Thursday, April 23, 2009

Get Out

I under estimated you Rob. I knew you were an idiot. I had no idea that you were this big of an idiot.

From your apology

"I receive many e-mail jokes and, like many others, I forwarded it after just scanning it by hitting "forward" and it was sent out. "

This is bullshit and I am calling you out. I don't believe for one second that you didn't read these emails. You read them, found them funny, and forwarded them on.

"I sincerely apologize to all individuals, especially the black community, for any unintentional offense that I may have caused them and ask for their forgiveness."

How you can say unintentional is beyond me. One of the emails says racist in the subject. It calls a black man a nigger and a mexican a wetback. Those terms are anything by unintentional.

Education is best provided in schools embracing children of all religious, social, and ethnic backgrounds. Horace Mann.


Get out and let use get back to educating all or our students.


Anonymous said...


This is not just a matter of a couple "funny" cartoons and one's right to share a yuck with buddies. It's a matter of judgment, of character and of one's ability to treat all persons and situations fairly and objectively. And Rob Hairfield comes up unacceptably short in all three categories.

It's time to resign.

As an elected public servent, Rob Hairfield KNOWS that he's to be held to a standard of conduct that will withstand close public scrutiny. Unless he honestly believes that "the public" ONLY consists of backwoods, racist, ultra-right-wing, goose-stepping morons who will stand for the actions of even the most abhorrently hate-filled of persons simply because of their political affiliation, his admitted email distribution choices clearly show that he lacks even a minimal level of acceptable judgment.

And he has even LESS character, as I'd always been told THAT is what you show when no one else is watching. If that's true, and Rob assumed that no one would know that he was appreciating, agreeing with and forwarding racially insulting propaganda, then he's proven to be void of decent character all together.

Finally, and most importantly, Rob has absolutely no objectivity. There is no way, given his confessed acts of racism, that he can sincerely expect a thinking and rational public to believe he can judge ALL system employees and ALL system students and ALL system issues objectively when it's so obvious that he sees minorities and their concerns as being of lesser value and import than are white conservatives.

Bottom line....unless your scorecard rewards intentional acts of tasteless and hateful stupidity, character bankruptcy and obvious racial bias, you have to agree that it's time for Rob to leave the game.

Rob....PLEASE, stop torturing your poor mother with this crap. Move on and move out. Leave the board and let her live out her days in peace instead of absolute shame.

Anonymous said...

"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."

Anonymous said...

Oblah dee, oblah dah.
Hop on Pop.
Sam I am.
Goo goo gah joob.

Frankly my dear, you can drop over-translated and modernized pearls of mystical handbook wisdom as much as you'd like, but Rob Hairfield's still a racist prick who needs to resign before his sins and his public shame kill his mother.

Anonymous said...

"In case the Superintendant of Public Instruction shall have sufficient evidence that any memmber of a local board of education is not capable of discharging or is not discharging duties if his office as required by law, or is guilty of immoral or disreputable conduct, he shall notify the chairman of such board of education, unless such chairman is the offonding member, in which case all other members of such board shall be notified. Upon receipt of such notice there shall be a meeting of said board of education for the purpose of investigating the charges, and if the charges are found to be true, such board shall declare the office vacant"

This is clearly immoral and disreputable conduct.

Anonymous said...

7:15 a.m.
Do not cast your pearls before swine.

Anonymous said...

TO: April 23, 2009 7:40 AM

well then, LET'S GET IT ON !!!!!

Anonymous said...

7:15 a.m.
Are you insinuating that Mr. Burleson take this scripture to heart, because he is the one who has been persecuted!

Anonymous said...

7:15 "Do not cast your pearls before swine." Are you referring to Tracy Norman?

Anonymous said...

Rob- I agree with the poster at 7:29.

For the sake of your poor, suffering mother Oreal, whose home you STILL mooch within, please do the noble thing and resign.

Save that poor woman the humiliation of walking the streets of Morganton, shopping at Harris Teeter, kneeling in the pews of St. Charles Catholic Church and volunteering at the hospital while having complete strangers approach her to ask how she could possibly raise such a hateful, racist, misogynistic, drunken dissapointment of a son.

It's bad enough that you rely on her for ALL your living expenses. Must you force her to suffer this public shame and indignity as well? Have you no heart at all?

Anonymous said...

Let's demonstrate along Hairfields street this weekend. We can do it with a chain of cars, trucks, motorcycles, lawnmowers, golfcarts etc. Let's have signs demanding Hairfield to resign now.

