Monday, October 6, 2008

School Board Meeting Oct 6

Remember, this one is at Table Rock Middle School.


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Anonymous said...

So Mrs Demiter should sue? Right Mr.Armour? I mean you are Legal Counsel correct? No. I know you made the comments about the chiz-thurston group because they made you cry when Andy Anderson had to come get you because you were having a meltdown in the board parking lot one night. Also you are the one who brings up property right at certain meetings.Subs can be denied because they are At Will Employee's.I know many who were terminated or denied just for the hell of it would sue if she sued to be re-instated. Buddy we know you have no control and are upset. But, please let David Burleson start siding with the majority if you care about him.You are going to be one of the main reason's he gets canned.
Please tell Steve to get Mrs.Demiter a job in his school system.Look for David one as well.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Now Buddy is attacking Dan Chiz and Larry Thurston.Who will he spew his anger at next? Watch out Janice! Damn what a frigging loon! Buddy is not going to make it to get tossed off the board next year. He will need to be committed soon, change is over the horizon. I guarantee if he knew what was up the some of the boards sleeve he would have a major meltdown. Get rest Buddy,you will need it!

Anonymous said...

I would also like Ms. Norman to answer-truthfully-how she illegially taped a closed session of the school board and presented it to certain members of the community. And if in fact that tape displayed illegal acts by anyone, why were charges not pressed. Perhaps it was all an instrumment of Ms. Norman's plan to displace Burleson and an innocent coach was just a pawn? Also, please explain exactly how certain information from confidential personnel files made it to the then newspaper editor, knowing she was the only person who had signed out those personel records. It looks like the real criminal needs to answer to the public she works for. Besides, I never did figure out what was missing that day from the locker room and who missed it!And Ms. Beck needs to check her information before she makes untrue and hurtful statements. Please consider your source!

Anonymous said...

Funny,Sam Wilkinson told people it was just a dollar,David Burleson told people Billy was just stealing back what was stole form him.That is tragic our leaders think that way. As for Billy's DWI being brought out, it was not Tracy Norman who tipped off Duke Conover, but an employee of Caldwell county who brought it up. Interesting he got through the background check,but when your daddy and daddy in law control the information, it is okay to get perks not many others would get. Now Billy had the same locker room trips if you will,in Caldwell county. He wasnt one of their most respected employee's nor was his father.His father just had affairs,and had to be moved school to school. I bet Carteret County has no clue what type of background Billy has, but they are getting ready to! Just think if our old board and administration were smart he would have been written up,could have stayed here and they could have destroyed it when he left to clear his record. I hate Randall but he stayed clear of this mess.Oh,at the time this was going on,Someone in Randall's circle asked him what he knew about this theft,and Randall's response was the boy is guilty as hell the tape dont lie. It takes a theif to know one I always say. Hey Buddy, when you pop a few pills after reading this, please respond.Its the only way we can hear your wisdom. You are one hell of a paper tiger!

Anonymous said...

"As for Billy's DWI being brought out, it was not Tracy Norman who tipped off Duke Conover, but an employee of Caldwell county who brought it up."

Word on the street is she provided the birth date to old Duke. And where would she get that? Could it have been from a personnel file?
According to human resources folks, the only board members who regularly look in those files are Tim and Tracy.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting when Mrs.Beck brings up things about the theft it strikes nerves.Why has the affadavits Adam Hastings swore to not been put in the official minutes? Im waiting on this one. Why has Ron Swink been so defensive? Why can he not go call Tim Buff a son of a bitch to his face? He goes around telling people he is going to call him one to his face, but when Tim is in his range to do so he refrains from doing it. I have no problem if he thinks Tim is a son of a bitch but wish Ron Swink had the Balls to go up to Tim and politely tell him so. Come on Ron we are waiting.If you promised me you would do it I would go with you and try to help save your job.Maybe Tim could respect you if you did this. I would quit writing crap on a marker board about board members and tell them to their face. It takes a lot to show balls!

Anonymous said...

"Why has the affadavits Adam Hastings swore to not been put in the official minutes?"

A: For what reason? Without corroboration from the kid's family, it's just hearsay.

"Why has Ron Swink been so defensive? Why can he not go call Tim Buff a son of a bitch to his face?"

A: Why should he? That would be like walking up to a duck and calling it a duck.

"I have no problem if he thinks Tim is a son of a bitch but wish Ron Swink had the Balls to go up to Tim and politely tell him so."

A: That's hardly polite conversation.

"If you promised me you would do it I would go with you and try to help save your job."

A: So you people actually threaten peoples' jobs? Imagine that!

"Maybe Tim could respect you if you did this."

A: Like Ron needs Tim's respect. Ron is a teacher and a coach. He'll sleep just fine without Tim's respect.

"It takes a lot to show balls."

A: Not if you're a pervert.

Anonymous said...

So if the tapes show Anderson taking the money, why was he not arrested? As hard as Tim and Tracy worked to crucify him, you know they would have presssed charges if there was a shred of evidence. Or does his daddy control the sheriff's office too?

Anonymous said...

Burke's school superintendent and sheriff have differing accounts about whether an investigation was conducted into locker-room thefts and a hidden-camera video made by students at East Burke High.
Burke's Board of Education voted to exonerate a coach of any wrongdoing in the matter, citing in part a local law enforcement investigation.

Sheriff John T. McDevitt says his office has not investigated.

East Burke High School students made the video on Nov. 29 in hopes of catching someone taking money from student clothing, says Superintendent of Burke County Public Schools David Burleson.

