Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rev. sees book's value

Morganton News Herald
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I read "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, the book that school board member Tracy Norman wishes to ban to protect our children's minds.

The fictional book depicts life in Afghanistan during the rise of the Taliban, the abuses faced by ethnic minorities and those who disagree with the Taliban's philosophical and religious views.

Although the characters are fictional, the atrocities are real and well documented.

The sex and vulgar language contained in the book are not gratuitous, but necessary in the telling of the actual events and torture that people in that region face.

These elements should not be cause for offense. Omitting them would be tantamount to discussing the holocaust without the gas chambers or teaching about slavery in early America without acknowledging its inhumane abuses.

It is the evil of intolerance that the common reader should find as the true enemy.

The redeeming value of the book, which Ms. Norman could not see, is in its glimpse into the lives of the persecuted, the outcast and those who choose to be a part of the solution.

It also is about those who keep silent with fear, or pretend the problem is not important through willful ignorance.

Surely this is worthy of discussion in today's society.

My wife and I have a daughter in 10th grade. I do not want to see her public education reduced to that which does not offend the lowest common denominator.

She is far more intelligent and mature that that and is capable of discerning what is vulgar verses questionable material for the sake of shock value.

Although I would like to take much of the credit for this, I must acknowledge the role of both her faith community and outstanding teachers, past and present.

Three vivid points or irony stand out in the proposed book banning.

Because of her gender, the Taliban would never permit Ms. Norman to hold a position of authority such as a school board member.

Next, we would not have to worry about our half of our school population being lead astray by bad books because there would be no girls permitted in our high schools.

Furthermore, another area banning this book as well as its movie is none other than Afghanistan.

If successful, what books should be next on the list to ban? The stories of Dinah and Tamar alone in the Old Testament book of Genesis might lead the quickly offended to conclude that more censorship is needed.

I send my daughter to school to learn from trained professionals and not from offended members of the school board.

Rev. Tony H. Matthews


Anonymous said...

Would you expect anything different from Buddy Armour's pastor? NMUMC - the church where Scott Smith (Dir of Tech) used to attend.

Anonymous said...

To the commenter above-
Why does who you know have anything to do with writing a well thought out and heartfelt opinion?
When I read this blog, a newspaper article, a book, listen to a board meeting or news report, pay attention to a teacher, a friend or enemy trying to inform me of an important situation or share an opinion, I expect to be able to understand the person’s viewpoint clearly. I expect to be informed not harangued. I discount ideas and opinions by those who wish to incite fear and paranoia or attempt to manipulate, even if those individuals are on “my side”.
I have learned that listening, really truly listening to opposing views can only benefit me in the long run. Discounting others because they “know” someone I don’t like, they don’t go to the “right” church, they are from the “wrong” side of the county or are part of “that group” leads me down the road of intolerance and ignorance. Blindly following people because they hijack phrases such as “I just want to protect the children”, “I believe in education” or “I know what is best” as their battle cries would be abdicating my right and duty to form MY OWN opinion and to follow my own path.
If your comment was intended to persuade me or convince me to move to “your side”, you have failed. If your intention was to vent some sort of frustration, then I honestly hope you feel better. If you wished to stir trouble and discontent, well that pot is already stirred and not because of anything you contributed.
I appreciate the Rev. for sending his letter to the News Herald and identifying himself, for making a stand for what he believes. I apologize for not identifying myself: the consequences of doing so are unknown and perhaps too great. Yes, I am a professional educator for BCPS. There are many of us here, listening, watching and reading. We are paying attention, forming our own opinions and trying not to be pulled into the pit of paranoia, sadness and fear. We are still attempting to educate students to think for themselves, to expect more from themselves than the mudslinging and gossip being thrown around by many of their “elders”.

Anonymous said...

To 5:31pm from 3:29pm.... You're right. I apologize.

Anonymous said...

To the commenter at 5:31, thank you for what you said; I totally agree. Tony Matthews is a both a wonderful pastor and a great man. It should not matter who else may be a part of his congregation. His opinion was indeed heartfelt, and he made good points. I support Tony all the way.

Anonymous said...