He must go now before unrest comes to Morganton.

There can be other parades weekly on a rotating basis for the other 4 members. We should also include the school board judgee.

We should not forget about the accounting firm who asked for the job of being the board's accountants. This school board hired them this year after firing the other.

I think any business that takes money from this board should be boycotted.

Anonymous said...

Kirt Henry Norman, 20, of 4610 Mt. Olive Church Road, was charged Sunday with underage possession of alcohol. Court date: June 12.

Anonymous said...

I've contacted the Oprah show. Chuckle if you like, but this needs some national attention. If you pull all the back stories together, this is a recipe for disaster that could affect any community.

Abuse of power
Abuse of freedom of speech
Fiduciary duty abuse

Sound like a constitutional thrashing to you?

It does to me and this is a dangerous, slippery slope that American should be warned about.

Besides that, can't you just see Hairfeld trying to smack talk Oprah, or Norman justify herself.

ps - I'm not an Oprah fan, but I do respect her audience base!

Anonymous said...

Oprah will LOVE the Billy Anderson story. Good idea !

Anonymous said...

"In case the Superintendant of Public Instruction shall have sufficient evidence that any memmber of a local board of education is not capable of discharging or is not discharging duties if his office as required by law, or is guilty of immoral or disreputable conduct, he shall notify the chairman of such board of education, unless such chairman is the offonding member, in which case all other members of such board shall be notified. Upon receipt of such notice there shall be a meeting of said board of education for the purpose of investigating the charges, and if the charges are found to be true, such board shall declare the office vacant"

I hate to tell you this, but this statute was repealed two years ago right after the board followed it to the letter charging Ms. Norman with misconduct. The dumbass governor signed the repeal.

Anonymous said...

Tracey will have to leave the board because she is in trouble with the people of Burke. Her house may even be in trouble of burning. Her life may even be in danger. I would hate to be in her shoes now. Tim is in trouble to. How can you make money when you are to scared to open the doors of your business.

Anonymous said...

Tracy, It's funy how the only defense you can come up with when confronted with your insane actions is "Billy Anderson". We know IF you had ANYTHING on him, you would have ran to the sherriff years ago. Try something new. MAybe share some of your parenting skills.

Anonymous said...

Earlier today, I found an entertainingly ironic email that then-candidate Rob Hairfield posted to on May 2, 2007.

In it, he says "the citizens of Burke County deserve a representative who will focus on credibility, integrity, and accountability." And he claims certain then-current BOE members proved to lack such focus through their refusal to vote in favor of positions represented by a number of signed public petitions.

After admonishing the board for failing to listen to and follow the expressed, issue-specific will of the people, Hairfield boldly asks "Are these the actions of credibility, integrity, and accountability?"

ABSOLUTELY hilarious, Rob. So if board members act in opposition to the expressed wishes of significant numbers of county parents, we are to judge them to lack credibility, integrity and accountability?

That is just too freakin' funny, you sad little drunken hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

I heard that some of the high schools were planning a "walk out" tomorrow. My child thinks highly of Mr. Burleson, but she will not be participating in the"walk out." I told her that is the last thing Mr. Burleson would want. Please find other ways to rally for him.

Anonymous said...

Don't walk out. There is a rally at 4pm in freedom park Friday. Check

Anonymous said...

when does everyone want to protest in front of the racist's house. We can cruise in a parade format around his block with our horns blowing

Anonymous said...

Mr. Burleson has asked that students NOT walk out!! But please attend the rally at Freedom Park at 4pm

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Tim's daughter won't allow him to see her children? That sure does speak volumes! If that is true, you go girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this the same grandchild of Tim's who wondered off from the goup and got lost on a field trip.
Tim became furious and demanded Mr. Burleson fire the principal on the spot. When Mr. Burleson only repramanded the principal Tim began his campaign to take down Mr. Burleson.

Anonymous said...

No. She did not wonder off from the group. Three children got left behind at the bathrooms. It would be nice if people would get their story straight. By the way, they were gone for almost 40 minutes before anyone noticed. David took care of the situation perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Look what's on CNN - IReport!

Anonymous said...

Get out indeed. He's the first that needs to go. Then it should be Tracy "Make Everyone Else Pay" Norman. Hey Rob how'd your 3 friends in the black community appreciate your using them to your own ends? Wonder if they knew before hand that you still have your KKK uniform under your bed?