Stellar had to do was ask Cox to explain in 100 words or less why the February 2009 LMS job wasn't bid competitively. That's all Stellar had to do because that's all Armour wanted to know. There was no need to risk upsetting the Commander.
It's clear to the reasonable "joe" that the allegation isn't Armour's, and it should have been clear to the superintendent that, as a buffer between the board and the employees, he (Stellar) was foolish to simply "pass on" the request. So Cox goes off the deep end and even admits the decision not to bid had nothing to do with there being a need to "service" the problem.
That's great. They both agree. But Cox really didn't answer the question. He just said that BCPS's purchasing policy at the time allowed for not bidding the job, and so that's what was done.
But what also isn't revealed in the explanation is why the EBMS job WAS bid. Similar schools - similar problems - similar fix.
Mechanical contractors in our county need work as badly as the contractors in Iron Station, NC - maybe worse. Since TC lives in Hickory where the tax base and the schools aren't hurting nearly as badly as we are, I guess someone needed to remind him of that.
Stellar may have a PhD. But he doesn't know jack about managing people.
You mean as opposed to the harassment of school board members?
"You mean as opposed to the harassment of school board members?"
Not sure anyone understands your question.
Reference to 11:14.
12:46AM (Buddy Armour),
(It doesn’t take a brain surgeon, but merely Media General’s text analysis team, to figure out our esteemed Board Chair is blogging on skoolbored.blogspot since you wrote the same comments and question in your email to Dr. Stellar, CT, SS and Sue Lowdermilk on May 27 when you said, “Yes and no. Same mechanical issues. Same school design. Same kind of fix required. So why are you bidding THIS job when you said you did not need to bid the LMS job?”
Ok, Mr. Armour. Let’s back up and regroup. Your original question was why wasn’t the LMS bid out as a competitive bid? The answer given was “the main contract in this project was awarded as a sole source negotiated procurement for construction work, with some service included in the scope”…. It was made in full compliance with State law, board policies, local purchasing policies.
Mr. Cox also said “the original goal of the Project Planning Team was to use the results of this “experimental, developmental or research work” at LMS as a foundational scope to finally, in turn, address the CONTINUING PROBLEMS AT EBMS.”
Now, I see things much more simply than you.
* Brackett wasted $120,000 trying to fix the problem at EBMS in 2006 and failed.
* Cox found someone to FIX THIS PROBLEM CORRECTLY in 2009 at LMS and it was successful. (Did you thank him, by the way? Oh, I guess not. He stated you haven’t even spoken to him since the election. In fact, we can see that when you and he are in the same room, you don’t even nod or look in his direction. By the way, your adult silent treatments are called Emotional Bullying, but that is the Burke County way.).
* Cox bid out the job in 2010 and hopefully EBMS will be fixed if your buddy the Director of TRANSPORTATION (who doesn’t have an engineering degree and doesn’t know jack about this process) takes over.
* Thank you for making BCPS take 10 steps backwards due to your hatred of the Deacon in the Baptist Faith. Our budget, our teachers, our students just really appreciate feeling the brunt of you acting on your prejudices.
And one more thing.... we want the BEST PEOPLE AND CONTRACTORS FOR THE JOB, and don't care where they live. Our kids and teachers deserve the very best, and last time I checked, your responsibility is to THEM, not to improving the bottom line of any contractors who may have done a substandard job once again.
Harassment Lawsuit? That would be a sweet, sweet deal.
I talked to Carol about this yesterday, and I found out some very interesting things. First of all, they live like they’re poor, but they are debt-free nerds. No house payments, no car payments, no payments on their businesses. They do not use credit cards. They own land, gold, Roths, etc., cash. They have positioned themselves for any upcoming economic collapse (they are conservatives, after all, and can read the tea leaves on the affect this country’s national debt will eventually have on the economy). Her husband is the tightest man south of the Mason-Dixon line, as was his dad who lived through the depression, which is why his parents had so much money to leave to his children upon their deaths. So, in the case of any civil litigation against them, this likely would happen.