Burleson and East Burke Principal Rexanna Lowman say a hidden video camera captured head basketball coach Billy Anderson on tape, alone, patting down student clothes. Burleson says the tape was turned over to a school resource officer employed by the sheriff's office. He also says the sheriff's office was requested to conduct an investigation to determine whether a crime was committed.

"The Burke County Sheriff's Department kept the videotape for several weeks, and to my knowledge conducted what it deemed to be an appropriate investigation," Burleson wrote in an e-mail.

He says the sheriff's office reported back to Burke schools that no evidence of a crime had been found.

McDevitt says no deputies in his office have watched the video. "We've had no report from any victim regarding any larceny of money associated with a video at East Burke's locker room," he says.

McDevitt says that without a report, his office has no reason to investigate an incident.

Anonymous said...

So what affairs do you think Andy has had. Or is this the only tyhing you can come up with?

Anonymous said...

Andy Anderson has had many affairs over the years.To many to write about.He needs to worry about his son now.That should be the focus of the Andersons and Demiters.

Anonymous said...


Is that the best you can come up with? OK, you've convinced me with the overwhelming evidence-just like all the other "facts" and evidence you have spouted off. WHAT A LOSER!

Anonymous said...

to: SOS

y'all are STUPID !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"to: SOS

y'all are STUPID !!!!!!

OK, Goober, keep telling yourself that. This organization came to be because of the foolishness you support.

Your favorite bored members have had their day. It won't be long now.

Anonymous said...

TO: OK, Goober, keep telling yourself that.

REF: It won't be long now.



Anonymous said...

Buddy, look at 6:53 am, what location did that post come from? Far away from Burke County.Could it be other people across the state know about the Anderson's? Well, Carteret will soon.Keep pushing your books Buddy,and Caroline the Humanties students are in your corner. Oh, Caroline that crap you wrote in Sundays paper brilliant.Does it talk about you being a rude bitch at the meetings? You wouldnt talk unannounced at other board meetings.I promise you Ole Tim Buff put up with more shit from you than any other chairman would.

Anonymous said...

how can you tell what location posts come from?

Anonymous said...

Well I know Mr.Armour can not,but his pal Scott Smith can.He is the technology inventor in Burke County.Buddy is getting ready to bitch and moan about technology at the Draughn meeting.He cant get over the fact Scott left.Buddy when do you realize that if you heavily support someone the others will not? If you care about those people then show it by not bringing attention to them.We know how Scott and other people such as maintenance men got their jobs in the system.It was by you forcing the issues.We know how you forced certain people out as well.You can not really go around telling people how bad the board is until you take some responsibility for helping it get to this point.You Mr.Armour are the worst board member ever to serve.It is just a matter of time before the dawn breaks through.Will you be able to show your face in Burke County. We shall see. more thing, forget being chairman December 15.

Anonymous said...

Buddy,Caroline Avery,John Ervin,Nancy Taylor all have one thing in common. They are social idiots.SOS support our schools is a committee organized for the elit children of Burke County. They need to start a private school with their money,then they can hire whoever they want and pay them whatever they desire.Buddy can be the chairman of their board. I like it already what do you think?

Anonymous said...

"Buddy is getting ready to bitch and moan about technology at the Draughn meeting.He cant get over the fact Scott left."

You have a rare gift! How do you know what someone is planning to complain about? Are you a mind reader? Are you clairvoyant? Or are you one of those sorry-ass board members who would not/could not work in a pie factory?

Anonymous said...

i like pie.

Anonymous said...

Buddy maybe your employer needs to find you some work to do,where you will quit blogging and going to SOS meetings. You can start thinking about how bad your last year as a board member is going to get! Buddy,I pity the state of your mind,but it is hard for many of us to feel sorry for you and your superintendent.You all are getting in return what you have sown.The harvest is full of bad tasting crow and worms! Eat up winter is coming and I diubt you and your social club pals are ready for January,or maybe before.But,Mr.Armour will let you stew in that pot for awhile.Just keep telling yourself you are doing a great job.It will ease the pain. Now make sure Caroline Avery,and John Ervin get all the inside details about what will happen next.Sad,you dont know either.Smile at the December 15th board meeting,it will be fun!

Anonymous said...

I like cherry pie with whipped cream... especially if the pie is just a little warm and it melts the whipped cream some. Ummmmm. And I'll have coffee with that, too.
Buddy, do you know how to bake pies? Is that what you'll do next-you bake the pies for the S.O.S. (DB fan club) group and Caroline Avery will pour the punch. John can pass out the cigars and the guys can go smoke 'um in the next room while Caroline tells all her stories of being in the Peace Corps, and they can tell their "Tracy jokes" - they're "Blonde jokes" but they substitute Tracy for Blonde and that makes everybody laugh. Remember the time Rexanna laughed so hard at the meeting in November and egg nog came squirting out her nose? Those memories are priceless. I love you S.O.S. townie friends,and I especially love our exclusivity. This is the greatest county ever!

Anonymous said...

criticizing Burke County's "God of Education"? Do you not know about our unwritten rule - never NEVER bad mouth Mr. Burleson. He's a great public speaker and he's always at all the events. And, he's a great public speaker. And... he can speak well.So stop criticizing him. Because... he's the most visible Superintendent we've ever had and everyone likes him. And he can give a really good speech.You need to follow S.O.S's lead and pick on Tracy Norman and Tim Buff. Wise up, man!

Anonymous said...

... AND, DON'T FORGET... our god can can give a really good speech. Oh, and people like him.

Anonymous said...

John Ervin belonging to a civic organization? I hope he is not billing SOS to legally represent them. SOS means Save Our Superintendent! I belong to an SOSP club , Send Our Superintendent Packing!

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