Friday, November 9, 2007

Tracy Norman Hates EBHS

EBHS Softball lights

Mr. Brackett’s recommendation is to award the bid to Seagle Electric for $48,711. He reminded the Board that EBHS would be responsible for $20,000 making the cost for BCPS $28,711. Mr. Brandon asked for a review of the minutes regarding the amount that EBHS was to pay for lights. Mr. Brackett confirmed that whatever amount was previously written in the minutes was the correct amount that EBHS had committed to pay, with the remainder being paid by BCPS.

Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to award the bid to Seagle Electric, with a second from Mr. Simmons. The Motion carried with six (6) ayes. Ms. Norman opposed.

Ms. Norman questioned the statement on the bid tabulation concerning awarding the bid when funds were available. Mr. Brackett responded by stating that the bid tabulation had been given to him by Mr. Stroupe, Capital Projects Manager for BCPS, and he had informed Mr. Stroupe that the county couldn’t proceed with their normal procedure of awarding bids, that the bid would have to be approved by the Board before the bid could be awarded. Ms. Norman then questioned whether or not the money was available now. Mr. Brackett confirmed that the money is available now. Mr. Brandon asked how long it would take for the lights to be installed. Mr. Brackett responded by saying that it would take 60 days from start to finish. Mr. Brackett went on to say that it may not take that long but we needed to allow a 60 day period. Mr. Martinat clarified that the net to the school system would be under $30,000 and Mr. Brackett confirmed.

Ms. Norman asked about the list of needs. She questioned if this had been looked at to determine priorities vs. other needs in other schools. Mr. Brackett replied that he didn’t receive that list; that it had gone to Mr. Burleson, who then distributed it to the facilities committee.

Mr. Simmons responded that this list would be discussed at the next Facilities and Finance Sub Committee Meeting. He added that at that time they would bring a recommendation back to the Board of how to prioritize the list of needs.

Mr. Brackett mentioned that Burke County anticipated having about $900,000 in lottery money that could go toward debt payment on our COPS Program and then use the sales tax money and appropriate that for other capital needs.

Mr. Buff questioned Mr. Brackett as to how long the bid would be good for.

Mr. Brackett responded that typically bids are good for 30 days.

The Motion carried with six (6) ayes, Ms. Norman opposed.

I will admit the need for $40,000 softball lights is debatable. But this sounds like a grudge towards EBHS? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Ms. Norman was so busy carrying out the will of her employer, she forgot that Title 9 issues could have evolved from lighting the baseball field for the boys while leaving the softball field unlit for the girls.

The City of Morganton lit Freedom's softball field years ago as a cooperative effort to share fields between the school and the community. Icard and Hildebran communit had no such interest when it came to lighting East Burke's field.

Glen said...

great comment, i didn't consider Title 9.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Norman was ONCE again in court. On Friday, 12/14/07 Mrs. Norman sat in the Burke County Criminal Courtroom with her son, who has numerous charges including a drug charge as well as a concealed weapon charge. The SADDEST part of this is that on this same day in court was the Business Law class from EBHS....our young students came to observe court and what they got to observe was their own school board member sitting in court...Shame on you Mrs. Norman...and to think...just recently you sat there with your own charges!!!! Don't you wish the News Herald would print this information for the good citizens of Burke COunty.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget former Chairman Ray Martinat's record of owing thousands upon thousands to many people here at home and other county's. He should have taken care of his own affairs before running a million dollar empire.

Anonymous said...

Glen says, "I will admit the need for $40,000 softball lights is debatable. But this sounds like a grudge towards EBHS? What do you think?"
To answer you question with a question -- Just how does opposing spending our funds to light a softball field so the team can play their games at night get back at Rexanna Lowman, Adam Hastings, Jeff Link, Pat Draughn and the rest of the crew who tried to set her up on made-up charges? So you think not approving lights for a field is a plausible way of holding a grudge? Sometimes our hatred for people gets in the way of common sense, doesn't it, Glen.

Anonymous said...