Saturday, February 7, 2009

Preferential Treatment?

So why is the Board Vice Chair's wife (C. Buff - the legal one, not the Board Chair) paid on a different pay scale than other Teacher Assistants? All TA's are a level 54 and she is a 57? (it is public information just ask for it) Where does she get off being an officer for the TA organization and "fighting" for the little guy and yet she is on a different pay scale? This puts her (and her husband) in the same boat as all those arrogant stuck up bank executives. We wonder why things are failing ? Sounds like an abuse of power to me!


Anonymous said...

Good one Buddy,lets not stop there though.I think Charlotte should be on the same grade pay scale as other ta's with her years of experience.We need to lower maintenance salary's or get rid of supervisor positions in that department.Not the jobs just supervisor pay and titles.There is no need for the schools to have 12 maintenance supervisor's. Lets look at custodial pay. Gary Lane and Betty Bradley are the highest paid head custodians with the least experience and they are lazy.Charles Cook lets them do what they want, but other head custodians have to work like dogs.Charles makes 50,000 a year for nothing.Then,there is Robert Bonner he is truly worthless.Not as a person but his position is almost 60,000.Buddy, Tim needs to be questioned about why Charlotte was given such a pay increase and it is totally wrong.But,you were the master at paying people for nothing and getting nothing in return.Scott Smith bled this system like a stuck hog. He was Buddy Armour's puppet and Buddy does not know what to do without him. We will get to the bottom as to why Mrs.Buff got a raise.Rest assured Buddy, there is a group of people who are forming to hold all 7 board members accountable and last but not to be left out,David Burleson.The people who are forming this group is going to make sure Buddy Armour or an imbicile like him,never sits on our board!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

What in the hell is wrong with people in Burke County?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "our board"? Is it yours because you serve on it? And only imbiciles can't spell "imbecile"!

"The people who are forming this group is going to make sure..." How far did you get in school? The front door?

If you serve on the BOE, at least try to appear educated. What do you know about the educational levels of your board mates - including "inbicile" Buddy?

The TA salary thing is years old. You need to ask Buff and Burleson how and why it was arranged.

Anonymous said...

No, I do not serve on the Board and why would our great superintendent help arrange something like this? I know the past board did crap under the table,but now we see this one does too.Randy Sain's promotion was one of the first orders of buisness.I think Randy is a good principal and really deserved it,but it looks questionable.Charlotte is an okay lady,but her getting that arrangement is questionable.Now I believe in every person's right to fair and transparent Government.I just do not want someone like Mr.Armour pointing out things that makes him look good.He was a master at doing questionable things.I totally lost all respect for him in the Billy Anderson matter.I understand him wanting to protect him, and cover it up for David's sake.But when a elected official swears to uphold the law and defend against legal action,Buddy claimed he would leave the room if the video of Billy was shown.Now,Buddy will claim it was an illegal video so he thinks he can sidestep that issue.If someone broke into his house and someone shot a video from across the street,would he not want to see it? I know the Armour support group will come on here and talk about Tracy revealing closed session material.Why did the old board not persue it against her? I still think the children,Billy Anderson,Rexanna Lowman,Adam Hastings,Tracy Norman, and lets please not forget David Burleson,should all have been took into court where an outside judge and jury could make a judgement against the proper people.No matter what would have took place David Burleson would have been hit with obstruction of justice! You people know it,that is why it died!

Anonymous said...

REF: "in the Billy Anderson matter"


Anonymous said...

The Billy Anderson Theft.Excuse me for not making it clear!

Anonymous said...

i'm new to the area.

never heard of the "The Billy Anderson Theft"

soooo, excuse ME!!!

Anonymous said...

Well get out from under your rock.Buddy Armour helped a coach steal money from students and it was caught on tape.Buddy will be ousted in November from the board by the people.If buddy knew who the retired educator, who was going to file for that seat he would stay home.Looks like SOS candidate's will be going up against three retired educators in the three seats that are open.SOS will have a hard time beating the education drum.Sam Wilkinson will finally have a true opponet who can get him out of his seat.Goodbye Tracy as well.

Anonymous said...

How could Burleson be "hit with obstruction of justice" if he turned the tape over to the sherrif? And if the tape had actually contained incriminating evidence, why was no arrest made? As hard as Tim and Tracy worked on this agenda, you know there was no proof or they would have pressed charges!

Anonymous said...

Obstruction: maybe this has something to do with Rexanna Lowman trying to purchase the videotape for the purpose of destroying it. Burleson/Lowman conspired together on it. ?? IDK
Or it could be the young men who set up the tape were being threatened with criminal charges for setting up a camera in a locker room (privacy).

Anonymous said...

did tracy's boys have an allabuy. they have been know to paticipate in illegal drug and criminal activity.

I guess her days of home schooling didn't work out so good.

Anonymous said...

Remeber, Caroline Avery has a son who has ran on the wrong side of the law!

Heritage Scandal

Yes the board met today to discuss this issue.What is going on one might say? Lets look.
A teacher at Heritage had a husband who was sexually assaulting students.The female teacher was taking these students to her husband.Around December the police served papers on this man and he shot himself.Later his wife pulled him off life support.Around the time this took place David Burleson told teachers and staff to stay quiet.Doug Rhoney was named principal of the year and no one was the wiser.Until now! The female teacher has an upcoming court date and was suspended without pay for 90 days. Did David try to cover up another scandal? One would hope he has learned form the past.Is he daily trying to undermine the board.One would think so.Time will tell the tale.I do know a teacher who questioned what was going on early in the game was retaliated against and dropped the questions about this issue. We will see how this unfolds!

Anonymous said...

Remember is the correct spelling.Buddy,I made another typo.

Anonymous said...

More people might have an interest in this blog if the "hee hee har har" idiot would stop showing their ignorance!!!

Anonymous said...

While you are investigating Charlotte's salary as a TA you might want to ask to see the salaries of the co-directors of the daycare. Why does a county like Burke County even need two directors??? Just the salaries of the two directors take over $100,000 per year out of the daycare monies. That is disgraceful!!! Rob, Tim, and Tracy, you are so interested in saving money yet money is going down the tubes faster than ever. Can't blame Buddy for all of this....You folks are the ones in control now!!!

And while the board is investigating the above atrosities, (ha!! like they care) maybe they can explain why the people in the central office purchasing/child nutrition dept. get huge bonuses every spring while other clerical personnel do not. Guess they are special just like Charlotte, Beverly, and Margaret. Go figure!!??

Anonymous said...

Reference Heritage:
Since you obviously were not at the faculty meeting when Mr. Burleson spoke to everyone about the incident, you should not be informing the public. Mr. Burleson asked faculty to not speak to the media if approached by them. At no time did he tell anyone to "keep quiet". No one was retaliated against because no one knew what was going on until the suicide in December.

Anonymous said...

The daycare ladies are good women.Why did Randall hire a deadbeat to overlook them at 50,000 per year.The daycares are failing because board members like Buddy have allowed principals to take their money at will.If the public knew what went on with daycare funds it would hang David Burleson.Bev and marg are not liked by David or Buddy because they may spill the beans soon and it will not be pretty. I think if it was really looked at some principals could face charges of embezelling daycare money.Why doesnt Buddy do the right thing and bring this to light? Because he has been a root of the problem. Why no mention of Charles Cook and Robert Bonner from the above blogger? Because they are good ole boys.

Anonymous said...

We will see if the stories of the Heritage faculty members will match your story, 3:45am. One thing is sure - the truth will come out this time.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is time to take a very close look at the daycares in the county. They were never intended to be a revenue machine, rather an affordable safe spot for latchkey children.

Working parents cannot continue to carry additional school costs.

Poor management, and nope, they certainly do not need a director, let alone two. There is enough upper mgmt in the central office to absorb this function. If these two really are pulling in $50K/year, something is terribly wrong! The day cares are only open 5 hours at the most on school days. The directors I've observed don't even usually have a group of children.

