Friday, November 9, 2007

Buff: Burleson's Job is Safe

Tim Buff: Burleson's job is Safe

Finally here is my take...

"Buff said neither he nor other board members he knows of have any intentions of getting rid of Burleson or anyone else in the Central Office.
He credits rumors of the instability of certain jobs to cheap shots against him and the other new board members."

Gonna have to call you out on this one.

Lets look at how you voted for some of the administrators. I believe Tim voted against the following contracts

Andy Anderson
Randall Brackett
Scott Smith
Steve Demiter
Susan Pollpeter

And from the comments...He voted AGAINST every principal and assistant principal hired who wasn't from Burke County - just because they were not from Burke County. It's all on tape. It's all in the minutes.

I would love to know the actual dates, please leave a comment if you know them.

Rob Hairfield is quoted in

"A financial audit; replace the director of finance (associate superintendent Randall Brackett). Focus on education, not job creation. Promote effective discipline. Cut excess and waste."


"Change the finance director -- hire a real business manager."

Then you have, a site maintain by Hairfield and Larry Thurston. This site mentions removing Scott Smith and David Burelson.

"If Smith can't handle his administrative job and feels that he must react disrespectfully to proper scrutiny, he should be replaced with a person who can measure up to the job. Smith's unlimited travel allowance warrants total scrutiny."


"Then the new School Board should as the first order of business say: "Mr. Burleson You're Fired!""

Cheap shots my ass, Tim Buff. You say you want an open board, lets have it. We are calling your bluff.

Also from Tim Buff, "Employees do need to be accountable for their actions and realize they work for the school board."

This quote pisses me off and I think it will piss a lot of teachers off. You have also kept saying we need to get back to educating the children. Unless you plan on getting your college education, you need to back off the professional educators and let them do their job. The media selection policy shows you don't trust them. Keep threatening them and they will go to districts where they can "work for the students" and not "work for the school board".


Anonymous said...

The only reasons, Buff said, an employees will be fired is if they are not doing their jobs, they act against school policy or if the board determines the position is not needed. Employees do need to be accountable for their actions and realize they work for the school board, he said.

What is the school policy?
Is there a NC handbook for school board members?
Do Burke County board members get paid and what types of perks and reimbursement fees do they get?
I don't have a problem with relatives being hired in the same school district as long as they aren't supervised by them, but are school board relatives allowed to hold jobs within the district? Since we all work for the school board, this would seem a conflict of interest or at the very least not appropriate.

Glen said...

That is a good question. I want to see the handbook for the board members. I want to know exactly what they can do and can not.

I never thought about the board members being in supervisor role over relatives. I know of Karen and Randy Sain and Tim and Charlotte Buff. I think Hairfield has some relatives, but I don't know the facts.

I plan on writing about this article. I don't agree with Tim when he says these are rumors and cheap shots. There have been articles where he says we need new administration. And hairfield has been quoted on wanting to fire brackett.

Anonymous said...

Burke County School Board members get paid a monthly mileage stipend of $110.25. The Chairman receives and additional $27.57 per month. There is no school board "handbook". Their handbook is simply the state statutes (NC 115C)regarding boards of education, their duties, and their responsibilities.

Each school board is required by law to provide "...for the general supervision of the school system". This is to prevent board members from being directly involved in dad-to-day business. THAT'S the job of the Superintendent and his staff.

There is nothing in the statute that says board members cannot have family members employed by the system. BCPS has a policy that says no school site supervisor may supervise a family member. If that happens to occur, one of those individuals will be transferred.

Board members (past and present) with relatives in the system: Buff's wife Charlotte is a TA at Drexel Primary. Armour's daughter teaches PE at George Hildebrand. Martinat's wife is a speech therapist. Hairfield's daughter teaches at Liberty. Simmons' wife is an EC teacher, and his daughter teaches PE at WJMS. Sain's husband is the principal at Icard. Barnard taught for a brief year. Norman was a TA in BCPS for a short while and home-schooled her kids. Not sure why she wanted to be on the board of a school system she did not trust her kids with, but for some reason, the voters didn't ask themselves that question.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Buff alone cannot fire anyone. He can (and will) pressure the Superintendent to do so. But there must be adequate documentation to support any dismissal.

How arrogant of Buff and his purchased majority to even address such an issue! But even more so - how arrogant of him to DENY the obvious.

"Buff said he wouldn't have voted to renew Burleson's contract twice if he wanted to get rid of him. That goes for other administrators." This quote implies he supported ALL of Burleson's administrative choices. Not so. He and his Girl Friday voted AGAINST the contracts of Andy Anderson, Randall Brackett, Scott Smith, and Steve Demiter. Buff voted AGAINST Susan Wilson-Pollpeter's (BPW's Woman of the Year) contract. He voted AGAINST every principal and assistant principal hired who wasn't from Burke County - just because they were not from Burke County. It's all on tape. It's all in the minutes.

Hairfield has said in the News Herald that, if elected, he will " through the Central Office like Sherman through Atlanta." And he can do so now with Buff's blessing and vote.

When Buff and Company say they want equal and fair distribution of raises and supplements, he thinks we can find a math teacher as easily as we can find a custodian.

I worry about people who feel like they must continually remind people who they work for. As a board member, he has power only in the presence of the other six. Now he has a 5-vote majority.

With this advantage generously supplied by the voters of Burke County, how WILL he suppress his inflated ego?

Anonymous said...

Would sosmeone please explain why Tim Buff's wife is paid on a higher pay salary than any other TA???????

Anonymous said...

Probably because randall and scott smith screwed charlotte over and were going to get suied. Scott Smith needs to go! No one should have unlimited travel allowance and he lives in statesville. Martinat probably has had more relatives in the system than anyone. If a situation came up with a relative the board member should recuse themselves from voting maybe even being in the room. As for Mrs. Polpeter she should be moved back to being a principal or teacher.Randall most logical people think should have been gone and I think Mr.Burleson could save face if he would cut his ass. But Thay know too much on one another. David will not be here after his contract comes up in 2010 and should hit the road now.He has applied for other positions and does not make it to the interview stage. Mostly, because he has no doctorate and people who call him that are nothing but ass licker's.

Anonymous said...

How do you know David applied to other schools? Sounds like you are making crap up. Many will delight at the downfall of the Fraud Five! It's coming - and sooner than you think. When the details are finalized, the will not want to be in Burke County. Are Charlotte and Tim still togther? Is Tim a Mormon? Just wandering about the mutliple wife thing.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that school maintanace drive county vehicles home??

Anonymous said...

To the above blogger, no I know people in other systems who have told me david has applied. Futhermore you do not scare anyone when you say this board will be gone.I think you are doing wishful thinking but you and your followers do not know the laws and how much a system is protected.Many tried to have the old group removed and went to raliegh and were told you have to vote them out election time. Bottom line wait four years. Sure many who think they have power realize outside of morganton or valdese they do not. There will be things coming down the pipeline in the future but it may not be what you want to hear. Grin, Cheer-up we had to deal with things and now you do to.One more thing if tim and tracy were to be removed or step down, the majority chooses their replacements Rob,David and Karen their are no special elections until their term is up. So cry and study school law not good ole boys law.