I am appalled at the very first comment. I cannot believe that instead of commenting on the letter written by Rev. Matthews,(a well written one, with an educated mind behind it), you would comment on who he is and who he knows. What a shame. Who cares "who" attends his church? That is irrelevant. Rev. Matthews can speak for himself; he can write for himself; and he is entitled to whatever opinion he has-- regardless of who attends his congregation. You would be singing a different tune had he disagreed with Mr. Armour...but he didn't. Why? Because, they both seem to be looking INTO the written material for what it really is, not for what some may SAY it is.

Anonymous said...

Rev Matthews says, "I do not want to see her public education reduced to that which does not offend the lowest common denominator."
So, in Rev Matthews' opinion, those who are offended are "the lowest common denominator"? We differ from you, Rev Matthews, we're not lower than you. Oops - your arrogance is shining through. We are not the lowest common denominator.

Anonymous said...

Tracy was concerned for the students whose parents don't care enough to learn about what there child is reading. She feels she has to protect them. Her taking action for those students and parent because they may be offended is catering to the lowest common denominator. If we only teach things that does not offend a single person, then we don't have much to teach.

And at the same time you are siding with Tracy. In her arrogance, she decided to ban a book without giving thought to those who might disagree with her.

Anonymous said...

You don't believe in the "lowest common denominator theory"? How many times does history need to repeat itself in the form of SS - style book burnings or events like the Spanish Inquisition before you figure out that censorship just doesn't work?

The greatest single threat to our way of life today is the suppression of knowledge and the gutting of our education system. Knowledge is power, and education is the key to unleashing it. Removing the book isn't the answer.

When I read about the kind of dramatization of this issue by certain BOE members, I am reminded of an old bumper sticker saying, which says, "The moral majority is neither!!" So stop trying to re-invent the system to suit your personal views and start tending to the real business of making sure our teachers and adminstrators have the tools to get their jobs done.

All this petty bickering has to stop...TODAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Buddy Armour is not only great legal counsel for the schools but a morale majority leader for those who are heavily medicated.Buddy Armour's job finding days for people are over.Scott Smith enjoy the remainder of your contract Burke County will not miss you on your way down I-40 after it is over.Maybe Iredell schools can compensate you.

Anonymous said...

To everythat posts . . . do you delight in people loseing their jobs. Are you not happy at yours? Spend some quality time at home with your family and friends, and stop tormenting each other. What comes around goes around. Are tracy and tim not enough proof of that for everyone?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know why Tim and Tracy supporters want everyone fired. Is the school system really that bad. And if it is that bad, you do you plan to get to fill these jobs. Do we have people beating down the door wanting to work for Burke County? Last I heard there is still a shortage.

Anonymous said...

We can do without Scott the weasel and replace him. Yes what comes around goes around and the good ole boys realize that the hard way.Scott is loyal to David Burleson and a few others and thats it.The one who truly needs to go is Randall and not many will argue that.

Anonymous said...

We can do without Scott the weasel and replace him. Yes what comes around goes around and the good ole boys realize that the hard way.Scott is loyal to David Burleson and a few others and thats it.The one who truly needs to go is Randall and not many will argue that.

Anonymous said...

In the 12 years that I have had children enrolled in the Burke County Public Schools I have never been so concerned about the path of our schools as I am now. David Burleson is one of the best and has proven that for years!!! As a parent, I see Mr. Burleson at sport events, speech contest, academic excellence, etc. But most importantly, at the funerals and homes of those experiencing trauma in their life's. David Burleson cares more about our children and their education than anyone I have encounter in a school system. For David Barnard to imply that David Burleson does not care about children (drop out rate) is an insult to the students, parents and community of Burke County. For Tim Buff to state that he did not agree with Mr. Burleson's nominations for the new principal because there have been two principals moved back to assistant principals is absurd!! Does Mr. Burleson have the insight to know that EVERY decision is the perfect one??? If so he would not be living in Burke County putting up with this school board...he would be lying on a beach somewhere as a millionaire!!!! People wake up and see what is really going on here...Tim and Tracy are out to get Mr. Burleson bottom line. Tim and Tracy appear to think they have some type of "high power" and do not have to answer to anyone - Tracy wanting to ban a book because she is concerned about the children of Burke County - it seems that she needs to be concerned about her own child who has drug and concealed weapon charges!!! Karen Sain is just along as a vote!