A real cost analysis needs to happen, with rates determined accordingly. Right now, they're testing the market to see what it will bear.

Someone should check into the latest try to make parents pay for days when the school isn't even open (week of 1/19 - 1/23).

Anonymous said...

TO: 6:55 PM

"Allabuy" ??????????????????????


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Heritage story is sad but true. T

There were multiple young victims that need to be protected, thus this one is being kept quiet. I have to agree with that.

The perpetrator is dead, the accomplice is being held accountable. No need to drag the children and school thru the mud.

Anonymous said...

ok. i can agree with you on most counts, as far as protecting the youngsters.

curious, was an obit in the paper for the perpetrator???

Anonymous said...

we should not expect Tracie the president to be an example.

She failed as a teacher assistant
She failed as a home school teacher
She failed as a mother
She failed as a wife
She failed at knowing her address
She failed at every church in Burke
She failed at banning books
She failed as a personal trainer
She failed as a singer
She failed as a helper at Nathan's

She DID tape private meetings
She DID make illegal videos
She DID take money from Tim
She DID wear a cow suit in town
She DID make her family happy when she left the address she lived at when she ran for the board.


Anonymous said...

A teacher at Heritage had a husband who was sexually assaulting students.The female teacher was taking these students to her husband.Around December the police served papers on this man and he shot himself.Later his wife pulled him off life support.Around the time this took place David Burleson told teachers and staff to stay quiet.Doug Rhoney was named principal of the year and no one was the wiser.Until now! The female teacher has an upcoming court date and was suspended without pay for 90 days. Did David try to cover up another scandal? One would hope he has learned form the past.Is he daily trying to undermine the board.One would think so.Time will tell the tale.I do know a teacher who questioned what was going on early in the game was retaliated against and dropped the questions about this issue. We will see how this unfolds!

Anonymous said...

No obit was least I didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

Todd, darlin' (4:18pm) why on earth do you show your scorn from a broken marriage on this website? What is up with that? We know there's some tenderness in that heart somewhere -- you leave the church service, crying up and upset, and have to be comforted by Dr. Johansen. Do you get mean like this when you've been drinking? Comments like 4:18pm just help us all understand why the marriage failed and we are in awe that she stuck with you as long as she did. Get a referral from the good Dr. in Drexel and speak wtih someone. Surely you can see you need some help to get through this. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for your kids. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Pig suit. Ms. Norman wore a pink pig suit in a parade - as the Buy-in-Burke Pig.

All of the stuff being alleged about a teacher: Has this been proven?

Anonymous said...

she wore what looked like a cow suit to some of the board meetings.

Todd and the boys have said to people at the church and at school that they are releaved you left.

Anonymous said...

A teacher at Heritage had a husband who was sexually assaulting students.The female teacher was taking these students to her husband.Around December the police served papers on this man and he shot himself.Later his wife pulled him off life support.Around the time this took place David Burleson told teachers and staff to stay quiet.Doug Rhoney was named principal of the year and no one was the wiser.Until now! The female teacher has an upcoming court date and was suspended without pay for 90 days. Did David try to cover up another scandal? One would hope he has learned form the past.Is he daily trying to undermine the board.One would think so.Time will tell the tale.I do know a teacher who questioned what was going on early in the game was retaliated against and dropped the questions about this issue. We will see how this unfolds!

Anonymous said...

Buy in Burke you say.
She and Timmy were seen shopping at Sam's together. I don't think there is a Sam's in Burke county.
Another poor example Ms. Buff Norman

Anonymous said...

Tracy is going to take away your child's blue jeans at the next board meeting.

Everyone had better attend.

Anonymous said...

Tracy doesn't want the parents to know this. Ed says you can't understand the website.

Buddy and Sam are in favor of letting the community come and be heard.

They better move to a bigger venue for the next meeting.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know Ms. Norman's number she refuses to post it.

Anonymous said...

666 comes to mind

Anonymous said...

... and Buddy refuses to use the school's email system and post his personal email address.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't a pig suit. It was Tracy's Easter outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy Batshit Fatman!!!! So we as parents can call and get a copy of the draft for discussion of the proposed... maybe... dress code, and call some board members, submit comments in writing or call David B. .... and the board per what Tracy says will CONSIDER our comments...before they decide that people out of work can afford to buy their kids the required clothes for school?????? My, my,,,, power not only corrupts but it seems to take away all common sense too. So now the public is too stupid to understand what a draft is/ and public oppinion does not seem to carry much weight with these idiots. I am sick of being insulted by these people and being treated like they have more power than they do. AND before some joker starts saying that I am BUDDY< or someone else.... I AM A PARENT OF A HIGH SCHOOL CHILD>>> I am not on any board, I have no political aggenda and could not give a damn about your petty little bullshit games. I really wish we could get rid of the whole board and start over. I think there are good people out there who can do the job a hell of a lot better. I don't know who... no one recomended by the current members...I may not know who I am voting for next round or even the next... but I know who I will vote against.

Anonymous said...

Tracy should never make some of the comments she has made as chairman or as a member but lets stroll down memory lane with board chair's shall we? When Bill Simmons served as chair Freedom High students came before the board about the hat policy.They wanted the board to consider letting them wear hats to school at certain times.They were gave two minutes to speak and Mr.Simmons was hateful that night and told the kids that board members would not respond to them but were there to listen. This is probably the worst one,but When Buddy Armour was chairman he pissed off three veterans when it came to the schools being off memorial day. He told them he would have to see if it was the right thing to do or a politically correct thing to do.The veterans walked out. Ray Martinat goofed as chairman when he lied that the sheriff and DA's office investigated the billy anderson theft.But,when Burke School children came to ask the old board not to name the new high schools after anyone the children were treated like trash.DidRay and company listen? No! Buddy as Chairman ever again? No! I just thought people would like to know why we are with the hated board members we have today. Buddy sure is on the people's side now it seems.Lets see if they reward him in November.

Anonymous said...

How can you say the sherif's office did not investigate if they had possession ofthe tape?

Anonymous said...

Probably because the Sheriff himself said they didn't investigate, that's my guess. Read the news accounts.

Anonymous said...

Check the dates on which the sheriff commented he had not investigated the tapes and the dates on which the article was published. By the time the article wa published, he certainly had examined the tapes-the editor "conveniently" failed to disclose that!

Anonymous said...

who cares!!!!!!!!!! Camel Toe Tracey.

Anonymous said...

John Mcdeviit was there at a board meeting when this mess was going on.Why did he not speak on Ray or Davids behalf? It is because he was not putting his department or elected office up for the burke schools.John and David are friends but,even john lnows when to draw the line.Why did ray say the DA had investigated it? Can someone answer?

Anonymous said...

I am encouraged after hearing the recording of the last meeting. Tracy was letting each board member vote to determine if the board puts any info on their website about the new dress code.
It came down to a tie so Tracy cast the deciding vote to keep the public in the dark.

The part I did notice was that Ms. Sain said she did not know if she could support this dress code.
Maybe Ms. Sain does have the ability to speak and the guts to stand up to Mr and Mrs Buff.

Tracy said for everyone to call David's office. She gave the number out at least 3 times and 1 time asked David if he would like for her to give out his cell number.

This coming from a woman who is afraid to even put her number and address on the school website like everyone else.

Tracy gets on here and says that Buddy doesn't use the school email address but uses his own. Tracy and Tim have shown they can't be trusted with even getting a map copied. At least Buddy lists his address and phone number.

Anonymous said...

Why did ray say the DA had investigated it?



Anonymous said...

Why will buddy not post his email on the web site? Also,Buddy wants the dress codde to be a rally point for him to be reelected.The book issue will die,so he must have something else.I have different views about the dress code.However I think our principals should be made to follow the policy and make our superintendent do his job.I can see David using this as a rallying point to get three board members he wants.They know Tim and Karen will flip to there side,and then they can just brush Dave,and Rob aside.This board is dumb if it does not see that Buddy and David are working night and day to undermine every move.If Tracy is smart she would make the superintendent follow every policy the board has to the tee.I would sit in on every principal meeting till I was voted off,to make sure David tells them the truth about what the board has ordered.I think the public does not believe in Tim and Tracy like they once did,but I am not convinced they will go for Buddy this time or someone like him either.Time will tell,but I think it is time for a new superintendent!

