Wednesday, November 7, 2007

tim buff bio

Education: Diploma, East Burke High School, 1977.

attaboy finished high school. I hear if you combine your GPA with tracy's you all have a 4.0

"I work for the people of this county, and if I have questions, I'm going to ask them. I have asked some hard questions (and) brought the people's business to open session. "

You may be able to dish them out but can you handle them...What were you and Tracy doing hiding in the back corner of J&S?

"Continue building a bridge of trust by improving communications and relationships with the board, staff, students and community."

Relationships with the board. Wink wink reading you loud and clear.

If elected, what - if anything - would you change about the Burke County Public Schools? Are there things you believe the school system can or should be doing differently?
He recommends doing more to reduce the dropout rate, looking for ways to increase salary supplements for certified employees and begin paying supplements to classified employees and paying more attention to "growing our own" teachers and hiring them and others "based on their qualifications, not who they are connected to."

Growing our own teachers and hiring them based on their qualifications. So a qualificaiton would be born and raised in Burke County. Hmm, that sounds like hiring "who they are connected to."


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you would highlight Buff's illustrious high school diploma. Just what kind of student WAS he? What was his GPA? What was he involved in? Did he get good conduct smiley faces? Since his voting record does NOT favor teachers, principals, or administrators, I wonder if he had problems in school. I wonder if he has some sort of complex against authority figures? Is that why he loves to intimidate employees by threatening to look at their personnel files?

Here's a challenge, Glen: Poll all current board members and ask them how many years they have served and how many times they have looked at a personnel file. I am certain that the incidence rate for TWO board members will shock you - if they answer honestly.

Anonymous said...

"Sixteen tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt... I owe my soul to the company store."

How many of the new board members owe their souls to B & S Discount Foods?

Buff's bio doesn't say anything about his vast real estate holdings or how he got started in "business" or how he is supposedly self-made.

BTW, Just how much money DID he contribute to Barnard's, Sain's, and Norman's campaigns? I suspect that thanks to the miracle of cash, we will never know...

"I owe my soul to the B & S store..."