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous to see posts and comments that attack individuals within our school system who are actually "voices of reason" when it comes to the current school board situations--like The Kite Runner incident. You should also be thankful that Mr. Burleson has the type of support staff that he does, such as the technology director. Our schools are better off with these kind of individuals than those that you seem to praise. It is also sad to see individuals (and I am assuming that most of the bloggers are adults or close to)show their "intelligence" and resort to this kind of talk. Would you say what you write to these individuals' faces? Do you really know these individuals or are you drawing conclusions based only on what you read or hearsay? If you think you can do better at any of these jobs, then by all means, go for it! Go to the Board of Elections, and put your name on the ballot when the next school board election come around, or submit your resume for the next opening of a school position. If you choose not to, then you have no room to comment. It is those that speak hateful words about others, who usually have a problem within themselves.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand. You want to fire Dr. Smith because he is loyal to David Burleson and a few others. Who are the few others? Why is being loyal to the superintendent a offensive that should result in termination? Would you prefer him and others to be back stabbers? Would that be better for the teachers and students of Burke County?

Why should we fire Randall? Did he go to NMUMC too? If he switches to Burkemont can he stay?

And finally who are the good ole boys? Does they exist? Or have you just been repeat this so much you just think it is true?

Anonymous said...

Who cares where they go to church?
People are touchy when you talk about David or Randall, Scott to name a few.I do not care what anyone says lets take all past board members,administration,Kids, and billy anderson himself to a court room way from here and let the good times roll.Wait Administration would pay dearly, cant do that.Scott Smith is a crook and does not belong in Bcps.And, I wish someone would try to take a person to court over this blog.It is being traced and tracked by many.There wouldnt be a courtroom large enough for everyone including myself to be brought in. If one goes everyone does. I love it!

Anonymous said...

The tirades of anger on this blog are upsetting.Scott Smith is going to have to shut this site down.He helped create it and he needs to shut it down!Scott I am an employee of yours and if you do not shut this site down I will speak at the next board meeting and tell the board everything I know you have done! Shut it Down!

A concerned employee

Anonymous said...

To the "it is ridiculous" blogger. When you are an elected leader, not a hired leader, but an elected leader, you have to face the fact that all your choices will be judged. The problem here is, when you are an elected leader, you need to try your best to be an example. Tim and Tracey are not examples, nor do they have any kinda of education. Therefore, they have set themselves up. I am not judging them, but when you vote in a good old boy and a g.e.d. getting community member, its like putting a kid that works after school with the vet in with the doctors at the hospital. I am not wise cracking, I am looking at it comparing apples and apples. When it boils down to it, educated, dedicated, previous teaching experience and prinicpalships with over 20 or so years, like mr. burleson, in the school system, dont equal tim and tracy. I am a hard worker and a proud parent, but I do not have college training or teaching experience. Therefore I am not qualified to be on the school board to tell Mr. Burleson what to do. I trust him for his experience and time in our county ... which is basically his life time so far. Tim has ran a grocery store, and has from what we hear and see or seems to see, a broken marriage, why dont he go get on the board for food lion, where he is more suited. For Mrs. Norman, who knows where you shine, but a broken marriage, and her kids are in trouble, but go shine there instead of being a horses ass infront of the whole county. Try staying home with your kids and working with YOUR OWN before trying to work with mine. Integrity is a hard thing to gain and an easy thing to lose. Tim and Tracey have lost integrity in the way they act in public when Tim is married. Tim and Tracey lost it when THEY NEVER STOOD AND APPLAUDED ANYTHIGN AT DAVID BURLESONS MAN OF THE YEAR DINNER except when Mr. Burleson said his last word of the speech. (and where was charlotte)Why even go to HIS event. You know you will never have one of those events EVER. Tim and Tracy have lost it and honestly, how can they live in this county and have a happy peaceful life? I feel so sorry for them, they will never have peace. No rest for the weary! This is just a dose of poor choices with 2 people that had big talk and high promises to us when they wanted us to vote. Thank you Mr. Burleson for being a qonderful parent, from what I hear a wonderful leader at your church, a concerned community member, and that you dont run your mouth like tim and tracey do. The majority of this county stand for David Burleson. And by the way, I dont care if you judge my spelling or points are made .. just like mrs. normans poor grammar.