Anonymous said...

REF: "Why did ray say the DA had investigated it?



Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else is questioning the daycare directors' salaries. If you are seriously questioning the salaries, call Keith Lawson at the central office and ask him;it is public knowledge. But I don't have to question it, I know straight from the horse's mouth, they and the directors at the schools are pulling in a huge salary, for what they do. This, while parents struggle to pay the rates. Granted, principals may use some of this money, but if they didn't use it on school stuff, Margaret and Bev would have even more money to use for salaries. They have given themselves raises since they became the co-directors. (That part is a joke.) The public needs to ask to see the daycare budget and see where the money goes. It's the right of the parents who use the services. They are the ones paying the money. Just ask to see the budget and see for yourselves.... Why don't Tim, Tracy,Rob, and Bernard investigate? Maybe because they are friends with the directors???!!! Is anyone out there listening Burke County??

Anonymous said...

does anybody know why ray martinat said the DA had investigated it?

Anonymous said...

Who give's a flip about Ray and the DA. The people of Burke County voted these idiots into office let them live with there mistake. They will be gone before you know it. Then we'll have to live with some more idiots. VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

does anybody know why ray martinat said the DA had investigated it?

Anonymous said...

It is a very sad state when the people deciding the fate of your children's education are a bunch of lying fakes. Tracy is the most ignorant person I have ever heard. She barely has a high school education, and cannot string a complete thought together in a sentence. She is a homewrecker and a witch with a capital B.

Isn't it also a conflict of interest that the chairwoman is an employee of the vice-chair, or sleeping with the vice-chair? I guess that makes her a hooker since she is getting paid to sleep with him. I wonder if she gets paid overtime? A whore does it for free, but she is on his payroll.

He he, har har. Ding dong the witch is dead.

Anonymous said...

There you go again, Todd. Take your meds. Go to church. You'll find someone else who will love you - don't give up hope.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk dress code. We have students who can't read or multiply, but rather than focus on ways to improve learning (not test scores), the board is focusing on dress codes.

Empirical research on the effects of dress codes and uniforms offers little guidance. No direct correlation exists between dress code and improvement of anything!

There is a direct correlation between enforcement of rules. It is time to level the playing field with fair rules and consistent enforcement, not try to level a field with a polo shirt.

I wonder if this board isn't watching too my daytime tv. What Oprah says isnt' necessarily the gospel, and before you submit a policy, a little research should be completed. AND, just because Mr. Sherrill thinks it is a good idea doesn't make it gospel.

Morality isn't driven or controlled by clothing choices.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

excuse me fellow bloggers, but I just pulled up the draft for the new dress code. Just wondering if I am reading this correctly ?! Do the guidelines prohibit tee shirts?! Just wondering . . . hello, is anyone out there?

Anonymous said...

No tee shirts is just the tip of the iceburg.
Jackets/coats must be removed upon entering the building... so if the kids get cold ... tough shit...Headwear may not be worn inside the school building. This includes, but is not limited to: bandanas, rags, headbands, scarves, hats.... hats???? Oh come on....The school dress code applies any time a student is participating in a school event, in the school library, and when being transported on a school bus. Unnatural hair colors such as, but not limited to, pink, blue, green, purple, etc. ... These are just some of the things they are considering doing...
GO READ THIS>>> SOMEONE CALL THE ACLU!!!! people still have rights in this country.

Anonymous said...

Call the ACLU. They lost this battle a long time ago.Hickory city schools,just like others across the country have made strict policy on dress code issues.Some have made a policy that there will be school uniforms. Our board or administration has not! David Burleson has to straddle the fence on this one. So take it to court see how far you get!

Anonymous said...

I just read where the new Freedom principal has a new interim principal again.Dr.Pritchard the newly named is reported to be ill.I hope and wish him the best.His track record of making schools raech above and beyond is excellent.Many people in the SOS circle were concerned and worried that he was from out of town,had a great educational background,track record,and SOS was afraid they could not control him.They want Brian Oliver back.Katherine Thomas is reported to seek a seat on the board not only to protect David Burleson,but to make sure Brian returns to Freedom.Is that her main agenda? Brian will be guaranteed a return to BCPS but not Freedom and he should not be!

Anonymous said...

I made errors in the above post Buddy.Put your journalism degree away, or what did you major in besides volumes of medication that can be taken in one day?
SOS do you have the power to get Buddy Armour re-elected? Doubt it!

Anonymous said...

oliver will be back the iraqies can't shoot that low to the ground

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else smell fish coming from the camel toe Monday night?

Anonymous said...

Now, Todd, you didn't listen when we suggested you talk with someone about your hurt feelings over losing her. Keep up the cutting comments on here if it's keeping you from hitting the bottle, but for chrissake, get over it already. It's pathetic to read your jabs at your ex.

Anonymous said...

What "camel toe"?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I smelled fish,isnt that what Buddys brain matter consists of?

Anonymous said...

Too bad this blog is not used for discussion of real issues. Will the 2 so-called adults (who shall remain nameless) who continually trade your deep-seated jabs @ each others please grow up?! This is for the kids, not for your unresolved issues & hurts. Someone please be the grown-up here!

Anonymous said...

who shall remain nameless ????


Anonymous said...

What is Camel toe?

Anonymous said...

Camel Toe: When your pants are so tight you have to pour yourself in them. And your pants are pulled up in your crack from front to back; That is very fishy to me!!!

Anonymous said...

Camel Toe: When your pants are so tight you have to pour yourself in them. And your pants are pulled up in your crack from front to back; That is very fishy to me!!!

Anonymous said...

It is not Todd that is saying these things to you Tracy.

The biggest fool in all of this is Tim's real wife the other woman he sits with on Sunday.

Tim gets real pissy when you give his girlfriend a hard time.

How are your sales at the 2nd hand store Tim?

Anonymous said...

Better than buddy's income.Or did he find a job yet? Buddy thinks he is wealthy that is why he caters to those type people.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Yoder is manager at Kmart.Buddy maybe he can employee you.

Anonymous said...

Tracy said during the meeting that the board should not have anymore education this year.

This is the kind of thinking she had when she dropped out of school many many big moons and camel toes ago.

Anonymous said...

I just listened to the board minutes from Monday night and what a joke!! Tracy Norman stating that she was going to the NC law conference if Attorney John Jones could not attend - GED Tracy goes to law school!!!!!! HAHAHA Also can sometime tell Tracy that Attorney John Jones is no longer a judge and should not be addressed as such. She repeatedly referred to Judge John. Although he was a wonderful judge, referring to him as "Judge Jones" is incorrect and as a board chair she should know this!!!! What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Also,Sam Wilkinson should no longer be refered to as coach.He is not one anymore.Ray called him this often.Also,I am really frustrated with David Burleson being refered to as Dr.Burleson.He is between a masters and doctoarate but does not have the credentials.My sources say he is not doing to well in regards to obtaing his doctorate.So Tracy quit refering to John Jones as Judge and you social,political SOS whores quit calling David Dr. Burleson!

On a side note.Mrs Caroline Avery once jumped David Barnard about him not calling then technology guru Scott Smith DR.Smith.Caroline although I do not speak for David Barnard,but I am a taxpaying citizen,We paid for Scott Smith to obtain his advanced degree so if we want to call him Scott he better learn to like it! Thank Goodness he is gone.Buddy your boy left you in the dirt!

Anonymous said...

TO: 12:10 PM

Leave Dr. Burleson out of this.

Anonymous said...

