Monday, April 27, 2009

Can the school board restrict free speech? link

Looks like that would be a yes.

Please comment on the school board meeting here


Anonymous said...

People egged her house, and tore down her mail box, left her bad messages, who the crap is she representing? The board works for the people - TRACY LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE! I know you read this blog, do your damn job. Represent the people, and if you are representing the people, drag their tale to the board meeting or get them to write a article in the paper stating that you are speaking for them to get rid of burleson. If you dont do it, you have no excuses for a "whoa is me" statement. My bet is - we will not find one person that will sign their name to a article or blog (their real name) and state that they are glad he is gone.

Anonymous said...

SO is the meeting over? And what happened?

Anonymous said...

Was the news correct? They did not allow anyone to speak? R U KIDDING ME!!!!???!!!

Anonymous said...

Tracy, Tracy, Tracy... can you not see the future.... No one in this county will give you the time of day, November will come... you will go... and then what? Think you can be special Timmy council on the board till his term is over? Going to be a hard life when reality steps up and says "hi". You are a sad, power corrupt person. Do you think you are sacrificing your self all for something that happened long ago? You want to punish the entire county for not getting your way. Sorry lady... dont work that way. All you are doing is punishing our children, for your own selfish stupid reasons.

Anonymous said...

Egged her house, tore down her mail box, and left hate messages? Wow, must be some of those fine Christian folk. Although I am not a fan of Tracy Norman, I do feel sorry for the position she is in now. Actions like these don't remedy Burleson's situation.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget - previous blogger hypocrite - tracy is a fine upstanding christian at burkemont... attends sunday school with us aswell! Not all christians act the way tracy does. And to the ones that egged and so on... its called good old fashioned country! most likey kids. maybe even her own family. Go back to florida!

Anonymous said...

Why do you feel sorry for Tracy? Have you not watched her actions? Why don't you post your name? Just curious! Seems like we can't find anyone to post a name supporting tracy. skeered?

Anonymous said...

yeah why dont you show up to the board meetings and speak up for tracey.

Anonymous said...

did you hear that prank call she let the tv channel listen too .... you dont think it was jon jones do you .... that wanted to claw her eyes out... or her ex .... or charlotte buff? so many enemies. shame shame tim will sale BS salvage and they can move to the bahamas with Anna Nicole Smith .... oh wait .... she went crazy and over dosed

Anonymous said...

I can sort of relate to what 9:21 is saying. If a wrong has in fact been done to David Burleson, these zealots are only making the situation worse. Burleson is not the pillar of education in our community. The pillars are found in the classroom. The education of our children will continue in full force with or without Burleson. Here's what I don't understand - what does Norman have to gain from this? Why risk her sanity, safety, and put herself through such public ridicule without cause?
BTW - I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours!

Anonymous said...

Instead of filing a police report for the eggs and tore down mail box, why don't she investigate it herself and see if her son was intoxicated again. If she is so quickly to get rid of Burleson for nothing...why is she not making the motion to remove Hairfield from his position...I thought that was her job. Maybe she sent the emails to him...from Timmy....
It is such an embarrassment...what could he possibly have done?? She could discuss it, if she had something. When you make a motion--are you not suppose to open it for discussion before it it voted on...I guess they have discussed it for years now. Such a sorry excuse for a human being. May God bless you. I hope you are on your knees everynight, praying to God and not Tim.

Anonymous said...

REF: "Why don't you post your name? Just curious! Seems like we can't find anyone to post a name supporting tracy. skeered?"

Shouldn't you be in bed already?

Anonymous said...

Although I arrived at the meeting at 5:00, the room was full and "security" was not allowing anyone in. Wanted to listen to the audio, but it is not posted - don't they usually post the audio immediately after vthe meeting? or do you think that disappeared like the evaluation?

Anonymous said...

The Board of Elections map that has been sitting in the drawer of BOE director since 1988 has been used to determine where each school board candidate has lived since that time. No one ever questioned it because all candidates accepted it WHEN THEY FILED. They accepted it when they signed on to be a candidate saying, "Yes, that's where I live and yes, those are the boundaries, and yes, if I move out of those boundaries, I will vacate my seat." EVERYONE who has ever moved out of their district as determined by that map in the past 20 years has vacated their seat because they were honorable people.
But not Tracy.
Ms. Norman's sin is three-fold: 1) She did not bother to check the map at the board of elections before she moved. 2) She never informed the board OR her constituency THAT she had moved. Do we know where she currently resides? 3)She refused to accept the validity of the old map once it told her she was out-of-district. Only at that point was this old 1988 map ever suspect.
You have a right to defend and admire Ms. Norman all you wish. But she has yet to own up to any of her mistakes or accept any of the consequences for making them. Her boss continues to defend and consecrate her every error. Why? Because he needs to maintain his sense of power and control over our school system.
Should old board members have said, "It's OK Tracy, you can live where you please"? According to the 20-year-old lines of the map at the BO Elections, she "domiciled" out of her district for over a year. Is that OK with you? It's not OK with anyone who believes that the rules should not change just because Tracy wants them to.
But this is typical behavior. Another example: she wanted to suspend the rules and ban a best-seller from the classroom. True or untrue?
And no, the school board cannot ignore the three-district rule (plus one at-large member) because that rule was set by the Legislature and can only be UNDONE by the Legislature. Only the Legislature can change the NUMBER of people serving on the BOE. And yes, the BOE can move the lines as often as they want as long as the district populations remain "roughly equal".
I do not believe that anyone has ever tried to "get rid of Tracy." When she circumvents the rules and gets caught, she wants you, her admirers, to think she is being picked on. Given the number of incidents she has been involved in, do YOU really believe she's some kind of victim? Get real.

