Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23rd Meeting

Two Parts



Personnel Sub-Committee

Let's HEAR it!


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Anonymous said...

Sad. Gambling has a way of destroying people.

Anonymous said...

Its Buddy's wife or daughters writing this crap.Buddy stays zonked out by his medication most of the time.

Anonymous said...

To those of you talking about Anderson and his infringement on the rights of students: I am a teacher in a middle school and have personally searched lockers and students when I have received information about illegal or stolen items. I have found cigarettes, a knife, several stolen electronic items, stolen money, lighters, and many items that could be considered weapons. You would be singing a different tune if your child had something of value stolen or was threatened by a student carrying a weapon. As for students rights to privacy...I hope you are not making the decision when we get word a student may have a gun because your "students right to privacy" just may cost your child his or her life.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Gambling has a way of destroying people.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to area and have a question.

REF: Superintendent: Sheriff Investigated;
Sheriff: No I Didn't

Which was it?

They both can't be right. Either the Superintendent or the Sheriff is mistaken and I would like to know which one to believe.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

John Mcdevitt is much more believable and honest than David Burleson will ever be.Not only the Superintendent made this claim but then chairman of the Board Ray Martinat jr. said the District Attorney had investigated the video and found no wrong doing. Survey says, ANNNNNNNNNNH! NO LAW ENFORMENT OFFICIALS LOOKED AT THIS MATTER!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...sorry for the little spelling error there...hince=hence. The spelling police are out!!!!
Country bumpkins who use "ain't" do not impress me either. And yes..."forced" was the word, and I will stand by that 100%. Mr. Armour has done more for this school system, and has caused less controversy than your infamous five. If you only want to look here in the county and not outside of the county (maybe Catawba County's court records) then you are really missing out on the truth and not a rumor.
Your famous five...well...they are the ones that have made this county look ignorant and apparently many of you are content at looking this way, as well...believing their words as gospel. So go ahead, support the ignorance of this county...I will rest assured knowing that I know the truth...and that I am not a part of it.

Anonymous said...

We know you are not a part of

You weren't re-elected ;-)

Anonymous said...

What is all of this CRAP and I mean CRAP on this blog?!?!?!
This blog is supposed to be about how the fab-five are ruining Burke County Public Schools...not the "Buddy Show." This school system needs David Burleson and the two "sensible" people on the school board...not these five. We also need to support Scott Smith as the next Associate Superintendent because he has a Doctorate in Curriculum. This county, if you have not noticed is spiraling into a black hole and there are five particular people leading it there.

Anonymous said...

The board was bad before,and is now.Buddy was on both.Maybe he is one of the Biggest problems.No,not all believe the five,but not all belive the terrible twosome or Burleson.So screw Buddy Armour he is a jerk and we will continue to pound him til he is gone.Trust me he will be along with Tracy and Sam.

Anonymous said...

Well to answer your question Mr. Sherwood or Ms. Sherwood... all of this "Crap" you speak about, well it smells like--well do I need to draw you a picture? Maybe I could include three men and two women in my picture! I will also make sure that I include a forest and two of those individuals in hunting gear with their turkey callers if you need me to draw it!

Anonymous said...

sure would, sherwood

but, one needs to be reminded about the 'crap' of the past as well as the crap of the present.

remember...chocolate & beer should never be mixed.

see ya tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

To 8:09 PM

It would probably be worth it, if it meant getting rid of Tracy.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate and Beer!

Sounds like someone has been to a European country!

Goodnight to you...I don't suppose beer or chocolate is sold at your fruit stand?

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Sad. Gambling has a way of destroying people.

Anonymous said...

See you Monday night Buddy! You pathetic drug induced moron.Do not miss counseling across from Hams Restaraunt in the morning. You will need it if you knew what was coming.You may need someone to drive you as before.

Anonymous said...

The Kite Runner is up for debate AGAIN....the school media committee approved it....the district media committe approved it goes to the board...the original appeal from the person that does not even have children in BCPS. It is on the agenda for Monday's meeting.

Anonymous said...

Directed towards Blogger 8:45PM:

Personal Attacks that are not even true = IGNORANCE. Why should anyone expect anything different from SOME in this county?