You mean Burleson! He may be your Dr, but no one else across the state recognizes him as such! When he gets his Doctorate post it on here and we will recognize him for it.I will still call him Burleson because he is not a man of great education.I could see him as a televangelist one day on tv.I will call him Brother Burleson then.

Anonymous said...

you know what we call you? Uneducated, probably not even willing to take WPCC classes, and if you did - my sources say you wouldnt be doing well. Also sounds like you are jealous, full of envy, and an idiot! hugs and kisses!

Anonymous said...

Not to break up this love fest... but on the topic of the dress code... since when did all of the students think this was a great idea?? And todays quotes from Sheril in the paper...

"There is no intent to eliminate T-shirts," Sherrill said via e-mail to The News Herald. He said a T-shirt can be worn under or over the collared shirt.
The News Herald also asked about the proposed policy that says, "Bottom wear with more than one color will not be permitted."
"Bottom wear should be of a solid color," Sherrill replied. "This allows for better control of intruders.

And these idiots/// hired this guy????? damn.... what time machine accidentally picked him up out of the 50s and brought him here??? The hell with waiting till election time... can we not stop this stupidity now???

Anonymous said...

To 6:57, I did very well at Western Piedmont,and Lenoir-Rhyne. I ask you where you got your degree? Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Is the school board going to pay for me to go out and buy "collar" shirts for my three children???

Anonymous said...

will this same policy be applied and followed by the school board, or will Tracy have an amendment that allows her to dress like a whore? Maybe the good discount store where two bored members work will start carrying shirts with a collar. I find it amusing that there is particular emphasis on the upper region of girls, and yet that appears to be the only qualification that the chairwoman has. Do as I say not as I do? Sound familiar?

Not allowing kids to wear T-Shirts? Really? Is that is going to solve your discipline problems? How about bookbags? Are they next? do they all need to be blue with no stickers or pins attached? How about the shoes? Is there a restriction to the color of undergarmets and socks? maybe they should all wear ROTC uniforms and cite 'hail to the School board' quotes during the day.

I agree that it starts at home with the parents. Parents need to take responsibility. How about cracking down on the current dress policy first. Teachers are now going to spend valuable class time dealing with and enforcing the new dress code policy.

I agree that the sagging pants era has to go, no one want's to see those young men's rear end. But why not enforce that instead of punishing all for the actions of a few? Times have changed. We can't expect the kids to wear Flannel shirts tucked in or the button down the front plaid shirt with a pocket on the left side.

How hard would it be to enforce:

1. Pants with no holes (blue jeans, kahki's).
2. Don't expose your rear end.
3. Dresses or skirts no higher than 1 inch above the knees.
4. No shirts below the longer than mid thigh.
5. T-Shirts with no offensive language or symbols.
6. No bra straps exposed, no thongs showing.
7. No doo rags, hats or hair garmets that cover the eyes.

Anonymous said...

what's a "doo rag" ??

Anonymous said...

Tracy must have a dress code. She showed up in a warm up suit for the meeting with the student panel.

At least her camel wasn't showing that day.

Hey Tim which one smells the best Tracy or your wife?

Anonymous said...

What about a dress code for the Superintendent? He looks like he painted his suits on at times.Does he not make enough to by loose fitting clothes? We sure dont want him to sag!

Anonymous said...

Buddy offered to not take the $200.00 each month that the tax payers give to each board member.

There was a awkard silence with the other members. Tracy (the president) or Tim (the assistant president) didn't offer to do the same.

Let's see 7 board members at $200.00 per month times 12 months. I believe that would save us tax payers $16,800 this year.

We need more of the board members to step up like Mr. Armor and sacrifice for the children and tax payers of Burke County.

Anonymous said...

What we need is for Buddy Armour to sacrice his power and resign. Then we'd have some real positive changes. We can always dream. Oh well, November is almost here! Na na na na hey hey hey good bye, Buddy Boy!

Anonymous said...

Buddy would have never done that if the board was still the same old crew.Do you people not see that this and other things Buddy does are power plays? Buddy is such a hypocrite because a lot of things he is for now he was against before the election.He can fool social club dummies who know nothing about how corrupt our system is,but many know he guided it in the ground for years.Now Tim,and Tracy need to start doing what they promised.Enough of the pony and dog show,lets do the peoples buisness and 5,000 did not go out to vote to allow free passes to David or other minions of the good ole boys club.Tracy you probably want be elected again,we know Buddy will not be,but Tracy do what needs to be done before you leave! I ask everyone who wanted change to put the heat on the new board and get what they were told they would, at the fair's and on the street during campaign time. David is the Big problem and it is time to take care of him once and fore all!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a good idea for all of the board members not just Mr. Armour to not take anymore pay this year.

How about it Mr and Mrs Buff you two are the buy in burke at Sam's club duo.

Another funny thing at the last meeting was when Mr. Bernard said that he had heard there was a blog about the school board. He said he had not read it. There was total silence from Tim and Tracie a first. Silence spoke volumes.

Anonymous said...

It looks like things are not going so well over at the 7 day old grocery store. Tim has quit advertising in the Chruch section in the paper. I guess he feels like a fool knowing how he is living and pretending to be a good little christian boy.

Anonymous said...

Leave Dr. Burleson out of this please.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Bernard" ???

who dat ???

Anonymous said...

David is not a Dr. He has not the paper to prove he has earned such a distinction in education!
Buddy,you are suppose to make sure our Superintendent is well educated! He has not done well at Appalachian trying to obtain his advanced degree. Buddy I hold you responsible! David does have a doctorate in BS!

Anonymous said...

Seems that we're focusing on the exterior with this dress code, when the real problem with the system is the interior.

This is indicative of the education and maturity level of this board. Superficial at best, with not real regard or understanding of what is needed for better education.

Teachers do not respect administrators, students don't respect administration. You can't make that happen, it has to be earned.

This board certainly isn't modeling appropriate behavior either. The system is eating itself, just like a nasty cancer.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Tracy helps support her 3 sons she left?
How much money is Tim paying her to "work" at the store for him. It is on record that she gets $200 each month from us tax payers to sit and look like a madam fool.

And Tracy for the record I am not Todd. I know Todd and he is a good man.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the latest regarding Tim and Tracy? From what I understand, they were caught together being intimate. I am not sure who caught them or when it was. Sometime within the last two weeks. Anyone else heard this?

If this is true, I want to know. I voted for them, unfortunately, and had supported them during the whole address/district issue with the maps, the book issues and even more recently with the dress policy. I feel like such a fool. How can they continue to sit there and develop a 'dress code' policy when they can't even keep their clothes on. I trusted Tim, I trusted Tracy. I feel very bad for his wife.

Tracy since you read these blogs, Tell us the truth! Is this true?

Anonymous said...

I believe Tracy will do right for the children of Burke's Publc Schools because she cares greatly for them and has their best interests in mind.

Anonymous said...

Ref: "I feel like such a fool. How can they continue to sit there and develop a 'dress code' policy when they can't even keep their clothes on."

Are we suppose to feel sorry for you? I don't. Sounds like you believe your own rumor. You have now had over 4 years of Tim and nearly four years of Tracy, and you are just now seeing the light?
Come on. You're not very believable.

Anonymous said...

This string started with a blogger asking if Buff's wife got preferential treatment. The real Ms. Buff has the power and evidence to expose the entire truth - about her job status and about Tracy Buff. Why doesn't she do that?

She can settle it all.

Anonymous said...

Why is Tim's green Blazer never in his store or apartment parking lot? But it shows up with him in it?

And how can Tracy afford a new car - a Hundai Santa Fe?

Just curious.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buddy, I understand you always go to court when Tracy's children are there.I did not happen to see you yesterday and I am concerned.Maybe you were there but I did not see you.You did not attend court when Clifton Avery was in trouble this past summer.You did not help former board member Artie Logan when one of hers sons was jailed.If you truly just care about Tracy and her children then I am concerned you have an infactuation with these people and it is sick! What board member goes around town bragging about another board members son's being in trouble with the law? It could happen to you. Oh tell your friend Jerry Yoder at kmart,I hear you are looking for a job! Buddy I know more about you and your sick tricks than you can imagine!