They’ll hire the dream team and will bring out every single ugly email that was ever written by teachers and board members to them since 2006 when they began making waves about the media in the schools (yes, TRMS teacher & principal, they still have those emails, as well as the recent emails from a board member that are so new they still have the singe of hatred steaming off them), and will insist the court sanction those who bring the frivolous litigation, reclaiming their own legal fees. Their team of lawyers will insist the law firm who represents the plaintiff should be held in contempt of court for wasting the court’s valuable time.
Should they lose in Burke County, which is almost guaranteed because of the corruption in this county, they will appeal outside of this God-forsaken place and will continue to appeal, racking up even more legal costs which would have to be reimbursed by the plaintiff(s). Not only do the Snow’s have deep pockets, but so do some of their friends.
It will make for exciting news, and may even revive the News Herald’s failing readership, so I’d like to see this happen in 2010. We need a good story in Burke County, and SACS would be especially interested in watching it unfold.
“Parent Sued for Asking Too Many Questions!” – I love it.
Carol Snow(fat) have you gone back to being Anionymous or the teller of the truth yet again? I thought you were sorry? Writing style is all the same and you ARE one of few who care enough about Tony Cox to get emails and post them here, right? Tony Cox is a huge waste of money, as was Brackett! Why does Cox and Sherrill love throwing around their military background? Is that the only way they can truly feel like men? Is it true Cox won't be in BC next year? What a shame! Oh, just had an idea, wouldn't you (Snow) and Tracy like to move out of the county and follow Cox? Carol isn't Tracy available for you to play with? Carol Snow why do you dye your hair like Tracy? Carol did you gain all that weight so you look more like Tracy? Have you found a black pant suit 4 sizes too small yet?
"Why does Cox and Sherrill love throwing around their military background?"
Did we not just have this grammar lesson in the last 24 hours? Is this a Burke County-ism, or what the heck?
Leave Carol alone. I told her to gain the weight. I told her to dye her hair like mine. She will do as I say. I am the evil witch of Burke County and Carol Snow is my subject. If you don't like it, then you can leave.
Q: Is it true Cox won't be in BC next year?
A: I suppose it depends upon what happens during the employee grievance during executive session tomorrow.
Check out this sweet, sweet contract. I'd sign this baby in a heartbeat, let me tell you what. And SWAT saved us a thousand smackers every year on this position. Thanks SWAT! Rock on!
Incoming Director of Secondary Curriculum, Rexanna Lowman (MA, 26+/- Years):
Salary $95,995.92
Supplement $ 5,759.76
Bonus $ 8.118.84
Longevity $ 4,319.82
Soc Sec $ 8.735.87
Retirement $ 9,295.42
Insurance $ 4,157.00
Total cost $136,382.62
(total employer cost)
Outgoing Director of Secondary Curriculum, Betty Terrell (EDS, 38 Years):
Salary $100,488.00
Supplement $ 6,029.28
Bonus $ 3,999.42
Longevity $ 4,521.96
Soc Sec $ 8,800.00
Retirement $ 9,364.15
Insurance $ 4,157.00
Total cost $137,360.27
(total employer cost)
RE: "Tony Cox is a huge waste of money, as was Brackett!"
Dear Mr. "Does" Plural,
I agree with the latter part of that statement. Not only was Brackett a waste of money, but his incompetence cost this system dearly. People are losing their jobs now, and we can trace many of our budget problems to Mr. Brackett's incompetence as a Facilities Administrator.
As for Mr. Cox.... if you could spend, say, $110 on someone who can help you save $1,000, would that initial $110 be a waste of money? The answer is: Yes, to short-sighted fools who know nothing about good business or managerial decisions. After all, if you can't use "do" when talking about two people, then why do you think anyone will listen to you about complicated issues? It's... well..... a little above you, I'm afraid. Sorta sounds like someone who wants to use volunteers to do construction for the schools. Ummm - obviously not a viable plan. But, thanks anyway.
To those that feel this is a "God-forsaken place".....just leave.
