Monday, June 16, 2008


Please use this to discuss the rumors of people leaving BCPS.


Anonymous said...

The group that is currently packing up and leaving is the technology people. When whole systems, LANs, and WANs go down, who will trouble-shoot and fix?

If my information is faulty, please advise. Other than financial gain, can any tech people verify their reason(s) for leaving? Any issues with management? Any issues with the board? Any issues with the culture of the workplace?

Anonymous said...

"If 'if's' and 'buts' were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas!"

Anonymous said...

why not use this page to discuss the FACTS of people leaving BCPS?

Anonymous said...

Nothing is based upon facts on an anonymous board. Here is one Buddy Armour is gone in the fall of 2009!

Anonymous said...

Oh the irony! It only took 2 sentences.

Anonymous said...

If Buddy leaves Tracey and Tim are going with him.

Anonymous said...

Are there many teachers leaving? I am a teacher and I am not aware of a mass moving. I know there will be if David is fired.

Anonymous said...

Why would teachers leave if David left? Students were educated before Burleson and will be after.I asked some teachers who have been in this system for almost 30 years what there take on everything was.Two said exactly the same thing.Principals,Boards and Superintendents come and go.You must continue to teach if you truly love children.There are things you do not agree with but you go on.It si the ones who get caught up in the politics of it who get hurt in some way.

Anonymous said...

Principals,Boards and Superintendents & TEACHERS come and go.

Anonymous said...

Especially when the board wants them all fired. I heard rumors our tech people are leaving like crazy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seven, so far. Probably nine - out of 24. No rumor here.

Anonymous said...

There was a exodus last year at EB after the Billy fiasco. Lot's of new faces but it didn't seem to slow things down.

Anonymous said...

shhhhh !!!!!!!!!!

not suppose to talk about billy anderson...remember ??????????

Anonymous said...

We have more important things to talk about now.........

Anonymous said...

billy anderson is a closed case. a dead horse. the case against that group in valdese getting a lawyer to look into tracys map changing. now that will be an open case.

Anonymous said...

and soon......

Anonymous said...

It was said today that Dr.Scott Smith was leaving and taking many tech people with him.Hallelujah! He may try to sabbatoge Burke County's system so I hope they are being watched.

Anonymous said...

Really? And i will have to ask this question again. Why do you want Smith gone? Why do you want the tech department gone? I have yet to hear a real reason.

Some how I doubt they would sabotage "the system"

Anonymous said...

You idiots, the tech department is leaving because this board does not support them. I bet Dr. Smith will be the last one to leave out of all the departures.

Anonymous said...

If the buddy system supports the custodain department it should support the tech department.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by supporting the Custodian Department?

Anonymous said...

The Friend System.

Anonymous said...

shhhhh !!!!!!!!!!

not suppose to talk about billy anderson...remember ??????????

Anonymous said...

And Billy Anderson is related to technology how?

Anonymous said...


"The glorious absence of sophistication."

- Jeff Foxworthy

Anonymous said...

What I would like to know is, i know Burleson went to visit Hastings, but did the Board Chair or Vice chair? And if so did tim or tracy turn it in a mileage for us to pay for? Because somethings you do because you care and not get paid for it.

Anonymous said...

To the 7:30 blogger,

I do not like or support Tim and Tracy, but this is not the time to question such things. Joel was a good man...for everything that is wrong with our system, Joel stood for and was an example of everything that is right. We have lost a great educator and a great friend. May God bless his family and loved ones left behind.

EVERYONE (myself included) associated with Burke Co. Schools should attempt to be half as professional and as kind as Joel was...if we could do that, Burke COounty would be much better off!

Anonymous said...

this site is being boycotted in respect of mr. hastings.

Anonymous said...

WE should be removing this board. Tracy posted the boycott. Why would a Buffoon hater boycott a web site hating on the Buffons who trash talked hastings? this web site has nothing to do with hastings and everything to do with removing the current board.

Anonymous said...

ref: "Tracy posted the boycott."



Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why all of that department is leaving as I spoke to a few of them. They are leaving because they are under paid (other counties pay lots more and don't hide their salary like he does), they are not appreciated nor promoted fairly, and they know that their boss Dr S is a power tripping, 2-faced, predjudice, lying, sneaky person that plays ball by the buddy system. Just look at those that left his department and look at who he is replacing them with. He has lost years of irreplaceable experience and wants gullible puppets to replace the lost talent. Looks like the smart ones have figured it out and made good moves. I feel sorry for those left under the leadership of Dr S. as they should be embarassed.

Anonymous said...

"I'll tell you why all of that department is leaving as I spoke to a few of them."
Ha, Ha. You obviously haven't spoken to any of these people. In fact, I suggest you actually talk to those who have left, will leave and those who are staying. And any of you out there that want to know why they are leaving and or staying..ask them..they will tell you.
I have and none of what the above commentor says here is what they told me. I'll not repeat what they told me...I could be lying like "June 29, 2008 8:03 PM".
The tech department is full of talented and dedicated people (Those staying AND those leaving).

Anonymous said...

Word has it that it is now up to 10resignations from the tech department and none of them are becasue of Dr. Smith.

Anonymous said...

it is up to 12 and one of them includes Scott.

Scott leaving is the reason for the other 11.