Anonymous said...

Buddy,condems Tracy for her childrens actions,but applauds Caroline Avery and her son was in deep crap this past summer.Buddy Armour,cant trust him,he cant trust himself.

Anonymous said...

Looks like tracy is trying to hurry up and bury the post speaking about her getting busted with Tim being intimate. So Tracy, did you get caught in the act? Don't worry, all of burke county knew you were sleeping with him for years.

Anonymous said...

Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, "If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower as a signal light,--
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country folk to be up and...........Henry W Longfellow

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

How sick of a thought it is to imagine having sex with either one of them. Who would get on top? I wonder if Tracie uses that high pitched voice during their rondevuues.
What are the decans at Burkemont saying about this?
Someone should call cheaters and have them do a show catching them in the stomach churning act.
Can you picture how they looked all naked and horny........Oh God help the children of Burke County...

Anonymous said...

look everyone Tim the hee harr is trying to cover up his sins

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

If Buddy has true accounts of Tim and Tracy having an affair,then go public with it at Monday nights board meeting.The rest of the board members can replace the outgoing ones and move on.I think if a vote could be taken this moment Buddy and Tracy would be sent away for ever to an unknown island.Tracy had the public on her side at one time but lost that credibility.What little group still supports Buddy will not get him re elected! He had better not run,he like Mrs.Norman does not live in a glass house. I will throw a party when Buddy leaves,where education can take a big step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the latest regarding Tim and Tracy? From what I understand, they were caught together being intimate. I am not sure who caught them or when it was. Sometime within the last two weeks. Anyone else heard this?

If this is true, I want to know. I voted for them, unfortunately, and had supported them during the whole address/district issue with the maps, the book issues and even more recently with the dress policy. I feel like such a fool. How can they continue to sit there and develop a 'dress code' policy when they can't even keep their clothes on. I trusted Tim, I trusted Tracy. I feel very bad for his wife.

Tracy since you read these blogs, Tell us the truth! Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Buddy,your SOS crowd is about to have more to gripe about than the proposed dress code! The board has said t-shirts are allowed,but no beer,or cursing t-shirts.They have to be at the neck line.Read the proposed policy,not what SOS tells people.They are getting ready to really hate life! Buddy,you may think you are laying a groundswell against the board,but I can assure you of one thing! Ray,Andy,Bill went down,Randall left so did Scott,Steve.You will get the full monty this summer because sane individuals are going to see you are through with the board of education.You can harp about Tracy,and she probably is gone,but this time if you run, you and your family will be sadly crying in your oatmeal!

Anonymous said...

How sick of a thought it is to imagine having sex with either one of them. Who would get on top? I wonder if Tracie uses that high pitched voice during their rondevuues.
What are the decans at Burkemont saying about this?
Someone should call cheaters and have them do a show catching them in the stomach churning act.
Can you picture how they looked all naked and horny........Oh God help the children of Burke County...

Anonymous said...

I hope they wash their privates before the next meeting. If they don't it is going to be one smelly meeting.

What if she gets pregnant. Then she will have another child to leave.

No Tracie I am not Todd.

Anonymous said...

Ref: Oh tell your friend Jerry Yoder at kmart,I hear you are looking for a job! Buddy I know more about you and your sick tricks than you can imagine!

It amazes me at the elevation of attacts against Mr. Armour when the Fab Five are about to step in it up to their knee-caps. If you people weren't worried about your empire crumbling, you would never mention him. Armour is harmless. He's just one vote. But you are constantly worried about what he thinks, who he associates with, whether he has a job, whether he is medicated, his level of involvement with SOS, etc. He has no real power, but you are treating him like he does. Which is it?

I watch the bored meetings. In fact one is on right now. Armour just sits there and votes. You never mention Ms. Sain. She, too, just sits there and votes. Attacking Armour isn't working for you. It shows you are weak and afraid. In fact, if you had a lick of sense, you'd discount him altogether because he cannot do anything to you and your pals.

It tickles my parents (yes, a grown-up or two actually reads this stuff)when you decide to rant against people like Armour and Demiter and Smith. You're weak and scared, but you have all the power.

Oh, and even us Freedom High School kids can spell "infatuated".

Anonymous said...

Buddy it is spelled attacks.Pleas do not correct my spelling when you can not spell.Buddy,you are weak when you stalk Tim and Tracy,go after her kids,and continue to pout because you have,you do,and will not for long,suck as a board member.I give you about 500 people who support you,maybe 1000 if their kids are old enough to vote.You are now in a place where people no longer trust you,and it is sad about your mental health.You kept your job at Drexel longer than most because you stuck your head up the administration's rear,and promised them the moon when it came to the schools.Now people have lost their jobs,you have no more people to prey upon.But,lets look further. Now you are the one who is prey,because the upper crust are using you to find all the juicy gossip you can about board members.Buddy,they have took a big hit,and you will soon.If Buddy Armour could bring some positive motions to the board,it would be a change for a person who once held high esteem in Burke County education.

Anonymous said...

Buddy is laughed at by many in THE Sunrise Rotary Club!

Anonymous said...

Who through faith, subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions...Hebrews 11.33 ... KJV... Holy Bible

Love Ya, Burke County

Anonymous said...

6:48 - you'll need to interpret that one for me please. I love the Bible and read it daily.

I have no idea what you're trying to say!

Anonymous said...

I recently read Mr. Hairfield's attempt to convince the community that the current board (Fab 5) are busy saving the tax payers money. Well, his explanation lacked some important information. The new employees hired to take the place of Anderson, Demiter, and Smith are making about the same as the ones they replaced. Plus, an assistant was hired for the tech director at a very healthy salary. An assistant testing director has also been hired. I understand an assistant is in the works for the EC director. None of the previous directors mentioned had an assistant. Where is the money coming from to pay these new positions and why are they needed now. Tim and Tracy would have had a stroke if these positions had been proposed by the previous board. And isn't it strange that the directors hired to fill the above mentioned positions all came from outside of Burke County Schools. Another no-no from Tim and Tracy when the previous board suggested hiring someone from out of Burke County. Rob, I dare say you may have tried to convince yourself you are saving money, but I beg to differ.

And Rob, while you are trying to convince the public you are saving money, try looking into the high salaries on the daycare co-directors. I spoke to someone who has the salary information on the program and there is a lot of money spent on salaries. At a time when people are losing jobs, these individuals should not be "bleeding the program".

And Rob, while you are "saving" the school system so much money, explain why the cafeteria workers and the girls in the central office who work in child nutrition and purchasing receive a "bonus" every spring and have for years!!! I spoke to someone at the central office and was advised of this information. Their bonuses are around 4-5% of their salaries. That is a huge chunk from the Child Nutrition Budget that could be used to defray lunch costs to parents. I checked and other counties do not do this.

O K Rob, the ball is in your court!!

Anonymous said...

Buddy while you were typing the above blog,explain why your superintendent was quoted in the paper online,as he said the schools have saved enough money to proceed with science labs,roofing projects,and mountain view's foundation problem? Buddy,yes there are a few positions this board needs to do away with,and not fill when someone is gone like Susan Polpeter soon will be.We need to do away with the Custodial supervisor,energy zar,and Billy Jo Caroway's position now!We need not to renew David Burleson's contract,tell Rick take the job for what the state pays or hire a new superintendent with a four year contract.Buddy,back to money issue's.Randall always juggled the books and you allowed it.The failure to build schools that were not messed up was his and your fault.Buddy,lets get rid of instructial coaches and put those teachers back in the classroom.Buddy, what would be your cost saving proposal's monday night?Now be careful,dont overwork your brain!

Anonymous said...

You flatter me to think Buddy wrote the article about Rob's attempt to convince the public the Fab 5 are saving money in the school system. Well, you wrong. Sorry, can't put this one on Buddy. Maybe the board should be more concerned about where the money is going, than persecuting Buddy. He is only one person on the board. The rest are to blame for hiring all the out of county employees and letting the waste of money continue in daycare and child nutrition .....