You say your pockets are deep and you live debt-free. You stir up trouble and complain. You spew hatred and lies. If it really that bad JUST LEAVE. It is really simple, I-40 runs east and west. Pick a direction and GO!!!!
@ 10:39 regarding someone suing Carol Snow...
Is Carol blogging again anonymously?
Is she trying to bully whomever is thinking of filing a harassment lawsuit?
Would this be cyber bullying, emotional bullying or just plain bullying?
I think it would be called "showing you all her cards so you know exactly what you'd be up against". She's doing you a favor and you call her a bully?
Jeeeeesh. What a place.
1:14pm, I think they prefer the mountains. What highway goes there? They need your help.
11:49am.... Just saw something in your post you may want to know. That information regarding the Allegations made against Tony Cox was not released as a result of a Public Records Request. It was handed to someone who got it from someone who got it from the Central Office.
It was leaked. Sorta like the Sain letter and then posted on Catherine's blogsite. It's contraband public records -- just another example of what goes around comes around.
"You stir up trouble and complain" - LOL!
Now, are you talking about those who called SACS last year or did you mean someone in the more recent past? I'm confused (ok, more confused that normal -- ha ha ha; I stole your little jab from you). Please be more specific because this could pertain to SO many people in Burke County over the years.
By the way -- Sandra, Barbara, Susy, Susy's poor hen-pecked quiet husband, Roger, and everyone else who's been attending the board meetings: Your behavior at the board meetings is jeopardizing our county's very future. We will all surely curl up and die if we lose accreditation because of what you've been doing at the board meetings. Did you know about the VideoStreaming that Dr. Blalock has set up for us? It's nifty. You should try it. You can "Hummmpf" to your computer screen all you want. It's great.
wow....Snow is giving Christians a bad name here. I wonder if she told SACS all of the things she said here? Wonder if she copied and pasted EVERYTHING she said on here (anonymous posts included) to the pastor?I wonder if anyone else has noticed she is completely NOT interested in ANY children? You can't post this much and spend any time with your kids. I guess that's probably not a bad thing in their case. poor kids.
I think the hot weather is getting to Snow. She's melting!!!!
12:46AM (Buddy Armour),
(It doesn’t take a brain surgeon, but merely Media General’s text analysis team, to figure out our esteemed Board Chair is blogging on skoolbored.blogspot since you wrote the same comments and question in your email to Dr. Stellar, CT, SS and Sue Lowdermilk on May 27 when you said, “Yes and no. Same mechanical issues. Same school design. Same kind of fix required. So why are you bidding THIS job when you said you did not need to bid the LMS job?”
Ms. Snow, you're so laughable. Do you think you're the only one with all these emails? Someone had to get them just to keep you from misquoting - not to mention misspelling - what was actually written.
And now your pockets are so deep that you have hired Media General's
text analysis team. Girl, you wasted your money.
We are all so impressed with how rich you are and with so much power and legal clout at your finger tips. We're all scared to death to mess with you! That's what you wanted to hear, wasn't it? Tee hee.
You just think you're smarter than the average Burke Countian.
Melting... melting..... oh, all my wickedness.... you little brat! I'm melting...
Dorothy, you've done it. The wicked witch is dead. Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch is Dead!
Hey Carol - did you notice thmore has been very quiet lately? Has he seen the number of occurrences his heroes have broken the Open Meetings Law in deliberating behind the backs of the people?
And by the way - I know I'm impressed with your amazing financial status and ability/resolve to defend yourself & family from the likes of SWAT team members. I sure as heck don't want to get on your bad side.
2:04PM, Are you one of the lovely, sweet SWAT supporters whose MO was to spread vicious rumors and lies last year after showing up at board meetings, threatening and pushing people, or are you one of their nice, sweet, gullible supporters?
If you're one of the nice, sweet ones, did you condone or condemn the behavior of your peers who were acting like the backside of a horse?
Oh 4:22 let's do take a trip back in time to board meetings from last year...
Your bff board chair calling 911 and saying this is Tracy...bahaha
Or that high pitched are out of order....