Anonymous said...

first off, buff lied when he said whoever released rexanna lowman's name after she was turned down for principal of DHS violated personnel/closed session confidentiality. after a vote has been taken it becomes public record,

next, during the ebhs investigation i keep reading how steve demiter and andy anderson were involved in the investigation? they were not. it was handled by david burleson and the board attorney and special counsel. funniest thing is how the student was bragging in class about how tracy buff, i mean norman came to his house and showed a video or audio tape of closed session but when it was pursued he recanted, wish he and his mother would have had to submit to a lie detector, then the heat would have been on, also wonder how many conversations tracy had with them to get them to recant? makes you wonder.

im looking forward to hearing why tracy altered the lines on the approved district map after board approval, now this is gonna get good, anyone notice tracy didnt open her mouth? wonder why there was nothing in the hews herald? what a joke, lol,

Anonymous said...

I wish there would be an investigation into it all.Obstruction of justice would go well for Lowman and Burleson.

Anonymous said...

Scott Smithas the next Associate? You and I know that will never happen.You must be Scott or Buddy posting Garbage like that.

Anonymous said...

It appears Buddy has been trying to get a lot of people there tonight where he can get into a heated debate with the so called five.They have gotten wind of it and will embarass Buddy out of his seat.If he knew what was coming he would stay at home tonight.Its only because he has relatives up for positions tonight that he can not wait to get there. My words of advice to this board.Deny,Deny,Deny

Anonymous said...

REF: "it was handled by david burleson and the board attorney and special counsel"


Anonymous said...

From Public Record

Andy Anderson
Father to Billy Anderson and Associate Superintendent 700 East Parker Road
Morganton, NC 28655
(828) 439-4312
Subject of information or knowledge: Andy Anderson sat in on closed session discussion dealing with Billy. This evidence is potentially relevant since it involves the closed session on which the allegations are based.
Steve Demiter
Father-in-law to Billy Anderson
700 East Parker Road
Morganton, NC 28655
Subject of information or knowledge: Mr. Demiter also sat in on closed session discussions dealing with Billy. This evidence is potentially relevant since it involves the closed session on which the allegations are based.
Rexanna Lowman
Principal of East Burke High School
East Burke High School
3695 East Burke Blvd.
Connelly Springs, NC 28612
(828) 397-5541
Subject of information or knowledge: Ms. Lowman was involved in the investigation of the incident. She called Debra Houser before Christmas asking for permission to destroy the video tape. Ms. Houser refused to give her consent because the tapes were expensive. Ms. Lowman offered to buy a new tape. She gave Mrs. Houser her home and cell phone numbers so she could be reached over the Christmas break in case Mrs. Houser changed her mind. This evidence is potentially relevant in showing the basis of bias and the retaliatory motive upon which the present allegations are based.

Anonymous said...

see...everything legal & on the up & up...

no hint of nepotism

Anonymous said...

By Adam Shull
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Morganton - Burke's school superintendent and sheriff have differing accounts about whether an investigation was conducted into locker-room thefts and a hidden-camera video made by students at East Burke High.
Burke's Board of Education voted to exonerate a coach of any wrongdoing in the matter, citing in part a local law enforcement investigation.

Sheriff John T. McDevitt says his office has not investigated.

East Burke High School students made the video on Nov. 29 in hopes of catching someone taking money from student clothing, says Superintendent of Burke County Public Schools David Burleson.

Burleson and East Burke Principal Rexanna Lowman say a hidden video camera captured head basketball coach Billy Anderson on tape, alone, patting down student clothes. Burleson says the tape was turned over to a school resource officer employed by the sheriff's office. He also says the sheriff's office was requested to conduct an investigation to determine whether a crime was committed.

"The Burke County Sheriff's Department kept the videotape for several weeks, and to my knowledge conducted what it deemed to be an appropriate investigation," Burleson wrote in an e-mail.

He says the sheriff's office reported back to Burke schools that no evidence of a crime had been found.

McDevitt says no deputies in his office have watched the video. "We've had no report from any victim regarding any larceny of money associated with a video at East Burke's locker room," he says.

McDevitt says that without a report, his office has no reason to investigate an incident.