Anonymous said...

Buddy allowed Mr.Robert Patton and his lovable Brother in Law Trossie Wall rape the daycare funds for years.New York Excursions,Yankee Ballgames,Broadway Plays, are not good resons to use daycare money in the name of the schools. This is still going on.Jill King at Mull,and Shane Mace at Ray Childers are going through daycare funds like there is no tomorrow.Buddy wants to blame the ladys in charge of daycare but they are told the principals run the school and can do what they want.Buddy, wants them gone before they start to talk.Buddy, why dont you bring this up at monday nights board meeting? Come on now,all of it,dont leave out the trail that leads back to your leadership when the old board was in!

Anonymous said...

Resons should be spelled reasons.Sorry for the typo Mr.Armour.

Anonymous said...

I don't deny principals have and are still using daycare funds for school trips, supplies, etc. I don't agree with this being done either. But I also don't think the two co-directors should be receiving over $50,000 each per year for their salaries. Some of the directors at the school level are also making a hefty salary for their years of service. Don't take my word, check with Finance. It's public knowledge. It is money totally paid by parents who use the program. They have a right to see where their money is going...... ROB, are you out there!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I hate to see any one lose a job right now,but with the numerous funds the state continues to take back,positions are going to have to be looked at need or want. You mentioned the datcare salaries at 50,000 each.Charles Cook,and Robert Bonner would be another 100,000 combined,then I do not know what Billy Jo Caraway makes but is his position mandated by the state? Also,with Susan Wilson Polpeter leaving there is another position to lose unless mandated by the state.Im not sure whether those two are or not.Then we need to look at child nutrition,and do what we can to cut fat if there is any. Instructional coaches need to be returned to the classroom. I am for all that can be done in these times to impact the classroom as little as possible.None of us know if the economic crisis before us will turn around,and if so how long will it take? No matter who is on the board or in administration, it is going to take teamwork and tough buisness savy to get through this crisis!

Anonymous said...

I think all of you lazy ass people who work for the state should get a job with a real company and see what it's like not to have pay scales and life time insurance for free. I am sorry not for free it is being paid for by the people who work for real companies and pay taxes.

The teachers are only work what 10 months out of the year at most. Some call that a seasonal or part-time job. That is not counting all the "workdays" and holidays. Get real and stop your whining.

Anonymous said...

If you have a job--be thankful. I don't have one.

Anonymous said...

While the discussion goes round about preferential treatment of a school board member's spouse, let's not forget the preferential treatment going on at Draughn High School. Drug use among some students is growing and little is being done to thwart it. While the "drug dogs" visited East Burke frequently in past years while these particular students were there, as they have moved to Draughn it appears the administration is looking the other way. When will someone pay attention? I understand this is the "big elephant in the middle of the room" that no one is willing to address.

Anonymous said...

Put a collar on Tracy and let her start sniffing. If she don't find any she can always hide some there. Maybe she can hide some up her twat and Timmie can snif for the goods.

Anonymous said...

No question that Buddy thinks that the school board is veering away from its mission. How do i know? I CALLED HIM!

As a parent, I wanted to know where he stood on the dress code and the book policies. He said he won't vote for a new dress code until the current one is enforced. He won't waste a vote for banning books for students whose parents already sign permission slips for their children to read. In summary, he thinks the board is wasting valuable time and resources trying to set this county back forty years.

I'm sure when I call Mr. Wilkinson, I will hear a similar answer. Call your board members and ask them where they stand. And when you call Norman, Wilkinson, and Armour, ask them if they are planning to run again this year. We all need to know.

Anonymous said...

Buddy thought this board was veering the night he lost power in nov 07.We have been on a downhill slope since the start of the third year of David Burleson supeintendency.No one wants to admit it but it is true.The dress code is really only a problem at Freedom.I do think the board needs to back off,enforce the policy,and fire the principal,or superintendent if they do not do their jobs. Buddy and Sam do not want to hear David is not doing his job,but when time is spent being president of the rotary,united way,homes for hearts,and other civic organizations how in the world can he serve the school's? He can not continue to serve two masters.He does this in my opinion,to make himself seem like he cares about the community.I believe some of his intentions are good,but he is also selfserving.When Buddy can start questioning the superintendents motives and direction he may gain my respect. He goes around town badmouthing Rick Sherrill to everyone and what he is doing but turns a blind eye towards david or does not care.It is why Buddy has no credibility with the majority of the county.The SOS crowd is not strong enough to pull Buddy through this election.If he would make motions that are tough and shows he is not playing favorites,then he may have a small chance.

Anonymous said...

Your point is well made. Listen Burke.

Anonymous said...

Ward Berry

Published: March 2, 2009

Morganton, NC - Do people not realize that Burke County Public Schools board members Tim Buff and Tracy Norman were born, raised and educated in Burke County? They are products of BCPS. Let's not forget that each time their grammar and intelligence levels are publicly judged, the critical fingers are also pointing at BCPS.
Matthew 7:2 says, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Does it take an education degree to compare our board policies with the policies of other counties to see that BCPS is way behind?
Why have other school districts listed their board policies online for years and we just started when the new board took over? How about posting board meeting agendas online? That just began with the new board. Why have other school districts used selection committees for their novels — and done so for years now — but BCPS is finally passing a policy to do so after nine months of debate? Why hasn't BOPS been up to speed with other counties by posting reading lists, along with warnings of mature content? Why did it take this long to adopt a written opt-out policy?
Why? Because until just recently our school boards haven't provided any accountability or direction. The old school board agreed with the current top administrator's philosophy that goes like this: any board policy which creates guidelines for teachers is unnecessary. If the school board doesn't give David Burleson a definite line drawn in the sand, then he won't have to call down someone for crossing the line.
It's been tough moving away from the old system and doing it right. Thank you, school board, for standing firm to make the educational system better for everyone

Anonymous said...

"Do people not realize that Burke County Public Schools board members Tim Buff and Tracy Norman were born, raised and educated in Burke County? They are products of BCPS. Let's not forget that each time their grammar and intelligence levels are publicly judged, the critical fingers are also pointing at BCPS. "

I agree that they were born and raised in Burke county, but I believe they slept during their education. They are complete idiots! They sit up on the board and cast judgment on others, when they know that they are comitting the ultimate sin. Tracy, how do you sleep at night knowing you have wrecked two families? I wonder, were you sleeping with Tim when you decided to leave Todd? Is Timmy boy paying your rent and car payment? I think the both of you need to resign and admit to your supporters that you are FAKE!!

Tim, How can you call yourself a deacon of Burkemont? How is that church allowing you to serve as a Deacon knowing you are committing adultery?

"Beware the Ides of March"

Anonymous said...

Two weeks til the 15th...

There have been great advancemnts made in poilcy and they care about our children. The current school board has done a terrific job.

Tim excelled in school. He was and is curremtly an execellent mathematician. He received several awards while in school.

His private life (behind closed doors) is his business. There is no proof in rumors which is more like jealously.

Anonymous said...

Heard it thru the grapvine. Caroline Avery was aksing for all emails from/to Carol Snow that hit the bcps email server. Don't know if she can get them or not, but its an interesting twist.

Anonymous said...

No doubt.

Anonymous said...

Caroline Avery can get emails if they were sent on the BCPS server.Omly problem is David has witheld some for others,and if he gives Caroline Avery what she demand which is legal,then David will face a gauntlet of questions from those who have asked for his emails and not gotten them. I really think it is sad Buddy has a hatred for Carol Snow.She intimidates him for some reason.Buddy I will caution you and Sam about your didtrict map dealings with Sam Aycock when he was attorney.Why woould you spend hours on the phonw with him,and run up a huge bill unless you were telling him where to draw the lines.That will be brought up down the road.Buddy your rant about FOX news last night was not one of the brightest things you have ever done.But it is okay you neber would make the motions I thiught you would and proved a leopard will not,and can not change his spots.