Or that time she chased - yes I was there and saw it - that nice minister out into the parking lot AFTER she tried to command a public safey officer to have him removed from a meeting.
I AM an intelligent, smart, kind person that can discern the truth. All you are trying to do now is make something out of nothing and you are jeopardizing the education and the future of this county.
Someone said it best earlier...hit the road...if you like the mountains I-40 west.
It's so easy to play with Carol and her many personalities.
"you are jeopardizing the education and the future of this county"
Am I to understand that the folks at AdvancED or SACS are so stupid they can be buffaloed when someone is telling them false information about the actions of our board?
Didn't ask about Tracy; I don't think she's one of the SWATter's peers. You were asked, "If you're one of the nice, sweet ones, did you condone or condemn the behavior of your peers who were acting like the backside of a horse?"
I don't know about you, but the reason I'm in such a bad mood is because one of the best administrators bcps has ever had is about to slip away quietly because the Board Chair hates those he perceives to be "Wallbuilders". Yes, the religious bigotry is live and well in Burke County.
At least we have a stark contrast between someone going peacefully without causing the system and community to spend a bunch of money to avenge his "unjust" dismissal and one who didn't care what the cost was as long as everyone was trying to keep him. In this case, the dismissal is unjust.
Burke County is getting just what it deserves for voting in SWAT. Some other county is getting a great, classy, honest, well-respected guy.
Any SWAT members going to thank him tomorrow, or are you planning a group spit-in-his-face fest?
I certainly was not a Norman supporter and was glad to see her go. Despite the hateful things that are being said on this blog I will have to say that I too am sad to see Tony leaving BCPS. I believe he is an honest man and that he had the best interests of BCPS in mind.
9:36pm, if you're not living in fear of retribution as part of the bcps system, you might ask Buddy to name his top 5 beefs with Mr. Cox. Because... I can tell you the Super wanted to keep him, but SWAT would not support it. It's. A. Shame.
Trust me, I know that the super wanted to keep him.
What are you people whining about? 70 teachers who don't have a big military pension just lost jobs.
I hope SWAT can use Cox big salary to bring back some teachers who have nothing.
Thank you SWAT for putting teachers first. My wife is one of them.
It will be very interesting to see what takes place at the board meeting Wednesday night.
Maybe if we didnt hire SWAT cronies to replace these BIG salaried employee's we could REALLY save teachers?
Ask Buddy,Susan,Sam or Catherine the truth Teachers.
No, I do not want you to believe everything they tell you.
EXAMPLE= Sam Wilkinson posts on facebook he did not know about all the moves going on in BCPS just one or two nights after voting to send Rexanna Lowman and Brian Oliver to Cental Office! It was a SWAT to three vote that got it done. It is one thing to long to be thought of as a great leader,but my goodness tell the truth to your sheep/peeps. Then, Mrs.Lowman tells some of her staff she was being made to go to CO. HELLO! Do not apply for a job if you do not want it!
What about all these jobs we were not going to let Dr.Stellar create? What about the raises?
What SWAT will not tell the community,stakeholders,teachers is that the STATE has said they will not send more money for teachers because enrollment is down!
SWAT knows or should, that some of the jobs at CO are already coded for certain positions. That money could not be used to save teachers or free whilly if they wanted to! The money that CAN be saved is by not dishing out RAISES to CRONIES who have NO EXPERIENCE!
Cox has taken a job in Rock Hill. Is that near Newberry County where Tim has been hiding property from Charlotte? It looks like Tony found a way to make that boat payment after all. Bless his little pea-pickin' heart.
Can somebody tell us what's up with all the principals moving around? Please.
cronies with no experience....would that be Art's mistress? is all over town that the texas twosome are having a love affair on the taxpayers dime....i do not give a crap about boring emails...i want to know about the sex at the central office...details, please
Principals get moved all the time, no need for an explanation.
Sex at Central Office! Well, that would not be good to bring up the past sex games that have been going on in this county. Just think of what almost came out in the courtroom this year about sexual misconduct? Guess who knew all about it, but let it slide?
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