Anonymous said...

REF: "Burke's school superintendent and sheriff have differing accounts about whether an investigation was conducted..."


Anonymous said...


Four board members up for re-election. One of these four called and voted for an independent investigation, the other three wanted this whole thing to go away.

The editor, publisher and newspaper reporter who were thoroughly covering the story and the school board leave the News Herald - some say Martinat, Armour and company had them run out of town.

In November, the county voted to replace three incumbent board members (Martinat, Brandon, Simmons) while re-electing the one incumbent who wanted to get to the bottom of it (Buff).

Turn-out at the polls was at an all-time high; margins of victory were alarming.

That pretty much sums up the answer to your question -- the election showed that the consensus of the county is that this matter was not investigated by the Sheriff's office, it was an internal CYA job.

Anonymous said...

REF: "some say Martinat, Armour and company had them run out of town"


Anonymous said...

The truth finally comes out: "it was an internal CYA job"

Anonymous said...

To June 8, 2008 7:15 PM

Do you search lockers alone, or do you have another teacher or an administrator with you?

Anonymous said...

About "The Kite Runner"

We will hear Mr. Burleson's recommendation about the use of this book in our curriculum.

On Tonight's Agenda
XVII. Reports from the Superintendent
A.Retreat Follow-up ????
B.Draughn High School Update
C.Master Board Training
D.Board Attorney
E.Meeting with Legislators
F.Request from the Community Concerning Mr. Glen Yoder
G.Board Meeting Dates for 2008-2009
H.Remediation Money

FYI...from the Media Policy about challenges to books --
5. The superintendent will review the recommendations of the System-Wide MTAC and render a written decision to the committee and to the complainant.

6. Either party may appeal the superintendent’s decision to the Board of Education within five business days of receiving the superintendent’s decision. The local School Board has final authority and discretion to determine whether a challenge has merit and whether challenged material should be retained or removed.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Gambling has a way of destroying people.

Anonymous said...

Regarding this posting-
"Anonymous said...
Chad Wright will be the person picked for basketball coach.
June 8, 2008 3:30 PM"


Anonymous said...

tick tock...goes the clock

Anonymous said...

I was it the coach was going to be Chip lewis.

Anonymous said...

RE: June 8 11:46pm - no caps (Bill Simmons' style)
"first off, buff lied when he said whoever released rexanna lowman's name after she was turned down for principal of DHS violated personnel/closed session confidentiality. after a vote has been taken it becomes public record"...

People were calling Buff BEFORE the recommendations were even made. No one is supposed to know who's on a personnel report. Public comments were made about Lowman's recommendation before they told who they had voted on.

Loose lips sink ships. We've sprung a leak!

By Heather Sanders
Friday, February 1, 2008

..."After the meeting, Buff said he would like to now how Lowman and Rhoney's names got out into the community because the superintendent's recommendation is a confidential personnel matter.
Buff said he didn't find out about Burleson's updated recommendation until it was sent Wednesday. Buff said he received calls both in support of and not in support of Rhoney since the weekend of Jan. 26."

Anonymous said...

I heard chip lewis was going to be the Draughn Basketball coach and Rob Priode is going to East Burke.

Anonymous said...

so... don't believe everything you hear...

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 1:30:

You HAVE to Be a Board member...Tim, tracy, Rob, dave, Karen...Is that You? Why? because I would Imagine you Would have The most Access to People's emails. Eventhough they Are public Knowledge, no One cares Enough to Look and Make note of Crap like That-I would Assume...UpPeR or LoWeR CaSe. if They do, Then they Have too Much time On their Hands...well, I take That back, Because there Are a Few that Are without Full-time jobs On the Board.

Anonymous said...

Buff never wants to get to the bottom of anything. He enjoys stirring the pot too much.

Anonymous said...

I have searched lockers alone and with another teacher. Sometimes the window of opportunity is very small and the search has to be made immediaitely or the student may move the item or destroy it. Once a student reported a missing electornic item and by the time we traced it down, it had been traded four times. We were lucky to get it back for the student because the students involved in the subsequent trades did not know the original item was stolen. If I had not searched the thief immediately, we would not have recovered any of the items. It is an easy decision to make.

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