Anonymous said...

"There have been great advancemnts made in poilcy and they care about our children. The current school board has done a terrific job.

Tim excelled in school. He was and is curremtly an execellent mathematician. He received several awards while in school."

Great advancements in policy... yes, anything Carol Snow doesn't like, Tim and Tracy create a policy to make all to her liking. People from Murphy to Manteo know about the excellent job this board does policy-wise. June Atkinson and Bev Perdue also know.

We'd love to hear about Tim's math skills and awards. In fact, maybe he will share his SAT score, GPA, and class rank. Since high school was the sum total of his academic career, we'd love to know just how well he did. Might make us all feel better.

Come on, now. Don't be shy.

Anonymous said...

"Buddy your rant about FOX news last night was not one of the brightest things you have ever done.But it is okay you neber would make the motions I thiught you would and proved a leopard will not,and can not change his spots."

What about FOX News? Someone spoke against FOX News? Was Buddy doing his Liberal-Democrat speak last night? What did he say?

"Neber" mind.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Pat McCourey, however, I am glad our Virginia raised ...NC governor... knows all about the situation.

Anonymous said...

Buddy who is scared? Not the board! If you think they are worried legally think again.You may want to check one of the board members connections with the attorney general of nc! Buddy you are just not a board member who can sit and point your finger.Everything you complain about,you have done on the board.Please get that look of hatred off your face.You should be glad you landed on your feet with a job being a liason for the east coast furniture industry.Maybe you can go be on their board. Sadly,you are in the same boat Ray,Bill,and Andy were.You will not win if you file.Tracy may not,and Sam will get the biggest shock of who is running down east.Oh,and this person has an education. Better find something else to campaign on. Buddy if you run,you only are fooling yourself!

Anonymous said...

Buddy's comments are on the March 2, 2009 meeting - Part 2 - at 35:58 - 39:12.
35:58 "... and I have a real problem with how the notion to come up with an opt out policy - which, my children always had an opportunity to opt out - how this came about, plus, how we want to go about trying to figure out - what are we going to read now as a supplemental book in an English class. We want to tell teachers now not only what to teach, we want to tell them how to teach and we've done in the name of trying to protect premature, prefrontal cortexes and even after we've been accused of promoting, now, soft pornography.
36:46 And so we're wondering, why in the world, why are we having so many public comments and even the need to limit them to 30 minutes total sends me a message, and the message that it sends me is we're doing some really stupid stuff as a board and bringing up concerns that may be minuscule at best.
37:18 If you look at this thing where it says and - these aren't unbiased websites we shouldn't even list websites because those two in particular are about as unbiased as Fox News. and we know that's not the case. I just think, you know, we are inviting a lot of the controversy by giving in to one or two heads and I just don't think it's right.
37:47 This school system as a county school system has been in existence now for 120 years, I believe, since 1889 and we are continually, here lately, just trying to do everything we can to put folks on edge and I just don't see the need for this and I've said that in my comments, and kind of like Sam, mine never got, well, just like my prayers - some of that don't reach the ceiling - I don't think my comments got very far, either. I just really don't see the need for either of these two policies. I appreciate the work that's been done on them, but these policies are both reactions to one or two angry people."

38:24 Rob Hairfield - "and you're saying that these one or two angry people don't have a right to voice their opinion?"

BA: "They can voice their opinion all they want to, but we don't have to act on every one's or two's individual that has an opinion greater or less or louder than so many other parents out here." (applause)

Anonymous said...

About prayers hitting the ceiling... I've always been taught that if your prayers don't get past the ceiling, Buddy, it's because of unresolved sin or unresolved forgiveness in your life. It's worth looking into.

Anonymous said...

Buddy,you make yourself,and SOS look more screwed up every time you speak.Your last speech at the board meeting garnered the few applauses of the ones at the board meeting.So what you are saying for the common man is two or three who rant and rave should not dictate to a few the policy of BCPS? I AM GLAD YOU CLEARED THAT UP.NOW MAYBE OUR BOARD WILL MOVE FORWARD WITH WHAT 5 THOUSAND PEOPLE ASKED THEM TO DO LAST SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION! FIRE DAVID BURLESON!

Anonymous said...

So where is the list of the thousand people that asked specifically for THAT to happen?

Anonymous said...


what a joke !!! THIS is never going to happen. just like there is NOT going to be a "surprise" individual running for for election to create a BIG shock.

crawl back in your cave moron.
Burleson rules in Burke until HE decides not to. His choice. Will never be y'alls.

Learn to live with it.

Anonymous said...

"About prayers hitting the ceiling... I've always been taught that if your prayers don't get past the ceiling, Buddy, it's because of unresolved sin or unresolved forgiveness in your life. It's worth looking into."

- Can someone share this with Mr Buff and Ms. Buff norman? From what I see, he has lived in sin since Tracy came into the picture.

"His private life (behind closed doors) is his business. There is no proof in rumors which is more like jealously."

- Really? As far as what he does behind closed doors, if you live immoral in private, doesn't that influence your decisions in public? Since he ran as a 'family man', isn't his whole platform based on lies if he IS a having an affair. Not the family man I want representing our public school system. A family man eh? Coward more likely.

It makes me sick to listen to either one of them speak anymore. I can't wait until the next election where we can get rid of them.

Anonymous said...

Buddy,you would be a better family if you would quit drugging yourself to the point of no return.You can use prescription drugs for wrong purposes.Please quit making our schools suffer because you are in a medicated coma.

Anonymous said...

"Buddy,you would be a better family if you would quit drugging yourself to the point of no return.You can use prescription drugs for wrong purposes."

Look, All-Knowing-One, do you expect us to believe you have knowledge of people's meds? Tell us. Is anyone on the board using Rogaine for that glowing bald spot? How about blood thinners and prescription steroids?

Since you have all the info, please do a complete 'script run-down of ALL board members, not just the ones you don't like.

Anonymous said...

Sir or Madame,
I just know where Mr.Armour goes to counseling,and know someone who has filled his scripts,and for what.I will search deep and wide for my contacts who may know of other members health issues.I am refering to a board member who has mental health issues and suffers from depression.
All Knowing One

Anonymous said...

How sick of a thought it is to imagine having sex with either one of them. Who would get on top? I wonder if Tracie uses that high pitched voice during their rondevuues.
What are the decans at Burkemont saying about this?
Someone should call cheaters and have them do a show catching them in the stomach churning act.
Can you picture how they looked all naked and horny........Oh God help the children of Burke County...

Anonymous said...

How sick is it to think of David and Rexanna in the heat of their passion for one another? How sick is it to think about Buddy Armour operating a mechanical device? How sick is it to think Buddy thinks he is smart? Buddy did you have fun at Rotary this morning? I know the people around you did,hearing your stupidity.Their are some people in that club who know you for what you truly are.Guess what they are educated and think you are a true example that in Burke County anyone can be elected. Buddy how does it make you feel that educated people,such as Doctors and Lawyers think you are not smart at all? Please feel free to answer.

Anonymous said...

Buddy has my vote.

Anonymous said...

REF: "I just know where Mr.Armour goes to counseling,and know someone who has filled his scripts,and for what....I am refering to a board member who has mental health issues and suffers from depression."

Dear All Knowing One,

Interesting. From what we just read, you just implicated an employee at a local pharmacy for criminally violating HIPAA regulations. And guess what, you're an accomplice. Who will give up whom first?

It doesn't matter if you're "fishing" of not. You have admitted knowing someone who works at a pharmacy and reveals confidential information regarding that store's patrons. Pretty serious stuff.

Anonymous said...

Take it to the DA I would love it.We will find out who all has blogged and from where.Remeber in a criminal case or civil there is discovery.Please let me know when the ball starts rolling.Ok

Anonymous said...