Anonymous said...

Well I would be careful talking about broken marrigages because the lord may let you deal with one.Tim and Tracy are not icons neither is David Burleson. The state and federal law says you can run for office of school board.Go pay 20 dollars and file if you want to be Davids keeper.They all went to a personnel law conference this week it will be interesting to see what they all learned from qualified school lawyers who fight daily in the courts.I expect a full report by board members and or administration at the next board meeting.Surely things came up that dealt with the hiring of the principal or anyone else in the schools.You can not change general statutes!

Anonymous said...

You sure can't change statutes. I will have to agree with the other blogger concerning putting a student in with dr's. That is a very very good way to look at it. Makes this mess seem more simple to figure out. They are not quality. They are not as qualified as Mr. Burleson.

Anonymous said...

In order to teach a subject in a North Carolina school, a teacher must have the education and pass certain tests to prove that he/she is "highly qualified." Tell me, if the schools are supposed to be lead by the school board, why don't we expect board members to be highly qualified?

Anonymous said...

"...books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are; nay, they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them. I know they are as lively, and as vigorously productive, as those fabulous dragon's teeth: and being sown up and down, may chance to spring up armed men. And yet, on the other hand, unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book: who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were, in the eye." ~ John Milton

I want my children to be thinkers. One of God's greatest gifts to mankind is reason. Please Tim and Tracy, don't take that away from our schools.

Anonymous said...

The more i read on this blog, the more i realize the Tim and Tracy supporters are all talk. David Burleson is a liar, Scott Smith is a crook, Randall Bracket needs to be fired. How about backing it up?

Take the bloggers to court. What crime have they committed? Are you going to sue them for exercising their freedom of speech?

Many people are tracking and tracing the website. How does one go about doing that? I would like to know. I am going to start tracing the comments and letters. Scott needs to shut it down. What power does he have over the company to shut it down?

And now we have an employee of Scott's posting. Do you really expect me to believe that? I work at Tim's store and i know that he loves this blog. He talks about it all the time. See how easy it is to lie on the internet. Scott helped create it? are you sure? i am not a computer person but I went to and saw how easy its was to make a blog. I don't think anyone would need help.

Anonymous said...

To the ill informed. Who in the hell keeps pushing your buttons? I laugh about everything you say on hear because you do not have the gall to print any of your names. You all are cowards. Scott should block the blog from being used over the school system website.He can and should and if he says he can not he can be replaced with someone who can.

Anonymous said...

How ironic. You leave an anonymous comment complaining about someone remaining anonymous.

Anonymous said...

David and rexanna arranged for the parents of the east burke boys bball team who stole from dicks and coles in nov to come try to take care of things before they got to ugly. Burleson and rexanna watched the videos at the stores.I talked to dicks they would not reveal the boys names. What were the administration hiding? 5 boys were involved. Would they do this for any other students? Something stinks to high heavens here.

Anonymous said...

Cole's-how can you steal from an establishment that does not exist??? Look it up in the phonebook. Only an uneducated loser would type that response.

Anonymous said...

kohl's or however you spell it. I called dicks they gave burleson and rexanna's name.I will call the other establishment.Are you upset that your hero does not look good?

Anonymous said...

It is funny to see your speculation and false rumors. Knowing the names of the kids and the fact that they do not play basketball is interesting considering your posts. Moreover, your limited education and intelligence is humorous. There are rules and policies for student athletes and I doubt you even know these. Let me know what Cole's(hahaha) says when you call!!!

Anonymous said...

Limited education? Mine consists of a bachelor of arts from appalachin state.And yours? Justin Brittain was one of the children involved. Need more names jackass?

Anonymous said...

We know some got defered prosecution. So if they are good they will have a clean record after the period of time elapses.
Also, East Burke is on academic probation.Why? Yes not all were bball players but most were.

concerned citizen said...

How dare you mention a childs name to further your cause. Are you that stupid that you would risk a childs future to further your agenda. I hope and pray that your child is never in trouble and if they are that some a**hole like you doesn't decide to make a example of them to further some stupid school board agenda. All kids make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. That is what we refer to as growing up. Yes, these kids were not by any means right in there choices but they are good kids and do not deserve to be used as your little pawns. You a a very little person to have done this and your moral character has been damaged. I think you should apologize to Justin and anyone else you care to prosecute in the media.

