Thursday, December 20, 2007

Why did Rob Hairfield vote against DB?

I don't know.  Why don't you call him?  According to the Board of Education website...

"ANYONE, including school system personnel, may contact me via my phone at..."

I am not going to give the phone number.  You can get it here.

Call and post his response


Anonymous said...

I know why. Hairfield has ranted for years that Burleson leads the school board around by the nose - that they are just a bunch of yes men.

Hairfield is going to block David whether David has a good idea or not. He'll show US - by God!! And in doing so, kids will suffer.

Anonymous said...

I'm just hoping he keeps his DUI's under control so that he can make it to the meetings!

Anonymous said...

Rob will make it. David may be the one that starts drinking.

Anonymous said...

I am taking my child out of Burke County School system. Guess what " they are going to pay for my son's private education. My child will not suffer because of a town drunk (OTIS)!! Maybe the local law enforcement need to watch out for Rob Hairfield...Hummmm Good Idea!! I am sure you have pickled your liver with all the drinking, livers do not last forever. Imagine a pickle...this is your liver SOUR!!!!