From what we just read. Buddy who do you or your weak minions scare?
Please oh please fix it where everyone who has blogged and said awful things about everyone comes out.Just remember,You will be caught at your own game.You better know that much about the law. You Dweebledorf!

Anonymous said...

IF you idiots had a clue about firewalls, ip addresses or even just simple deductive reasoning... you might realize the absurity of what you are suggesting being possible. The DA can not find out who is saying what on this blog. You are only showing your stupidity. Just shows me how little brain power you have. Besides the facts I have already stated above... what the hell would you or the DA do about what is said here... free speach... ummm it is not just for those who think they are right... it is for the people who may be wrong... and for all who live in this country.

Anonymous said...

Im not wrong about where Buddy drugs up,and I know where he gets his scripts filled.He is as stupid as a frog. Buddy your SOS crowd needs to hire a court reporter and analyst to go over school board minutes,and important documents.Maybe they can explai why you and Sammy boy spent hours on the phone discussing the district map with Mr.Aycock.Mr.Wilkinson can claim he never did thgis,but then he is saying Mr.Aycock lied and overcharged the system.What would the state bar think of that? I dont think the juggling of district map lines will just fall on Tracy's head.You have a lot of explaining to do Mr Armour!

Anonymous said...

Kudoos for Mr. Armour. He is the only sane member on on the board....

Anonymous said...

then we have one SCREWED up board.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe they can explai why you and Sammy boy spent hours on the phone discussing the district map with Mr.Aycock.Mr.Wilkinson can claim he never did thgis,but then he is saying Mr.Aycock lied and overcharged the system.What would the state bar think of that? I dont think the juggling of district map lines will just fall on Tracy's head.You have a lot of explaining to do Mr Armour!"

Did Armour or Wilkinson ask anyone at the mapping office to move any lines as did your gal Tracy? Why did she pick Pearson Drive? Did Mr. Aycock ask anyone to move any lines? You know that Tracy is the only one who asked the guy to move the line after Hairfield visited him. Isn't that the truth? You know it is. But then we all know that Tracy does whatever her boss tells her to do, doesn't she? No one has any explaining to do but your gal, Tracy.

Anonymous said...

cry me a river.

you know what this site has accomplished ??

this "BCPS SKOOL BORED" site?

nothing. that's right. nothing.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the original comment on this part of the blog about Charlotte's salary pay grade being higher than other TA's with more years of experience? Why has the discussion been drawn away from that? Seems someone doesn't want that to be discussed. Wonder why??? And other questions raised were why the school system has two directors for daycare who are pulling about $100,000 from the daycare funds just for their salaries and even more if you consider the salaries of the individual directors at the schools. Then I read about bonuses being paid to people in the child nutrition and purchasing, bonuses that also come from money paid by parents. I would think other parents would like answers to these questions rather than reading about Tim and Tracy's antics, or attacks on Buddy. This get your priorities in the right place.........

Anonymous said...

Why was the teacher who took a retarded girl to her house and allowed her husband to mollest allowed to resign?

Read the minutes on the emergency meeting on the BCPS website.

All of the members voted to allow her to resign instead of being fired.

All except 1 Mrs. Sain. Thank you Mrs. Sain for casting that NO vote.
I would like to see and hear more from you at meeting and less of the Buff's. Thank You

Anonymous said...

More on this story please...

"Why was the teacher who took a retarded girl to her house and allowed her husband to mollest allowed to resign?"

surely, a story of this magnitude would've made the News Herald ?

Anonymous said...

Dawn Summers, Heritage Middle School

nice job, Dr. Burleson.

Anonymous said...

Buddy, make the motion monday night to do away with the two main supervisor positions.Make a motion to eliminate the energy job,and custodial supervisor's job. Then clean up more waste or try to. Then you may have some sensible,credibility on your side. I know it will kill you to do away with two of those positions,but if you are the astute buisness man you claim to be,then pull the plug!

Anonymous said...

It's sad, but apparently this blog hasn't taught you people anything. You Buffites, Hairfieldites, and Normanites haven't learned one damned thing. Look at your public school law. It's posted. There is only one personnel decision that a board can make without a recommendation from the superintendent - and that is the HIRING of the superintendent. All other personnel recommendations must come from the superintendent. But don't feel badly, the Fab Five haven't learned that piece of law either.

Anonymous said...

you mean, Fraud, don't you ?

the Fab included Andy Brandon, Ray Martinat & Bill Simmons.

Anonymous said...

Question? Why is the current Burke County Public School dress code not being enforced?

Anonymous said...

no one knows how or wants to.

Anonymous said...

Where is this "Public School Law" posted? Is it accessible to all the citizens of Burke? Has this "Public School Law" been breached? Is it a document that sets forth certain "checks and balances" within the system or is it just for administrative purposes?

Anonymous said...

In the NC Statutes, public school law falls under 115C. If you Google NC Statutes, go to 115C. All the state laws addressing the public schools are there - from the duties of a board of education to the hiring of the superintendent, to contract restrictions... it's all there. It's a big section, but people who are truly interested in why Burke County Schools are in the declining state they are now in need to be familiar with school law.

Anonymous said...

GS - 115 C - 10 is debatable if I understand it correctly.

Anonymous said...

All 100 NC counties--Board of Ed's have probadly broken the public school law at different points.

Anonymous said...

The Charlotte story is an old one but a good one. However if Burke would post salaries like they are currenlty doing in Catawba and Hickory City perhaps the pay differential would not be so great for classified positions. In general its always who you know if Burke as opposed to what you know.

Anonymous said...

enter a person's last name

Anonymous said...

I looked up Steve Demiter, not too shabby.

Anonymous said...

Why does Gary Lane walk around Freedom High School with dip in his mouth all the time?? I thought Freedom and Burke County Schools was tobacco free.Is he above the rule here???

Anonymous said...

Needed: Signs in the Board room! We can't hear the proceedings. Help!



Anonymous said...

Buncombe County's superintendent resigning after nine years, B O E holding special meeting to replace.

Anonymous said...

Kindness, Hugs, LOL.

Anonymous said...

The board can make motion's to eliminate positions. I talked to a DPI staff attorney today.

Anonymous said...

According to the Asheville Citizen-Times the Transylvania County Board of Ed is meeting with their county commissioners tomorrow to plan fiscal year 9/10 budgets. I am thinkiing shortfalls, but paper did not say.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr./Mrs. Moderator - are you out there?

Time for a new thread....quite a bit going on

Anonymous said...

Ref: "The board can make motion's to eliminate positions. I talked to a DPI staff attorney today."

"Motions" is not possesive, dumbass. Give us the name of the DPI attorney. Did he also tell you that when eliminating positions that are filled, the BOE must pay the RIF-ed employees' medical insurance for one year?

Anonymous said...


• Blake Thomas Norman, 18, of 4610 Mt. Olive Church Road, was charged Saturday with underage possession of alcohol. Court date: April 29.
• Kirt Henry Norman, 19, of 4610 Mt. Olive Church Road, was charged Saturday with underage possession of alcohol. Court date: May 22.


Anonymous said...

Hate to see the boys in trouble again. I am quite ticked off that Ms. Tracy wants to dictate what my children wear to school, and she didn't even make hers go to school. If I remember correctly, when the old ADHD bothering one, she thought it was fine for him to stay home. I'd prefer that she keep her finger out of my parenting.

Anonymous said...

Kindness goes a long way. According to the newspaper more people are going into the teaching profession.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree w/ most of Tracy Norman's melodramatic rants & the "appearance" of infidelity that she & Tim lend themselves to. I'm not saying this is true, but I have lost a great deal of respect for them personally, for their office, as well as their Christian witness. That said, please leave her kids out of this! No family is without their problems. This is truly mean-spirited toward her & her sons.
We are all human & make mistakes.
I am sure this saddens her greatly, but to call even more attention to it by posting it is childish & inhumane. What a mean-spirited person you must be! Be careful just what you do to others, because, in time, it will be reaped! And oh yeah. . .GROW UP!