Anonymous said...

Great post 6:04.

Anonymous said...

REF: "Can the school board restrict free speech?"

Apparently, yes. They can.

Anonymous said...

Are you boycotting Tim Buff's store and wonder where you can shop for great deals on food? I just found a store on the Rutherford College/Connelly Springs Road called Odum's. It has a much larger selection of low price foods and a wide assortment of lower priced produce and dairy products. It's right over the Catawba River (Lake Rhodhiss) from Rutherford College about 1/2 mile beyond Ingle's. Open Mon - Sat 10AM - 6PM

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Barnyard today? He was a NO SHOW at SMACKDOWN last night.

Anonymous said...

know everyone is outraged by the decisions by the school board.. Whoever made this video is just as immature as the people who are on the school board.. but lets all think who voted these people into the school board a while back? WE DID. I am an 18 year old college student and I have enough class not to make a childish video about people. Does anyone remember the incident with Billy Anderson at EBHS? Burleson hung Rexanna Lowman out to dry. Im sorry for the Burleson family and burke county

Anonymous said...

Which video are you refering to? The song is cool and I think that I would like to hear the guy in concert. The looney toons one is creative and shows some talent in graphics and other areas, the others are just news clips...

Anonymous said...

let's have a rally this weekend late enough for the adults to be able to come after work.
This song should play over the pa system.

Anonymous said...

Ok a few questions to ponder:

1. How long before Jones figures out that these fools are going to ruin his name and he resigns from the board attorney?

2. I would like to know how often Tracy calls him to ask 'legal' advice regarding board issues?

3. Do you see how rattled Tracy is when someone asks a question that she and Tim have not rehearsed at the B&S Discount store? She defers to Jones to help her make a statement that she clearly knows she would confirm her ignorance even more.

4. For those of you egging her house, I hear you can get cheap eggs at the B&S discount store.

5. I wonder what B&S really stands for.. I have one thing that comes to mind and rhyms with hull and spit.

6. Has anyone reported B&S for selling out of date products? Are there any laws regarding selling and/or removing the sell by date on products?

7. Where does Tim and Tracy go in that big truck every week? Is there a bed in the back?

8. Has the ACLU been notified of the recent actions of the board? I would think that after the book banning, the restriction of speech would be another topic they would be interested in. They may even help determine what we can do to recall these BOE members.
Interesting articles:

Executive Director: Jennifer Rudinger
P.O. Box 28004
Raleigh, NC 27611
Phone: 919-834-3390

9. I would like to see a topic started regarding Tracy and Tim sightings. If they are commiting adultry, which the whole county believes, let's post them here.
And I would pay to see someone sneak that question into their comments if they are even given a chance to speak at meetings.

10. For the high school graduates this year, I think it would be awesome to witness you refusing to shake hands with the BOE members when you walk the stage.

Anonymous said...

Reliable sources report that Tim and Charlotte are separated and Charlotte's daughter will not let Tim see the grandchildren.(Papers signed at their schools stating this). I believe Charlotte's daughter will let us know about any Tim and Trashy sightings.

Anonymous said...

"which the whole county believes"


"witness you refusing to shake hands with the BOE members"


Anonymous said...

Well, chicken Barnard didn't attend the meeting Monday... sure has changed his tune--when he first became a board member he acted like a banny rooster with his head all cocked and ready to pounce. Now he is just plain chicken to show his face. Heard Karen is trying to keep a low profile---too late now sweetie!!!

Anonymous said...

At the meeting on Monday when Tracy took a vote to end the First Ammendment- Drunkard, Trashy, Red Nose Timmy voted yes. Karen was looking at Timmy's arm to determine how she was suppose to vote. After seeing his arm go up Karen jerked hers up.

The image was priceless

Anonymous said...

At Monday's meeting someone who can speak Spanish should sign in to speak about something that is on the agenda.

When they get to the microphone they should say in English what their topic is.

Then they should start speaking in Spanish and unload everything they have ever wanted to say to these fools for 2 minutes. Then at the end of the 2 minutes say Thank You in English.

Anonymous said...

To April 29, at 4:34 a.m. Sorry to break it to you Tracy, but at least 95% of the county thinks you are having an affair with Tim. That includes most of his family!!!Don't worry though, we will find out for sure soon, and even if we don't, a higher power will take care of both of you. As a matter of fact, I believe He is already working on that right now!

Anonymous said...

Re: "Can the school board restrict free speech?"
Apparently, yes. They can.
April 28, 2009 7:54 AM


moogie63 said...

After all this mess, it is obvious to me that most of the board is not from Burke county. They seem surprised at the uproar of the citizenry. They don't remember the riot to save Mr. Trossie Wall's job from several years ago. Nor do they remember the riot a few years later when Mr. Wall threatened the Senior's graduation.
Guess who is old enough now to protest? Did they not notice the fury at the failure to listen to the masses over the names of our 2 new high schools?
All I can say is please take notice of what happened to the gentleman who started the fire on the mountain back in 1985. If our schools loose accreditation....Please follow his subsequently wise example and leave the state of North Carolina for your own safety.