Anonymous said...

You apologize you hypocrite.Lecture me all you believe will make me change my ways.I make no apology for using the name.Yes good people get in trouble.So many on here have used tracys son as an example and yes he screwed up. I know justin's parents and they are good people.So is justin, but I owe you nothing.Wrong is wrong whether a student tracy norman or david burleson. You are just upset the truth is now coming out wait til it hits the paper!

Anonymous said...

The above comment about prosecuting someone in the media is as good a laugh I have had in awhile.What an indecent comment to make when you yourself are bashing people on this blog.If the child is a minor his name will not come out in the paper. But, that does not give David or Rexanna the right to go and stick their nose into criminal activity.Would they have done this for the average child? I SAY NO!

Anonymous said...

I agree - you should have never used a student's name. If I were the parents of this student I would be highly and I MEAN HIGHLY upset with you. You don't feel that you've done anything wrong - print your name and then see how the parents you say you know feel about you. The only jacka** here is you!

Anonymous said...

Print your real name first!

Anonymous said...

To 12:12 Don't call me a hippocrite. I have never mentioned Tracy, Tim or her son on any blog. I also have never heard Tracys son's name mentioned. I also know Justin and his parents and the rest of his family and I can assure you that if you ever show your face or name to go with your true colors you would never be consided a friend or for that matter a respectable human being. You are the worst of the worst A person that cannot admit that he is wrong or has done another human being wrong is beyond help. I will pray that you somehow find some peace in your life. Or maybe purpose in your life without attacking children. This from a concerned citizen who thinks this has gone way to far. The "adults" need to get a grip. Our children are reading these things. What kind of example are we showing. Lets get past this "stuff" and make our concerns known at election time. If you don't agree with what is going on go vote. There was a small percentage who choose the school board. If we all voted things could have been different. Again to this anonymous writer. Let it go. You are so angry you come across as a lunatic. Believe me, you really do.

Anonymous said...

Are people mad that people can find out the truth about things that go on in our system? Surely we dont think that theft by a small group of students would not be found out? There was someone in the store that day who knew the situation and reported it to me. I have kept quiet until now where the students would be able to play ball without scandal since they put up with it the year before.Now it is time to ask the question again for all of you in fantasy land why Burleson and Lowman got so involved with this issue? It is apparent that they did not want this to break.Cetainly, the students had rights and I would not sidestep those,but would the Administration have done this for average students? My confiding in someone who works at one of the stores where this took place is valid and legit. Also many of the parents wanted to keep this quiet and it is understandable, but breaking the law is no excuse for Administrative manipulation of the system. My case, it appears as if the Administration was hiding something again. Strike two. As long as this keeps happening their credibility will continue to go under. It is time they wake up if the election did not do this, termination of employment may.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, I know the situation very personally and Rexanna Lowman, nor Mr. Burleson were ever involved with the particular case you are referring to. I don't know where you got this info. The only people from the school involved were the Resource officer (policeman) and the coach and that was for missing practice. Don't use kids to further your trash. The kids dealt with their issues and have tried to move past this. Please let them. Again I say Rexanna Lowman nor Mr. Burleson helped them in any way I know this for a fact. Do not try to say that I don't know because I do. I don't have a dog in your fight so respect these children. They are children! Let it go. This Coach Anderson stuff is so crazy. Let the man move on. Let the school officials do their jobs. Let the school board figure out what their job is other than to harass kids for their mistakes. I know it may not be them personally but it is very clear who you are promoting. I am neither for or against any of them only FOR the kids. Also, if Andy Hodges gets the coaching job at the new school, GREAT!!! He is a great coach. Let him do his job!Leave the politics out of it.

Anonymous said...

they can trace your computers ip address idiots!

Anonymous said...

so what if they trace the ip address? that makes us an idiots?
what grade are you in?

Anonymous said...

If you're really that worried about being traced, use a proxy server or a spoofed IP address. Otherwise, you're entitled to your opinion, and it's still a free country.

Anonymous said...

Rednecks can't read.